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Prison topic

Started by rachel25, August 17, 2013, 01:06:01 PM

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I leaped out of the boat and on to the shore then sung up in to a tree. I closed one eye tilted my head and looked off at track. I Pointed to an old log that had fallen half in and half out of the water. "That there log would make a good mark," 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun was busy unbuttoning his thick blue tunic and throw it into the bottom of the boat and leaped into the water. He resurfaced and shouted up to Faiyloe. "Are we going there and then back to the boat?"   


"Sure. Now are you ready?" I crouched down in a starting position. "on you mark, Get set, GO!" I leaped trough the air running trough the tree tops swinging from branch to branch. I looked next to me and I could see Drimun. a black streak under the surface. I speed up a little trying to get ahead.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


But Drimun hadn't told Faiyloe something. Back home in Gadna he had been the champion swimmer four summers in a row. He put on an extra burst of speed his rudder going up and down was a blur. Drimun reached the log came up for a short breathe and was heading back in no time.


OOC: "I need to tell you something... I am not left handed either!"  ;D I just had to say that.

I had been going easy pacing my self I hadn't wanted to win by to much and humiliate him but when Drimun put in the extra burst speed I speed up as well like a blur in the tree tops leaping over from tree to tree. I hadn't told Drimun that I had been the farthest leaper back home.  leaping swinging and dashing I soon caught up with Drimun.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun not being able to see Faiyloe didn't know how close she was, he swam deeper, he could see the bottom of the boat and was about to reach it when suddenly something bit into his leg. He opened his mouth in pain and shock letting out his breathe. The thing was dragging him down. He looked down and was terrified when he saw what the creature was. A pike!


I leaped neatly in to the boat reviling in my victory but when Drimun didn't come up I knew something was wrong. Very wrong. I looked in to the water I saw the blurry figure of Drimun under the water and something else and blood. I screamed.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Vilu Daskar

Glantrin you still haven't put me as a worker
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


OOC sorry Vilu you disappeared.
Glantrin had decided. "Okay stoat, you can watch the prison for me while I'm gone, but when Drimun gets back he's in charge. Okay." Glantrin gave Vilu one set of the many keys he carried with him. "These keys do not open any of the cells so don't get any ideas. They only open rooms like the kitchen, not the store room, and the cupboard that has all the cleaning stuff in it, and a whip. When you feed the prisoners, you can pass it to them through the bars. None of them can leave and I am not giving you a key to where the silver is kept. And if I find anything missing or broken when I get back stoat. I will skin you alive, and belief me, I will, it won't be the first time. I have a very nice stoat skin cloak in my room, which is locked. Like all the rooms in this building, now I'm going to pack some things and then I'm leaving." Glantrin left a very confused and shaken stoat that afternoon.

Drimun was blacking out. He needed air, but the pike was still dragging him down. He feebly reached for his dagger that was in his belt, which he had left on, but when he had it in his paws, he had no strength to use it. The pike bit deeper into his leg, he screamed with the pain. But you can't scream under water. His grip on the dagger suddenly became tight. He smacked the pike with his rudder before stabbing into it's side with the dagger. It started to shake and rive to stop Drimun attacking it, but he kept smacking it's face with his rudder and stabbing with the dagger. He stabbed and stabbed and smacked and smacked, until the big fish went limp. But it's jaws were still stuck in his leg. It was still pulling him down, and his energy gone, Drimun blacked out.   


The water erupted and there was a lot of blood What is going on down there I felt like I was going to be sick or pass out or both. I didn't know what to do I was not the best swimmer and I didn't know what was down there! I dove in and swam frantically looking around for Drimun. I saw him limp floating to the bottom with a dead pike biting in to his leg. My hart dropped was he dead... I swam as hard as I could and Released the pikes grip on his leg. My lungs bursting I grabbed him around the middle and pulled him to the surface I dragged him on to the shore. I knelt over him he his leg was torn up and bleeding badly and he lay still. I began to cry. He was dead Drimun was dead and it was my fault if he hadn't of felt like he had to beat me he would have never had the race and this would have never happened. I thought back to how we met and the way he had looked at me and I realize that this was no longer a game. Then I looked up and realized that I had no way to get bake I was alone in a strange place were visitors were never aloud. Even if I was found they might think I killed Drimun. Which brought me right back to the fact that Drimun was dead.

OOC: Wow a long one.               
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: yeah  ;)

BIC Drimun slowly began to move. Then he was sitting up has best he could coughing up loads of water. He gasped  as the pain from his wound hit him full force.
"Faiyloe?" He asked his voice shaky. "What happened?"   


"Oh Your alive!" I said laughing a little "Oh lie still you've been hurt!" I said pushing him back down.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun clenched his teeth in pain. "So? does this mean I don't win?" He said jokingly, trying to take his mind of the excruciating pain in his leg.


I ran back to the boat and took out the bottle of cherry wine. I helped Drimun to sit up a little and then drink some. "This should help with the pain. Do you have any bandages in the boat?"     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun nodded. "Yeah, there should be a whole first aid kit in a box attached to the bottom of the boat." He breathed deeply trying not to shout or cry. Faiyloe guested he must only be about 16 or 17 seasons old.