
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Started by rachel25, August 17, 2013, 01:06:01 PM

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Drimun coughed to clear his throat and began. "Well a long time ago before Gadna was a nation or this land had anybeast living in it, there were these three brothers. Gadna, Endora, and Crutlias. Gadna was the eldest and then Endora, and Crutlias was the youngest. Well their father died and Gadna was supposed to become the new leader, but their fathers tribe didn't all want to follow Gadna. So most of the tribe followed Gadna, some followed Endora and the rest Crutlias. They travelled here to what is now Gadna, and settled. Gadna and Endora married but not Crutlias, he was wild, and the otters that followed him were all warriors eager for battle. But a few years down the line, they were living in the land, when a terrible deed was reported to Gadna. Crutlias had sneaked into Gadna's castle where him and his followers lived, and had shamed Gadna's daughter. Gadna was furious and went to talk with his brother, but Crutlias had fled. But he wasn't gone long, he returned, and attacked Gadna's castle. Endora joined Gadna along with his followers and fought Crutlias and his army. But then something very terrible was discovered about Crutlias and his followers. Gadna and Endora found out that Crutlias and his tribe were users of the dark ways. Magic, and in the ancient laws magic had been forbidden and was a crime punishable by death. Well Gadna and Endora defeated Crutlias and his army, they fled but Crutlias was slain.
Then not too long later, Gadna's daughter had a baby. A boy, the living image of Crutlias. Gadna let his daughter keep the babe, but it was Gadna who named him. Luthias, which means shame.
Luthias grow up to be as wild as his father, but then he fell desperately in love with Endora's daughter, Kirtaen, for by this time Endora had died, and Kirtaen was now the leader of the Endorarins, as they had come to be known. Gadna was also dead and his son Fotrik was leader of the Gadnains. But that doesn't really matter, Luthias asked Kirtaen to marry him, but she refused saying, Not until you prove yourself to be a man, and not a child. Go and slay Damascus the Werat of the east, and bring me back his sword, and head. Only then shall I marry you. And Luthias did, he went and slew Damascus and brought back his sword, and head. But while he had been away, Kirtaen and the Endorarins had felt the pull of the sea, and had left leaving the Gadnains to have the land.
Luthias was distort, and then to add insult to injury him mother died, the only one who would protect him. And Fotrik his uncle began to torrent him, calling him. The result of shame, and the reason for a war. Luthias lost it with him, and murdered him in the dark of night. But his act was found out by Fotrik's daughter, Phomtic, and she tried to kill Luthias, but the attempt failed. She then in anger decided to do something unspeakable. She had heard that a few of the remaining followers of Crutlias were living in the woods that we walked through to get here today. She sent and had them all killed, well almost, one ottermaid survived, but she was mad, and was a user of the Dark Ways. Luthias found her and married her, not for love but so he could reinstate the Crutliasns. He built a house in a clearing near the woods. Hidden so Phomtic would never find them. It is said he had to chain the ottermaid who's name was Tortiana, to the wall, because she daily tried to kill him, their children, and herself.
Their descendants were named the Luthiasits, and they intermarried with the Gadnains. It is said that the Temple of Phomtic was destroyed by the Luthiasits, because of what she did so long ago. They are still here, hidden, and they are not about to reveal themselves, for they still use the Dark Ways."  Drimun took a deep breathe, for he had just told the whole history of Gadna and had not even stopped for breathe.


I was quiet for a few minuets taking it all in. then I said "Gadna has such a rich history but where does the Cruba Nutroks Festival fit in with all this?"

OOC: Wow that was a lot. You should to right a history book about Gadna or something.  :D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun held up a paw. "I'm getting to that but I needed to breath." he picked up a glass of water that was on the table and had a long drink. "OK that's better, now Cruba Nutroks Festival, well, it is the festival  we keep to remember Endora, because  one he died at this time of year, and two he died a long time before Gadna. He got an disease that made his heart stop working. Some say that Crutlias cursed him, because he didn't side with him, there for killing him. Endora was said to be very wise, even though he was younger than Gadna, Gadna always asked Endora's advise on everything. So the Cruba Nutroks Festival is the day we celebrate our victory over Crutlias and to honour, Endora, and the reason it translates as Spring Water Festival is because Endora's name means The spring of wise water that shall make me never thirst. Their father always loved Gadna the best, but it was his mother, and many of the people who loved Endora. His descendants were said to be peace keepers and poets, but also warriors. Endora wrote some books before he died, Queen Namin has the Origanals that Endora wrote himself, I have some copys back at the Prison."
OOC: Yeah and I was rushed when writing it yesterday, I might write a history book of Gadna, thanks for the idea  ;D


I smiled and said "I never knew Gadna had such a rich history,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun was about to reply when the sound of small bells filled the air. Drimun looked out of the window, the first few stars were appearing in the night sky. Like small, shiny stiches in a black quilt that covered the sky. "Time for uqurit." Drimun said pulling himself up and grabbing his crutches. "Come of Faiyloe, Uqurit means dinner." Drimun called back as he made his way quickly to the door.


I fallowed and opened the door for Drimun.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Thank ye kindly." Drimun smiling, and then set off as fast as he could on crutches, laughing his head. "We never finished our race!" He called back as he rounded a corner, disappearing from view.


"If you can't off crutches then how do you expect to win on them!" I yelled running to catch up.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"I got the head start!" Drimun called, "And I know where I'm going!"

Vilu Daskar

Does anybody want someone locked up?
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


"We will see about that!" When I caught up I slowed to a jog and ran along side Drimun careful to  stay out the way of his crutches.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun scowled fearlessly. "It's not fair."
Then they rounded a corner and went out a door into the gardens. Just around another corner was a patio, with a table and chairs on it. Delifor and his wife and two littles one were walking towards the table from out of the gardens.
Drimun slowed right down, and waited until Faiyloe, and him were noticed. Delifor saw them and waved them over.


We headed over to the patio when we reached it I asked Drimun if he needed help getting up on to it or not.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Vilu Daskar

Official Notification new price to be let out.
It now costs 1 gold doubloon and 2 silver cherries   
Never trust a smiling pirate.  :D

I can do that because I'm awesome.

"It really gets up my nose when publishers call my book another Lord of the Rings. It's my bloody book! I wrote it. And another thing, I didn't have to plunder Norse and European mythology to do it!" - Brian Jacques.


OOC: um Vilu in Gadna they have loads of gold. So I may make the prize five silver cherries but yeah.

BIC: Drimun shook his head and swung up wincing as he banged his leg down hard, but he sucked it up, and walked over to the table.
There were allotted chairs for Faiyloe, and Drimun and Drimun sat down in his commenting, "It's a beautiful night, and it's so great to see you again Higta! How you fairing."
Higta smiled sweetly and replied, "I'm very well Drimun, but it seems that you can't say the same. Delifor told me all about it." She then turned to Faiyloe and said smileing. "Good day to you Faiyloe, I speak your language as well as Gadnain so I think we'll get along fine."