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Prison topic

Started by rachel25, August 17, 2013, 01:06:01 PM

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I fallowed Opitlr and helped Drimun with his crutches. " This place is so wonder full. I still can't get used to all the gold every where!"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun smiled. "Gold is as comman here as stone. That's one of the reasons we have to keep Gadna hidden. Or we'd be over run with beasts digging the whole place up."
They walked through room after beautiful room, eventually Opitlr came to one and  pointed to a door which had a gold handle, and was decorated with gold and a bit of silver. "Cryshum groolit Drimun opentyrd."
Drimun turned to Faiyloe. "These are my rooms. He says your rooms are up stairs."


"Ok. Are you sure you will be all right by your self?" I said more because I was nervous about being without a translator than any thing. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun snorted. "Sure I'll be fine, later when your settled you could come down to my room and I'll start teaching you Gadnain."


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Opitlr took Faiyloe's paw and lead her up a flight of stairs and down a corridor until they reached a door made from fine oak with gold and silver dolphins decorating it. "Thfiy fhrgt Faiyloe gdirtoy."


I had no idea what he had just said but I guessed that this was my room. I turned to Opitlr and Said "Comacy," Hoping that it applied then I opened the door.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Opitlr bowed once and brought the bags into the room and left them by the door. The room was huge, it had oak floors, and red painted walls, covered in gold decorations, with a bit of silver here and there. Two long sofas where in the middle of the room, around a low glass table. On the far side of the room was tall floor to ceiling windows, that opened onto a balcony. Through a door way was the bedroom. In the Center of which was the bed. It was wide and long and had purple and red covers, and pillows. A dressing table stood in a corner next to a wardrobe. On the walls were buaetiful paints and works of art. Through another doorway was a wash room, with a large marble bath tub at the side and a table with all sorts of glass bottles filled with prufumes.


I Uncorked one of the bottles and took a whiff. I put the bottle down and went over to the bed. then going back in to the mane  room I went out on to the balcony. The place was huge. Put together it was as big as the dining hall back home.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


The cloaked otter who had sneaked in jumped back out of sight when Faiyloe went onto the balcony.
"Cridshur mabo luitpy grilf."He muttered to himself under his breathe.


I looked out and got a good look at the city for the first time.  (Since it is your city I will let you describe it Rachel.)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


BIC it was so beautiful, the houses on this street were all villas, with walls going all the way around them and their gardens. They were made from strong cream stone, and and were all flat roofed, with gardens on top of them. The Silver Palace stood in the Center of all the villas.
Further away, the houses were smaller and were made from wood, with thatched roofs, and small gardens. The streets each had three fruit trees of any kind on them and five none fruit bearing trees. After five rows of houses the was always a little grass area, with trees growing freely on them. Faiyloe could see young otters playing on these grass areas.
A loud bong made Faiyloe look towards a tall bell tower, made from cream stone. She could here the sound of fountains and in the distance the water fall Sulonda Mokain. Near the grass areas were lakes and streams, and small water falls running into them, a huge forest surrounded the entire city hiding it from the rest of the world.


I sighed I wanted to stay there but I knew I would have time to look around latter now I needed to go find Drimun. I left the balcony closing the windows behind me then I left my room and attempted to find my way back to Drimuns room. If I remembered right I had to go down this flight of stairs and... After on or tow wrong terns and a lot of back tracking I found my self in front of Drimuns door. I gave a light knock with the back of my knuckles.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Attemptin' tae get more people poztin' in ziz zread...

Hiag was running. All around him he heard the steady wail of sirens. Various beams of light flashed all about him. He had to get out of there! He increased his pace as several light beams flashed upon him. "Stop or I'll shoot!" shouted somebeast. "This is your last warning! Any further attempt to escape and you will be-ah, toss that." This latter part was due to the fact that Hiag had not stopped running at all, and had in fact sped up even more when they made the threat. "Forget the warnings!" shouted the beast again to the rest of his troops. "Shoot 'im!"
Hiag kept running. Around him shots were being fired. It was getting pretty difficult to keep ahead of the Underland Police Force (or U.P.F). They had been tracking him ever since he had made a break from the Dark-Core prison facility, and he was getting overly aggravated about it. He was innocent! Couldn't those idiots see anything past their dumb noses? He hadn't planned to come down here to the Underland; in fact, he had been in fact trying to go the opposite way! He ducked as another volley of shots rained down around him and suddenly he tripped over a lump of ground that turned out to be the top part of a hill and he tumbled wildly down it into the river below. By the time that U.P.F troops got there he was nowhere to be seen.

Meanwhile, back at the prison...

OOC: Anybeazt pleaze feel free to pozt aboot vot's goin' on back at ze prizon!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


OOC: I'll post what happened!
BIC: The captain in charge of the U.P.F troops shouted for a long time after they came back with nothing. "You blathering buffoons! It was just one weasel! JUST ONE! And you couldn't catch him, you couldn't even shot him!" He took a deep breathe and called some more U.P.F troops who hadn't been sent out to caught HiaG. "Give them all thirty lashes each." A groan arose from all the U.P.F troops who were to be punished. But none tried to resist, no body ever said no, not if they didn't want to end up in a cell themselves.
Drimun who had similar quarters to Faiyloe just without the balcony, jumped up at the sound of the knock on his door, and hobbled over to the door on his crutches. He opened the door and smiled at Faiyloe. "Hi I thought you'd be down soon, can you see the view of the city from your room. Though your window probably doesn't face towards the market."