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Prison topic

Started by rachel25, August 17, 2013, 01:06:01 PM

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"You were right I should learn some Gadnaian. If you had told me about the language barrier before we came I would have done some studding." I said.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun nodded.
The young ottermaid nodded and said to Delifor. "Sete gopoityr."
Drimun whispered to Faiyloe. "She said yes follow me."
The ottermaid walked away and they all followed Drimun being helped along by Katro.


I nodded and followed close behind Drimun.

(Not much else I can say)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


The ottermaid led them into a comfortable room and told them to wait while she went and got Mulbo.
She wasn't gone long and came back with the old otter Healer.
"Okay looks like our job is done here lads," Delifor said to his otter crew. "You lot go off home and to the taverns, I'll stay here and help." This was all said in Gadnain of course and the otters all left happily. All except Orbec. He left with a troubled look on his face, and then looked at Faiyloe. She must be warned.


I watched them leave and noticed that Orbec kept giving me funny looks. Was something on my face was I doing something wrong?
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Orbec shook his head and left the room.
Mulbo sighed and said to Drimun. "Your hopeless you know that, now come on I'll see what I can do with that leg. "
She unbandaged Drimun's leg and sent the young ottermaid for some hot water. When she returned Mulbo cleaned the leg and using some tweezers pulled three Pike's teeth out of Drimun leg. Drimun clenched his teeth together and tried not to scream.
When Mulbo was all done she re bandaged Drimun's leg and said. "Your going to have to keep off it for the rest of the day. And you'll need some crutches. But where are you going to stay, I afraid there's no guest rooms left here, it being the Spring Water Festaval  tomorrow."
Delifor stepped forward. "They could stay at my villa, my wife wouldn't mind she loves visitors. But it would depend if you two would be alright with having two little otters running around you all the time." he said smiling.
Drimun looked up and smiled. "That would be great, and how old are the twins now?"
"Oh there a season and a bit, and Me and Higta are expecting another one." Delifor said proudly.
"Oh congratulation." Drimun beamed.


"I wouldn't mined a bit. I love little ones," I said.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Then it's settled,"Delifor said. "Okay Drimun we better go get those crutches and then we can set off. My villa isn't far from here, I'll carry your bags and such."
Drimun nodded. "Okay sounds great, Mulbo do you know the where abouts of any crutches?"
Mulbo rolled her eyes  skyward and said to the ottermaid. "Kiter crtyums loioopr voutj."
The ottermaid bowed and ran off to do her biding.
From behind a pillar in the courtyard outside, an otter dressed in a silver and red, tunic and a black cloak listened to every word that was said. If Orbec was right, this squirrelmaid would be very useful indeed. All he had to do was wait until she was alone.


once Drimun had received the crutches and we were heading out I said "well It looks like we won't be seeing the sights after all,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Drimun frowned. "Well if you wanted you could go or I could maybe hop along as well. But the first thing we're doing when we reach Delifor's villa is that I'm going to teach you basic Gadnain."
The cloaked otter followed at a safe distance behind the trio. The street was quite crowded so no one would notice him.
He spoke and understood the nativ language of Mossflower and beyond. His Master had taught him every language that had ever be recorded in Gadnain history, so understanding the squirrelmaid and Drimun who he knew lot about was easy.


"hey your not going anywhere! you were told to rest. as for the basic Gadnain I would need that if I was to go out by my self,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Shut him up or shut him down.
Normal is just a setting on your dryer.


OOC: Well Me and Drimun are in Gadna right now. Drimun was injured by a pike and some strange beast is fallowing me.  Back at the prison Vilu is left partly in charge. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Ah, ze perfect recipe for drama, nyet?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


OOC: And Glantrin has gone off somewhere  :)

BIC: Drimun huffed but didn't say anything.
They walked up to two large wooden gates with a golden knocker in the middle of the right gate., Delifor got hold of the golden knocker and banged it twice on the gate. In moments the gate was opened by a young otter. He smiled and said to Delifor, "Liutra dutlp gftewai witfy tquings."
Delifor patted the young otter on the back. "Cooselow mutrkupt Opitlr, pleo ghfet robus."
Drimun translated for Faiyloe. "The servant boy said, good day sir, your wife is in the courtyard with the twins. And Delifor said, very good Opitlr, will you show my two guests to their rooms."
The servant boy bowed once to Delifor, and took the bags off him. Then said to Drimun. "Quik lipotra dunticf."
Drimun turned to Faiyloe and said. "He wants us to follow him."
The cloaked otter stood in the street opposite the gates to Delifor's villa. He would wait for a few days, untilthe squirrelmaid had learned enough Gadnain to feel brave enough to come out and explore. And he would be waiting.