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Race to Ascension..... (Phase I) "So close, and yet so far." ~Introduction~

Started by Dannflower Reguba, September 07, 2013, 12:59:52 AM

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Xant ran forwards, the creature he had been heading for had just gone behind a fallen log.
Xant drew his knife from his belt.
He was sure the creature was a wildcat. 


As the dark form came upon her, she felt a feeling of fear and delight, mixed together and making her feel peaceful, living the moment without a thought. She jumped up and crashed on the beast, hoping to throw it on the ground and imobilize it.



As the creature leaped on him Xant throw down his blade. He didn't want to kill the wildcat but he wasn't going to let it beat him either. He knew with his size  and strength he could beat such an adversary.

Dannflower Reguba

     3 hours later: Everybeast that's left is circled around a blazing fire, not to large so as to give away their position, but plenty for all to asses the current situation. A runty badger stood, shouldering a knobbly club, "I dunno about the rest 'a yuss, but ah ain't stickin' around to be dragged away in another raid, pygmies are persistent soe's I reckermend that yous all comes along." With that, the beast walked further into the now lush forest.

     Arguments had already been settled, though the beasts that foolishly followed the pygmy horde would take awhile to recover from their new club-sized bruises, they had been ambushed almost upon sight of the cave.

The shrew from earlier twirled his sling as he stood up to follow the badger after saying, "Best not ter argue wid' a badger friends, we've come so close, might as well finish our journey."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Thanora got up gingerly from her seat. She had received several large bruises including a large welt on the back of her head.  "I failed them, I left them to die. I wouldn't be much help dead and even if I hadn't run I wouldn't have been able to really help them. Did I do the right thing would that have been what my parents would have wanted." She thought. she reached up and touched The bright red rag tide around her upper arm. It was all the was left of her baby sisters blanket. It was a bit scorched around the edges, torn and a little dirty but it was all she had left to remember her by. Of all that she had lost that day she missed her baby sister the most. For her life to have been snuffed out a such a young age. Thanoras nose stung with tears and she tightened her jaw and glared off at nothing. 

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Sandfire could not resist a smug grin to himself. He had been one of the beasts to run away, and although he wasn't proud of it, judging by the brusies on his companions, it had been a good choice. He glanced at the sling, and the guntlets he still wore. Well, if there is a scrap, I'll be ready for it. he thought. Maybe, if he wasn't so quick, he would get clubbed too. I'm getting outta here. He stood up, and followed the badger.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Raelicco sneered at the ones who had gone after the shrews. Pathetic, he thought. Absolutely pathetic. Look where worrying about otherbeasts had gotten those fools. He didn't regret one bit his choice to turn away. He also walked off in the same direction as the others, into the forest.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Cedany got up and followed the badger. The outcome of the fight she had started with Xant unconsciously finished when she saw the group and ran at them, and then found out that it was the burly otter that was attacking her. Now she looked at him with contempt, and told herself that she would do anything in her power to get rid of him...


Xant stood up and walked after the wildcat. His nose was bleeding a bit but apart from that he wasn't injured. 
He was a little confused about the wildcat's attack. He had only gone to see what she was doing.
Xant picked up his knife that he had throw away at the start of the fight as he walked near it.
Maybe I should have killed her. He thought. Why didn't I? He wondered, usually he would have just killed her. Maybe it was because he wanted to know what was going on.
Xant hurried after the badger and the other creatures. He wanted answers, and he was going to get them. Now. 


Thanora adjusted her shield on her back and winced as it came in contact with one of her bruises. She looked behind her and saw a strange otter she had never seen before. She would have remembered him too, with all those tattoos on his back and rudder he was not some one you could easily forget. He was definitely not one of the group. Who was he? Where had he come from? What was he doing here and what did he want? She thought. Curiosity quickly over came her previous bad mood and she slowed her pace to let the other otter catch up.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Norham Waterpaw

Hadrim rubbed his sore legs. He had pushed himself too hard. As he saw the potential fight between Xant and Tanora, he got up. He wanted to see the outcome of this.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


  Cassius stood up, following the fuzzy black and white image of what he guessed was the badger.  He didn't want to stay around the camp with the injured beasts; who knew what one might do after getting into a fight?  They might just want to continue that fight with a weaker beast!  Not that Cas was weak, but he knew that he wouldn't stand a chance if he had no advantages.  To fight in the darkness was better for him, but going up against a large otter or a weasel would certainly mean his death.  So, Cassius followed the badger.

 Not even realizing it, the fox fell in step with what looked to be a tall, brown wildcat.  He couldn't tell if it was a male or a female, but from how lean it looked, he guessed it was a she.  He guessed that she was probably a rather beautiful beast, but beauty really meant nothing to Cas; smart vixen were his sort, not pretty she-cats.

 Cas didn't feel like starting a conversation, but after staring at this she-cat for at least a full minute, he realized that it might seem odd if he didn't start speaking.  Clearing his throat, he quietly said, "Hey, I'm Cassius.  What's your name?"

If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Xant saw an otter at the back slow up. Is she waiting for me?[/i] He wondered.
Xant quickened his pace to catch up. When he was level with the other otter he noticed it was a she.
She looked a little younger than him, maybe only a season, but there seemed to be a hardness behind those beautiful eyes. A pain, that was from not to long ago.
Xant decided to get straight to the point. "What in the name of fire and water is going on?" 


Thanora turned and looked the otter up and down he looked about her age maybe a season older but he was tall and looked like he had been in more than one skirmish. She extended her paw and winced as the big otter squeezed it "The names Thanora. Me and my companions are on a quest to find the place called The Halls of Eternity. We were just traveling through when a band of pygmy shrews attacked our camp. We lost most of our companions and we're all that is left. Who are you?" She said. She hoped he would stick around with the loss of the others they would need all the help they could get. This reminded her of her failure to save them and she became quiet again.

When she had joined she had said that she wanted to do this because she needed a challenge but the real reason was that she had wanted to prove to her self and her parents that she was worthy. She blamed her self for not being able to save them. Why couldn't it have been her that night in stead of them? she knew that was being selfish but she couldn't help thinking about it. She would have traded her life in an instant. Now all she wanted was to make up for her failure but If she couldn't even save her companions then how was she going to be able to prove herself.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Cedany looked at the he-fox next to her. Taking a sheet of parchment and a charcoal stick, she wrote in neatly ornate letters: "I'm Cedany, nice to meet you!" And she smiled her sweetest smile.

OOC: Sorry for short post