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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Crystal ran down the stairs and into the great hall. Surprisingly it was empty except for one maid passing threw to get up stairs to the bedchambers. when she was gone crystal took out the map again and went over to the wall where she saw carved on it a rose faded and old but still there. She said some words and the stone moved aside to reveal a small room she slipped in and it closed behind her. Now let them try and find me. I wont fall for their tricks again. She thought.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Dannflower Reguba

     Argo rolled his eyes, "Again, trying to stop a beast that has magic is a foolhardy way to go, come come Jarn, mind carrying our friend there? I'll need to focus so that I don't lose track of our runaway." The squirrel approached the door, "Nice try Crystal, but I'm such a fool as to enter a place such as this without a way out." He got down on both knees and leaned back, focusing, "et memoria tenere, dissolveretur." A cylindrical hole burned through the doorway, "Kindly make your way through with all speed, this one is not too hard to cast, or to hold.... for very long." He held up his hands to keep the hole in place long enough for his compatriots to pass through.

     "Wherever doth the sound resound, there I shall find you. Whether perpetrator or victim you cannot hide nor be hidden. The knowledge of nature surpasses that held even by those with the third eye. Run, hide, swim, dig, enshroud, fly...... There is no place in this world that injustice should rule, and by no means shall I stand by as it is carried out on my very doorstep!"  Argo had closed his eyes, as if in trance, but now opened them with renewed vigor, "I gave you several chances Crystal, why must you refute the path which you have been so close to treading." He reached into his satchel and retrieved two pieces of lightweight obsidian and slid them into place on his arm guards. After letting their hidden energy channel while waiting for the others to pass through the hole, he stated with finality, "Et sonabit super omnem vocem et veritas aperta et occulta est oculis!"

     The hole in the wall disappeared, but Argo was already gone.

OOC: This post was made with the assumption that Jarn has no intention of staying in the room.  ;)

@Faiy: Come on, you should know me well enough by now to know that I always have a trick up my sleeve.  ;) Also, how did you make it all the way to your hiding place without either Jarn or I moving or saying anything? You're going way too fast.

The spell used on the wall was a temporary disintegration one.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Ivar felt strange. He had no idea where he was- No, that wasn't it. He knew exactly where he was, but what confused him was that he was, in fact, nowhere. He saw nothing around him. If he forced his vision with all of his strength, he could see a faint blue mist, swirling around. But that hurt his eyes, so he stopped. He waited- There seemed to be nothing he could do. He tried to remember- what, he wasn't sure- but he failed. He didn't know who he was, or why he was here. It crossed his mind that he might be dead, and this was death, but somehow that didn't seem likely. He heard a slight whooshing sound, and whirled around. Floating in front of him was a piece of parchment. As he walked towards it, a wind blew, as if from nowhere, ruffling his fur. He reached out to grab the map, and a bright blue light shone from it, illuminating his face in strange hues and tones. Just before his paw closed on the map, it shivered, and began to fly backwards. He tried to walk towards it, but a pain was growing, starting from his heart and seeping outwards. It was overwhelming. Still, he tried to run towards the map, but he felt as if he was sinking. He could just barely sense his memories, everything he had ever known, floating, as if on a smooth lake. But he was sinking, ever sinking... A blinding flash of white, or pain, he couldn't tell, and the world shifted.

Pain. Gradually increasing, agonizing... A gemstone hung in the air in front of him, looming over him as if malevolently. Pain. More pain. He cried out. "Please! Help! Anybody, help! Agggh! The parchment... I need it! Please... No... You're hurting me!" He doubled over and began to sob. His vision shifted, and all was still.

Images flashed before his eyes- They were monochromatic, a deep blue. An old piece of parchment, lines shifting and glowing. A hammer with a crystal imbedded in it, glowing with light. A black sword being unsheathed. A rapier being thrown to the ground. A mousemaid running away from him. The map again. The hammer, the mousemaid.
And then his vision fell dark. He felt as if he had been in a room, and now the floor fell out from beneath him. He gave out a scream, as he fell into oblivion.
All was still.


OOC: I assumed there would be slight time overlap. you know how they do it sometimes in books the fallow a character and then go back in time a bit to see what happened to the others. there is always a little overlap in RPs. also you didn't have to do all that the spell I cast was only valid till I got out of range and I was moving fast so by that point you could have just opened the door. Also Crystal has a right to the map so technically she wasn't stealing so that search spell you said might not work. The map belonged to her master and would be her inheritance.

BIC: Crystal waited in the dark. Her crystal letting off a faint glow just enough to make out the shadows of the tiny room it was just big enough to fit a small desk and a chair but little else.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: Ivar's life force is bound to the map. Maybe next time you steal a map, ask if it's okay for you to take it first. Y'know, so you can avoid sending the person into a coma full of dark dreams that can only be fully remedied by (You guessed it) the map.
Oh, and the part of Ivar's dream where he sees the gemstone, I was wondering if it's fine with you for that to be a sort of communication of Ivar to the map to your crystal to auditory sound... A way for Crystal to know that she's killing Ivar. Not that she would nescessarily act on it, but... Idk.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Okay, that makes sense.  ;) But as far as the spell, it wasn't a search spell, the first was an invigoration, (after the hole one that is) and the second was.... well your about to see.  ;) I know where you are because as soon as you flared the torch I started listening to you again. It's hard for me to scan for a particular beast when they're just out and about, but I can track them easily when they start near me.  BIC:

     Argo's body had melded with sound. Sound is a funny thing, it acts even in silence, and is impossible to escape...... That's why The squirrel used it, "Next time you plan on stealing something, you better wait until I'm not around." The squirrel said this as he re-materialized just 5 feet in front of the thieving mouse, this time with drawn sword, "Why do you insist on following a path that will ultimately lead to your demise? You rant and rave about the injustice of the law while you yourself take that which you've not earned." His eyes hardened, boring holes into Crystal's soul, "There are few things worse than a hypocrite." 
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: She is in a very small space.  He could be no more than 3 feet away at most.

BIC: Crystal could hear Ivar's voice crying out to her in her head. it is a trap that squirrel has done something she thought. Just then he appeared in front of her and she jumped up the light of the crystal flared up illuminating the room.

"Why do you insist on following a path that will ultimately lead to your demise? You rant and rave about the injustice of the law while you yourself take that which you've not earned." he said and the look he gave her made her uneasy. "There are few things worse than a hypocrite."

"then you are worse than I. You sneak about in dark corners unseen, not because you must to survive but because it is a thing you fancy and steal others secrets invading their privacy which is more valuable than any gold. I only steal from those who can afford it. The map is rightfully mine. It was my masters and is part of my inheritance. therefore the thief in this case was not me but the prince. I took back what was mine and that is all,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar's vision flashed yet again. A voice echoed through his mind.

"then you are worse than I. You sneak about in dark corners unseen, not because you must to survive but because it is a thing you fancy and steal others secrets invading their privacy which is more valuable than any gold. I only steal from those who can afford it. The map is rightfully mine. It was my masters and is part of my inheritance. therefore the thief in this case was not me but the prince. I took back what was mine and that is all,"

Ivar shuddered and fell to the ground. His head began to hurt. It was unbearable. Clamping his hands to his head, he let out a cry of anguish. His heart began to feel like it was being ripped out of his chest. Is this what it's like to die? He wondered. Then, a sudden feeling of peace and relief spread over him. He knew who he was. He knew where he was- Not in this dreamspace, but being carried by a friend. He knew why he was, and he felt he hadn't known that before. He could rise at any moment- But he would not, not yet. He had one final thing to do. He willed the crystal that he had seen before back into existance, and spoke to it, in deeper, more confident tones than he felt he had ever used.
"The map is your inheritance, and yours it shall be. But not yet. I have a task I must perform with it. Then I will unbind myself, and the map is yours. Please, hinder me not, or I fear I will die, and with me, our best chance at our mutual goal. Please. At least hear me out."

Ivar's eyes flicked open, startling Jarn. "Hello, Jarn. Good to see you again. Back in a tick." Ivar rolled down a staircase into Great Hall, and ran over to a small wall-panel with a rose carved into it. A set of runes began glowing gently on his face, and the back of his paws. He pushed the wall with a grunt, and it slid open. The runes faded. He knelt before Crystal and Argo, breathing heavily. "Little... time... May I see the map?" Beginning to catch his breath, he continued. "When one binds oneself to an artifact, there are certain... benefits gained- However, they only apply when the artifact has been removed, and one is attempting to reclaim it. If you show me the map, I will unbind myself. On my honor, or what's left of it, I will."

Dannflower Reguba

     "I sneak because that is where I specialize, and beasts try their hardest to hide that which they don't want others to see. It's my job to see these things because if I don't then I cannot make a proper judgement of the situation when it comes time to make one." Argo's eyes started to burn with an engulfing spirit like blue, "Two wrongs don't make a right! And just because one beast works harder, or has had better fortune than ones self does not give you the right to seize their property!"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Crystal looked from Iver to Argo. This is all a big trick and I almost fell for it she thought those screams sounded so real yet here he stands as if nothing has happened. yet she was still cornered. She threw the map on the ground and pushed past them "Keep it if you want it so bad," She said and then went threw a side door and into the kitchen.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Can you guys slow down? I'm waiting for Rach to post.


Ivar turned and started to go after her. "No! Wait! You can have the map, I just need to use- Gah, it's no use." He turned back to Jarn and Argo. "Well. That wasn't great." He picked up the map. "Okay. Time to unbind myself. Just take a moment." He unrolled the map and began to hum an unearthly tune. Ever-shifting blue light shone from the map onto his face, as the lines writhed and convulsed. Ivar's hum became a chant- A chant that nobeast's mouth should have been able to form. Runes on Ivar's face began to glow, wind blew up from the parchment, blowing his headfur straight up. The lines on the map began to decelerate, slowly forming... A reflection. An exact depiction of Ivar. As Ivar spoke the last words of his chant, the light turned purple, then red. The wind increased in intensity. The lines, the runes on his face, and the light flashed brightly one last time, and then faded away. Ivar crumpled slowly to the ground, moaning. "Don't... feel... so good... Unnhh..." He lay on the floor for a moment, then he sat up and gave a weak cough. Smiling faintly, he almost whispered "I'll be alright in a moment. Jarring... process... I was drawing strength from it... It was almost... addictive.." With that, he rolled to his feet, took a deep breath, and unsheathed his rapier. Unscrewing the pommel, he slid in the rolled-up map. "So. We're in agreement about our goals... Now comes the best way to achieve them. I have a plan, involving the map... But I need several casters for it to work. I don't think there's many reliable magicians out there- Most of them have either become criminals or stopped their art. It's usually not a good idea to trust a thief- At least, not until you know them better. Most of the magicians I know have stabbed me in the back- At least Crystal didn't drive in the knife. I think-" Here he paused, rubbing his chest ruefully- "That I'm going to have a nasty scar after that. It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest- Slowly, with a burning hot iron. Regardless, I think Crystal is our best bet for another caster who might be willing to help. At least, we know her goals are the same as ours. We might be able to regain her trust- If I can give her the map back. She's at least partially right, it was her master's, she's more right to it than I. Probably make better use of it, too- I just won it in a game of cards. The problem with that plan, though, is that she might not be willing to help- In that case, the whole idea's doomed, because she'll have the map and we won't have another magician. But I think it's a risk worth taking. I wouldn't trust any other magician- Excluding yourself, Argo- You saved my life there- to be in the same room as the map, forget tapping into its power." Ivar finished, returning his sword to its sheath. "What say you?"


Crystal walked threw the kitchen and out the side door She passed Saygar on the way but she hardly notice. Neither did she care. She left threw one of the side wall gates and headed for Kashes place. Paws shoved deep in her pockets looking at the ground.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Cornflower MM on February 12, 2014, 09:30:59 PM
Can you guys slow down? I'm waiting for Rach to post.
OOC: So sorry for not posting, I haven't really had the chance. And could someone bring me up to date. I don't have a clue what's happening. So I don't really know what I should post.  ???


OOC: Crysal and Janr got into the castle then Crystal went off on her own and ran into Ivar he showed her this map which showed them a hidden room off the library in the attic where they were going to talk. but Jarn fallowed her using a tacking device (The arm bracelet he gave her). She go mad and felt betrayed. she stole the map and ran off with it. they went after her she gave it back and then ran off. she is now headed to Kashes house. and the others are planing something.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?