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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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"What?" Ivar had known something was up, but he hadn't expected this. "Why are you here? What do you need to do so badly in the castle? And why in  blazes did Jarn help you? You're a criminal and he's a squire, for king's sakes!" Ivar pondered over this for a moment. "If you've done something to him... Forced him by trickery, magic, or both... I swear on my life, you'll regret it. Theft is one thing, beguiling a squire... Unacceptable. Absolutely so." He pointed his blade at Crystal's throat, a scowl on his face. "Tell me everything. Now."


Crystal took a step back "I would never use dark magic!" She said aghast "and what if i'm a thief and he's a squire. Your a prince that never stopped you. When laws are unjust filed with holes and ulterior motive it is hard to keep hold of everyone especially those with true hearts. There are those who do not want to see it so they don't they make excuses and move on looking the other way giving a blind eye and there are those who see the truth and try there best in a messed up world to make it better. Jarn is one of those people and I truly hope that him and those like him will be the future of the knighthood for you know as well as I that it is corrupt they no longer care for honer. I got every one in this mess and now I am going to do something about it. I have been hiding in the shadows for to long. Way to long and now I have come back,"   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar was still suspicious. He was reluctant to move his sword, however he saw a glint from Crystal's satchel. A bronze arm-band was just barely showing, and he could just barely pick out a tiny symbol- He was about to ask about it, and then it hit him. That was Jarn's maker's mark. So the mouse was telling the truth... "Jarn's mark..." he muttered under his breath. He sheathed his blade. "Sorry I doubted you, friend. I agree; the outlawing of magic did no good, and the rule is rather corrupt. My father... He is a good creature, but he doesn't really understand the poverty and hardship many of his subjects go through. There's a lot of things he doesn't understand. I'll help you bring this change, if I can. What's your plan?" He shifted uncomfortably in his platemail. "Oh, and is Jarn here? I could really use some help getting out of this armor, and I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to clearly show my face, especially with a mouse nobeast's ever seen before. No offense, of course, but there's enough suspicion surrounding me already." He grinned.


"Jarn Is here But I can help you with that," she said and began to remove his armor as she talked. She had picked up a lot of things. "First I was going to leave Saygar a message. I was also going to find you what was it about the maps that was so important?"   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"The maps... What ma... Oh. Those maps." Ivar shouldered off his chestplate and unbluckled his pauldrons, placing them on the floor. "They carry an amount of magic within them- They help me find things. I believe it's also possible for someone who has no inherent magic, such as myself, to tap into them to cast spells. However, I don't think I could do much with it that way, unless a magician charged it further- And even then, I still lack the necessary expertise to use it. The reason I've been so careful about not letting it fall into the wrong hands... Well, as I said, it has the capacity to be very powerful- Like that gem you wear. It's depleted, but if it were charged... Well, I think it could be used as a phylactery... An artifact to bind somebeast's soul into... They'd become an immortal Lich, so long as the map was intact. I don't believe in the magic ban, but there's limits to what should be done with magic- Lichdom is classed in the highest Novi of dark spells- Anybeast caught using a spell of that magnitude and dark power... They'd be mobbed and killed. And they'd deserve it- Nobeast should have that kind of power." Taking off the last of his metal armor, and stepping out of his gauntlets, he pulled his padded tunic over his head. Underneath he wore his normal thieve's clothing- He had fewer pouches and knives on his belt, but still enough. "Here, take a look. I trust you won't tap in to it? Use without charging would likely incinerate it." Ivar unscrewed the pommel of his rapier and pulled a rolled-up piece of paper out of the apparently hollow handle. He unrolled it and passed it to Crystal. "The lines keep shifting, changing- It shifts to show the environment I'm in. That's about all it can do at the moment- Perhaps with an extra incantation or two, it could teleport me places. That'd be helpful, certainly." Ivar draped his armor over a stand in the usual manner- It'd attract less attention that way. "Now, we don't have much time here- We should leave as soon as we can. Once you're through looking at that map, we should find that blacksmith."


Crystal studied the map. "Look it shows a secret attic in the library!" She said. She handed the map back to him. "Forget about Jarn we don't need him now,"

OOC: Sorry Letho. you can find us whenever you come on but I just wanted to keep things from slowing down.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar nodded. "Alright, either way. An attic, you say? Ah, there is, too! I think I've been up there once... a long time ago... Lots of junk. Potentially useful junk. I think there's even a few magical artifacts... Lead the way."


Crystal left the room and started for the library
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar pulled a hood from underneath his black tunic over his head, in such a way that it obstructed his face. He followed Crystal, sticking to the shadows as much as he could- He was very hard to see, almost impossible to someone who wasn't looking for him


Crystal climbed the stairs to the library and walked around to the back corner. She turned around and said to Ivar. or to what she though was Ivar "Let me see that map again," 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar stepped out of the shade behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Grinning, he held out the map.


"You know that ring you wear really bugs me, It is so disorienting." She said taking the map. She looked at it and then back at Ivar "You really need to put the ring some where else. I can't do this with it so close,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"What, this'n? That's why I wear it. It nullifies magic- my best defense against magical creatures such as yourself. But if it makes you happy," He broke off and places the ring in one of many pouches. "Shoul nullify the nul- uh, lessen the distortion f the ring. Now, which way was this?" He faded back into the shadows.


Crystal looked at the map again and after a moment she found some words that told her where the secret entrance was. She went over to a wall and took out a book then reach her paw in and puled something and the shelf moved aside. "there we go," she said and passed threw.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar slid in silently past Crystal. "Hmm. This place. Not where I was thinking of. But I know you must have been- or else the map wouldn't have shown you the way. In the same way your crystal amplifies magic, this map amplifies the natural directional and locating sense in all of us- if you want to go somewhere, consciously or not, it shows you the way. So, only you can answer me- why are we here?"