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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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Ivar sighed, and shook his head. "Fine, if that's what you'll have me do." Ivar stepped out of the door, and immediately stepped into the shadows. Sidling along the building, quickly and quietly, and found the tavern. Ivar, staying in the dark corners and shadows, drew a guard's knife from its holster, and threw it at a stool. It stuck in the stool, knocking it over. Ivar somersaulted over to the highest ranking officer he saw- A corporal- drew his dagger, cut his belt, and took his pouch. Punching the corporal's face into his soup- for further distraction- he ran out of the tavern. With the knife in his teeth he swung up onto the roof of the building, jumped to a nearby roof, and dropped down the other side of the building. Once again in the shadows, he strolled along until he was at the back of Kash's house, and then, leaping onto the roof, he vaulted over it, and in one movement landed in the doorway, rolling to break his fall. He held out the money purse to Kash. "The pouch of one corporal. His knife, if you'd have that, too. Though, should anybeast see it, you'd find a spot of bother.


Kash took both the dagger, and money pouch. He liked the looked of the dagger, and decided to have it instead of his old one. And he emptied the money into his own money pouch. "Fine, I guess I believe you." Then he turned to Crystal, "And what about you?"


"I still would like to hear his plan of yours," She said. She still was not convinced. she knew that the prince was a thief, but he stole for the thrill not because he needed to. as she did. she also knew that he hated the tittle prince and all things related to it.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Quote from: rachel25 on February 13, 2014, 04:20:55 PM
BIC: Saygar raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. He just looked around to make sure no one was there, then set off towards a side door that lead into a store room.

OOC: Okay, found it! With a little trouble. Faiy, Rus, I don't suppose you two could slow down a bit? If not, that's fine too. You two must get on at the same time or something.

BIC: Arya walked right beside Saygar, but still hid in the shadows.

Dannflower Reguba

     Argo rolled his eyes, "You can mess with the royalty, but I will not allow the guards to be taken advantage of." The squirrel stood, and turned to face the wall he had had his back to. Raising his hand he spoke directly to Kash's conscience, or at least what fragments their were, "Theft is the forerunner of regret, do not make me bring judgement on your home. There are limits to what will be allowed."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Kash suddenly didn't feel well. The young vole dropped his new dagger, and fell to the floor. He felt like he was about to be sick. Then the feeling suddenly disappeared, but words began to ring in his head.

"Theft is the forerunner of regret, do not make me bring judgement on your home. There are limits to what will be allowed."

Kash just groaned, and held his head, not feeling well at all.
Quote from: Cornflower MM on February 15, 2014, 09:45:50 PM
Quote from: rachel25 on February 13, 2014, 04:20:55 PM
BIC: Saygar raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. He just looked around to make sure no one was there, then set off towards a side door that lead into a store room.

OOC: Okay, found it! With a little trouble. Faiy, Rus, I don't suppose you two could slow down a bit? If not, that's fine too. You two must get on at the same time or something.

BIC: Arya walked right beside Saygar, but still hid in the shadows.

Saygar reached the door, and took out a key. He unlocked the door, and poked his head inside to make sure no one was there. There was a mousemaid just leaving with an armful of vegetables, and then the room was empty. "Coasts clear, come on." Saygar said stepping into the storeroom.   

Cornflower MM

Arya rolled her eyes and said, "I was right beside you. And what's with the need for secrecy?" Then she noticed the food. She hesitated, then said, "Do you think the people who own this storeroom would mind if I took a carrot, but left a little money?"


"Kash!" Crystal cried. she ran over to him and dropped down next to him "Are you OK? Whats wrong?"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Saygar looked at Arya as if she had grown another head or something, "Why leave money. There's loads of veg. Just take what you want, just make sure its not obvious."
Kash shook his head, "My chest, and head hurt. They hurt really bad."


"This is not natural" Crystal said "I'll try and fix it but I don't know if it will work," She said placing her paw on his chest and muttering some words.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Kash groaned again, "It still hurts. It still really hurts!"


"oh great I'v gone and made it worse! wait what is this?" She said taking an odd looking piece of what looked like scrap metal out of his Pocket. "Here is the problem. Owch!" it felt like it was burning her paw and she flung it across the room. "You were pretty much, to put it simply, having an allergic reaction to magic. That is a kind of metal that attacks magic. it has that effect on people if they don't know how to use it."

OOC: Is that Ok Rachel? if not I can change it. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar stepped over, and pulled his ring out of his pocket. He held the ring towards the metal, and focused for a moment. "Shouldn't be any more bother- At least not for a few hours. Sometimes the ability to nullify magic can be very useful." Placing the ring back in its pouch, he stepped back, looking from Crystal, to Argo, and back to Crystal. He sat down in a chair. "You wanted to hear my plan- I'll tell you. I'm certain you've heard of Novalic magic- able to effect a massive area or group of creatures, extremely difficult to use, and very powerful- As you know, it's been forbidden due to its power for... a very, very long time." He glanced at Crystal. "I believe you've had some dealings with Lesser Novalic magic. Very volatile.
As you're both experienced magicians, you most likely know of Magicis ut Corrupta, and Magicis ut Nobilis. They comprise the deepest, oldest ring of forbidden magic- The ability to consume your own magic and give it to all nearby you is far too powerful for any guild or kingdom to allow it.
But I think if we use Magicis ut Nobilis, through a Novalic foci, in tandem with a simple Sense Morality spell- I'm sure you've used these, Argo- I think we could take magic away from all those who would use it for malign purposes, and spread it among those casters who would become like the White Magi of old- They took an oath to use magic only for the good of others. If we could assure the King that all spellcasters currently in existance were devoid of evil, I think he could be convinced to revoke the magic ban. We could reinstate the Guild of White Mages to control and protect the use of magic."
Glancing at Crystal, he continued.
"It wouldn't affect you, Crystal- At least not negatively. You're not immoral, you wouldn't kill for self gain. It would only take magic from those who have no right to it- Those who would use it for evil, not survival, as you do.
However. There is one problem. Such a spell would require a large amount of conductive matter to use- and evaporate- as a secondary focus. I've been collecting gold and gems for this purpose, as they work best, but I still don't have enough." He grinned at Crystal and Argo's surprised faces. "I don't steal just for the sake of it- Ever since I discovered the map's secret, I've been preparing for this spell. I won't deny that I enjoy theft- But I don't do it for no reason."


Crystal looked at him "I think this is a little out of my depth. I haven't practiced magic from a book since I was ten. What makes you think I can do this?" She said "also The king would recognise me if he knew that I was still practicing magic he would have me killed even if the plan works."
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"You can do this. You're a more powerful magician than you think. You know how my magic-nulling ring annoys you? I have a second ring- a magic detection one. When I'm around magic, it vibrates. When I'm in the same room as you- Or Argo- it buzzes so much that it hurts to wear it. Before the magic ban- I only got that feeling when I was near several mages. Argo is powerful, and he has a lot of practice- But you, you haven't been able to openly learn magic in years. I think you have much magic in your blood.
...And yes. The King would recognize you. But I doubt it'd matter- If we can accomplish our goal, I don't think your past will be held against you. My father is reasonable- If he sees that you've been instrumental in solving a great problem, I doubt he'd punish you. And trust me, I'd make him see."