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Book I: Defiance

Started by Griffen, December 07, 2013, 01:38:46 AM

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  Lucia had never seen so much food in one place!  Never before had she ever had such a variety of fruits, pastries, and many other such things.  She quickly got into line, wondering what to get first.  Of course, knowing that she shouldn't eat too much due to the fact that the food was probably much richer than she was used to, her tray was rather small, but it was still more than she'd get in a day.

 Uniforms tucked neatly under her arm, the small she-marten surveyed the mess hall for an empty table.  Unfortunately, she didn't find one, so she made her home in the corner, leaning up against the wall with her tray balanced on her legs.  It wasn't much different than at home, she told herself.  She would make friends soon enough, and then she wouldn't need to sit on the floor.

 With that thought in mind, Lu cheerfully tucked into her meager pile of food.  The apple she'd been given was still resting on corner of the tray, half eaten.  That would be dessert.

  OOC:  I'm guessing you and Redwallgurl wait for sundown, though I'm not sure.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


OOC: Dan and redwallgurl, tonight (in the roleplay) you'll be able to come in. wait for my go ahead for the post first)


Zwelly looked at his food, none of it was all that appetizing, besides the salad that filled over half his plate. The rest was thrown in the trash. The sun started to set, and that's when he noticed the roofs of almost all the buildings were made of gold. They reflected the dying light all around the compass. Reaching the table he asked Grace "We must have slept in if the sun is setting already, dontcha think?"

"Attention students!" a large badger in a green uniform stood at the head of the hall "More students will be arriving tonight. Be prepared and wearing your robes. They will be here in two hours... So get moving!"


Grace quickly began to eat her food but soon lost her apatite at the prospect of see another one of those ceremonies. She got up leaving her plait saying "I'm going to go change Ill met you guys by the river where we where talking earlier. I think we should stick together," Then she left the group and headed for her room. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Meanwhile, Lucia was still enjoying every last bit of her food, surprised that quite a few of the other students were disgusted by it.  What was so wrong with it?  Sure, it looked positively disgusting, but she'd seen worse.  It tasted just fine.

  After the robed badger announced the arrival of the students, the she-marten stood up and put her tray where she hoped it was supposed to go.  Then, noticing that the squirrel from earlier was walking away, she followed her, staying just a short distance behind.  It was just far enough that maybe the squirrelmaid wouldn't talk to her, but for all Lu knew, she could be Miss Chatty.

  So there Lu was, following the squirrel with her two uniforms being clutched close to her chest.  It was starting to get cold, after all.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Grace looked back over her shoulder to see that Lucia was also going to change. She slowed down to let her catch up. She was glad she wasn't alone any more. Ever since she had stepped on to the island the place had given her the creeps... wait no it was the people especially the chipmunk from last night.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Shadefur nightblade

Screet walked over and set his plate where the marten had and left the mess hall and went out to his room, running as fast as he could past the other creatures already outside. He changed into the black robe and the walked into the garden near the lake like the squirrel had suggested just waiting for the other new students to arrive, He didn't remember where he had to go to get back to the temple, and he hoped the others did.



In about 10 minutes the entire hall was empty, just him and his large plate of salad. After just sitting there for a bit he finished his food and walked to his little gated community. He instinctively reached for a necklace around his neck, it had a key on it. Using the key he unlocked the gate and went in, locking it behind him. "When did I...?" he asked himself while looking at the key. Heading straight to his tiny house hey saw a few others already changed hanging around the fresh water spring. The night was going down, they probably didn't have much time left.

OOC: The fresh water spring is about 20ft squared, and the garden is about 80ft squared.


They walked in silence till they reached their houses. "Well see you in a sec," Grace said running in to her house and locking the door. She quickly changed in to the black robe throwing her old cloths on the bed. She than unlatched the little satchel from her belt and hid it under her bed. This was a strange place and she didn't want anything to happen to the contents. She then left the room and went over to the meeting place where she saw Screet already changed and ready.  She went over and said.

"I don't like this one bit,"       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  After hurriedly changing into the black robes, Lu set her clothing onto the bed and stepped outside, making her way to the fountain.  She then sat on the ground, watching the water.  It really was quite beautiful, and the water was cold and clean.  She stuck her paws in, hissing a little as the cool liquid washed over her wounds.  That felt good.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Shadefur nightblade

Screet started nervously pacing "Um, guys, do you think we should o down to the initiation or whatever, I don't really want to get in trouble on the first day." he said, looking around at the other students faces.


"We should wait for Zwelly," Grace said sitting down next to Lu. "any way I'm in no hurry to see another of those...," her voice trailed off.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Shadefur nightblade

"Neither am I but I don't want to get in trouble more, besides new arrivals might mean new friends." Screet said plopping himself down a few feet from them.



After putting on his robe (It has a cloak on it, so when the time comes all the students pull the cloak over their heads.) the pulled the cloak over and met the rest of them.

OOC: Just gonna rush this so Danflorubuguba and go ahead and post, and Redwallgurl if she'll be on.

BIC: The group started to head towards the water, a large group of students were already present. Many of them acted wildly, while others remained silenced... the mouse tried to figure out which was more scary to him. Leading the group to the top of a hill, all four had a clear site of the new students coming.

OOC: Ok Danflurubuguba and Redwallgurl, now is your time to post. Everyone else can post as well if you want, just make it a conversation though, please don't leave the group. 

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Quick question, who's guiding the boats? Are we doing it ourselves or are there beasts piloting them for us?
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: Another beast is, just post your landing :)