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The Legend of The White One

Started by Miss RainbowSocks, January 03, 2014, 03:24:28 PM

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Lilac blinked. "Sorry," She then took a sip of tea, "Still Isn't quite right. I have been working on this tea recipe for the past three years and I still can't seem to make it the way my mother used to make it. Oh well trial and error I'll get it right one of these days. You'll see," She put some honey in her tea and then looked back at the window. "Oh look isn't that beautiful look how the light is streaming threw the dust and lading on the jars and clay pots on that shelf its like gold. Just wait," She said jumping up and grabbing a piece of parchment and some drawing charcoal. She pushed her tea aside and began to draw.


Gavala looked around trying to spot the others. She made it a point to know where her rivals where and what they where doing. She had creatures watching them as well but Gavala never trusted anyone but herself. They were only an added persecution and could easily be disposed of.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"I think your tea is good. I never tasted your Mama's tea, but yours is nice. And that is nice.."Bryony said, standing up to look at it from where Lilac had been. She returned to her seat and watched her friend start drawing, a skill Bryony didn't have. She blew on her tea and sipped it content to sit there and drink in her tea and watch Lilac draw. She was contented quite easily, for she just liked simple things, and didn't like it if it wasn't heartfelt. She was like her mama that way.


"Thanks, but really you should have tasted it," Lilac said as she drew "I watched her make it a hundred times over but she never taught it to me. She said she was going to but then..." Her voice trailed off there was a sad silence but when she spoke again her voice was cheery. "Well what do you think," She said holding up the drawing.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"Ooh, nice! You have a way with charcoal that I never will have. But I don't mind. I like this way!" Bryony was pretty sure about what Lilac had been about to say, and knew that she didn't want to talk about it. So she started praising that drawing. Which really was a good, capturing the light and dust just right.


"Just wait a sec," lilac said putting the paper down and singing her name at the bottom "There!" she then took it over to a wooden cabinet and pined it to the door with a tack. She popped back in to her seat. And took another piece of bread.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Miss RainbowSocks

OOC: Okay everybody back...-but won't be on again until this weekend- anyway...
BIC: Jerking awake, Evermoon was sweating and panting. The intensity of the dream was shocking, so intense that it caused the badger to go right into action. Knocking over a stool as she went, Evermoon briskly jogged to down to the Cavern Hole.

Whitefang decided that the army had slept enough. "Alright, up and at it, you worms!" He bellowed, "Guvala! Dragao! Wat! Get your butts over here!!" He stood his full height and smoothed his white fur. The day would be busy, yes, quite busy.

Cornflower MM

"Looks good there...You should draw more. It's so inspirational." Bryony said, admiring the drawing some more, and sipping her tea. Then she had a thought. "Lilac, maybe the reason why your mama's tea was better (Even though I like it the way it is, but I said before I never tasted your mama's tea, as much as I wish I had) Is because she might have put an extra dose of Love in it...What do you think?"


"That is probably it and if that is the case I will never get it..." She said in a soft voice. She went back over to the table and sat down. "Now what should we pack for a lunch?"


Gavala turned and made her way over to where Whitefang was she walked fast (It was good not to make him angry) but with dignity. The others could grovel if they wanted but not her. She knew that if she showed an weakness then they would be on her in a moment.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"I'm sure you'll find it some time. Hmm, how about  some of Friar's lovely beach nut scones? And maybe a cherry pie?" Bryony said, patting her friends paw across the table. At the mention of packing lunch, got up and got the basket and another one with a covered top, perfect for food. She started getting excited.


"Oh and the honey bread stuffed with leeks and mushrooms and onions," now that is good! and spring whine," Lilac said standing up and putting away the food and taking a candied chestnut from a jar and popping it in her mouth. She swept the crumbs off the table into her paw and dumped them out the window.   I'll be right back she said taking the tray and leaving the room.  She went back down to the kitchen and handed the tray to a kitchen helper. This time caver hole was packed with creatures having breakfast and the sound of talk filed the air. She then went back up stairs but instead going to the infirmary she went to her room in the dormitory. She went over to her bead and took out a trunk from under neath and took out a change of cloths.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

"On it!" Bryony cheerfully replied. She did her part of the tidying up, then changed her clothes and went to the Kitchens to pack lunch. She got everything on her mental list, then added a few more little items, such as a fruitcake, cxream puffs, and some other things that they both liked. She paused and grabbed something that she didn't particularly like but Lilac did.


Lilac left her room and returned to the infirmary wearing a light green hooded tunic with a rope belt and a satchel. This was going to be fun.


Gavala stopped in front of Wightfang. She knew that she was walking a very fine line. That to much defiance especially towards Wightfang could be fatal. She also knew that if she looked weak she would lose her position and maybe even her life. Just because I am a mouse they think that I am soft. Before She and the remainder of her fathers old horde had be recruited by Wightfang things had been simpler. She had had a tight hold, the daughter of a horde leader, but then she had to start all over again. She had fallen farther then she had ever fallen before and She hated them for it. Just because she was a mouse  they believed she could not be trusted she became a slave, even lower than a common solder. But she fought her way back to the top. Proving her self time and time again while the others just watched. they barely did anything and yet they still got promoted. She hated Wat most of all, but he would make some mistake, they always did, and she would take his place.  The only reason she hadn't been promoted already was she was different, a mouse, not to be trusted.  
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Wat perked up when he heard his name called. He quickly pulled himself up, then briskly walked to Whitefang. He respected the Fox, though he disliked him, and wished to stay in a high position by Whitefan'gs side. Much to his displeasure, he found the Mouse, Guvula Wrath, already there. The third vermin called, Dragao, or whatever his name was, wasn't there yet.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Shade

Dragao had hadn't particularly enjoyed his stolen breakfast of burnt fish, but it was better than nothing. Sniggering, he noticed a weasel's own meal cooking while the owner was having a go at a searat, who apparently had burnt the weasel's spare boots last night. This was one of the good things about living in a horde full of vermin. They were always fighting, giving more intelligent creatures a chance to pinch the plunder. He edged closer, almost touching the edible prize...

"Guvala! Dragao! Wat! Get your butts over here!"

He glanced up in surprise. Unfortunately, so did the weasel.

"Hey, what do yer think yer..."

Thinking quickly, Dragao shoved the weasel backwards, who clattered into his tent. The tent collapsed, then promptly burst into flames as it caught alight from the fire. Dragao slipped away quickly, not looking back as he heard the screamed of the weasel. Seeing Whitefang, he headed over.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Gavala put a paw to her temples at the sound of the scream. She hoped that was Dragao, The idiot, but more likely it was his victim. She debated whether or not to have a talk with him latter or to just let him save her the trouble and get himself killed.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?