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Eclipse [Reboot(Still Accepting, Please post if keeping character)]

Started by Griffen, February 20, 2014, 03:06:27 AM

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                                           Part 14 of "The Hunt for November"

"There are only two things I know about it... "He whispered to the young, dying squirrel that laid in his arms "Eternal Darkness, it will be so evil... worse than any nightmare. "
"And..." The squirrel drowning in his own blood murmured "what is the other  th-thing you know?"
Looking down at the poor creature he answered "Redemption."  [/i][/b]

Hello guys and g'alls, I'll be re-starting up a new RP which is based before my 1# hit "The Summer Solstice". I don't want to give away too much of the plot, because the fun part is finding that with others, while playing it out. Now, in "The Summer Solstice" I didn't allow any of the good characters, only bad ones. This RP will be different because I'll let you have good characters... sort of. Also, just like in the last RP, any character that you use may not have been used in another RP.  (Use can use the same outline, I just don't want the same name) and you cannot use anyone from the Redwall books, or be related to them. This RP takes place in a land never know to anyone in other RPs, books, or whatever. Just want to make sure I made that clear.

Characters: You can have two characters to start with, since there will probably be two groups (Bad guys and good guys (Note, they won't be working against each other...), if you can handle two characters then good. And if the time arrives and you want a third then you may have another. If you cannot handle two, then you'll be limited to one till you're able too.

PS: If you want to kill off your character or your character dies* then you may make another character to fill in the slot. The profile will still have to be approved though.

*You character may die in this RP, but it won't be random. For instance, if you charge at someone who has a bow from twenty yards with no cover or anything, you'll probably die. Or if you know a drink is poisoned and drink it anyway, you'll die. So be smart, and don't do dumb things.



AbbotAlf0809 as Tezlon Sheikah and Ghett Moonbeam.
Name: Tezlon Sheikah
Race: Mouse/Fox
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The Smugglers Union (bad guys with good tendencies though)
Appearance: Light brown fur, green eyes with a scar over the left one, large muscles, very tall for the average mouse, tattoo of flames on his left arm.
Armor/Clothing: Black leather tunic with a black corsairs hat, chain mail underneath the tunic, black leather pants tucked into large black boots.
Personality: Rougish, swashbuckling, greedy
Likes: Working alone, gold, courting maidens, sailing, swordplay, taking risks
Dislikes: Teamwork, sacrifice, magic, snakes, most woodlanders, hares
Weaponry: Large cutlass, dirk, (Flintlock pistol if you will allow it)
History: Works with the Smugglers Union, tends to be leading it at time although it is a democracy, captains the smuggling vessel The Deathhound

Name: Ghett Moonbeam
Race: Stoat
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The Bounty Hunters Guild (evil/neutral)
Weaponry: Broadsword, duel tomahawks, dirk
Appearance: Large and muscular, several scars on the body and face, black fur, red eyes, large gold fang
Armor/Clothing: Studded leather cheastplate, steel helmet and boots, chain mail underneath the cheastplate.
Personality: Cruel, cold, greedy, and solitary
Likes: Solitude, the hunt, gold, blood, magic, and anarchy
Dislikes: Woodlanders (particularly badgers), Favors, free work, group tactics, and order
History: UNKNOWN

HanNorwood as Niklas Mjordes
Name: Niklas Mjordes (Nik-Lass Me-Yord-es)
Race: Ermine
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neutral. If I need to give a name like Alf did, tell me.
Appearance: Short and skinny. He is of average strength.
Clothing: He wears a red coat over a ruffled white shirt, with brown trousers and course cloth boots that reach his knees. On his head Niklas wears a Black bandanna, with cuts for his ears.
Personality: Despite being evil, he is not cruel, and prefers not to let creatures suffer. He is cowardly, and prefers to work with a big group, so that he has some cannon fodder ahead of him.
Likes: Food, Luxury, Wandering, Thinking, Heat.
Dislikes: Cruelty, Stupidity, Recklessness.
Weaponry: A long rapier, which he wields with speed.

Faiyloe as a squirrel with many names.
Name: It changes. (Some of them have been (Or will be  Wink) Max, Wing, Ivy, Nut, Moon, Thaw, Silver and Ash,) (I'll make sure to put down what ever it is at the moment to avoid confusion in the RP. Right now she is Nut (As in Nuts  Wink)
Spices: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Age: Her age is unclear but she seems around 15 or 20 but then again that could be way off.
Affiliation: Good
Weapon(s): A sharp thin Dirk but she hardly ever uses it for fighting.
Appearance: unkempt dark brown fur, strange big gold colored eyes, neat pointy white teeth, One or two scars on her body, and a white swirly tattoo on her left upper arm going up her neck and on to the bottom side of her face. She got it a bit back on a whim and will some times forget that it is there. She went threw a faze where she covered herself in face paint, Another where she attached feathers to her fur and cloths, once she was obsessed with shells.  
Clothing: She has a raged dark colored tunic with a rope belt.
Personality: She is insane, Extreme mood swings, very talkative although half the time she makes no seance, hyper, she talks to inanimate object and talks even if no one is about. She did go threw a faze where she pretended she was mute.
Dislikes/Likes: They are erratic. one minute she will hate something with a passion and the next she will love it or vice versa one minute she will be obsessed with something and the next she will forget it even existed.
Strengths: Extremely quick and agile even for a squirrel, can move around with out being seen or heard (if you can believe it) if she wishes.
Weaknesses: She is very forgetful, Insane, oblivious, Did I say forgetful.  Wink
History: Something happened in her past that drove her mad. She has lived alone all her life never staying in one place for long.

Psybox as The Unfinished Character

Age:  19 seasons
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Weapons: None, or none at this time.
Appearance: light grey fur and brown eyes, not really anything special for a hare.
Clothes: Trousers, a fancy looking shirt, and a bowler hat.
Description: Highly enjoys playing card games and he almost always carries a deck of playing cards.  He also enjoys tea, stories about espionage/intrigue, and not being in fights

Bontwo as Leo Longblade, Star, Prisoner
Name: Leo Longblade DEAD
Race: Rat (NATIVE)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Neither
Appearance: Leo is a tall skinny rat, grey fur covers his entire body.
Armor/Clothing: Bleached leather (Kind of tan looking) clothes with a matching ski mask to keep sand out of his face.
Personality: Leo is distant from other creatures, and although he might say something random from time to time, he tries to stay quite.
Likes: Hunting/Trapping Squins
History: Leo was the only son of his late mother and father, since their passing he has kept up the family business of making cloths out of Squin skin that he personally catches.

Name: Star
Race: Mouse
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Good
Appearance: He is an average mouse, with a dark cherry fur color.
Armor/Clothing: A priest robe, it was his fathers.
Personality: Star is very outgoing, and nothing in the world could stop him from helping others.
Likes: Learning, magical lore, herbs, and medicine of all types.
History: His father was a priest, and during his father's time in ministry he noticed the only people who'd come to him were those who knew they had spiritual problems... which was very few in Secrie. So still wanting to help people, but not in the same way as his father Star decided to turn to medicine. It was here that he helped dozens of villagers each week.

Name: Prisoner
Race: Fox
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Bad
Appearance: This fox has very short tan hair, and by the looks of it two different times he's been branded (a mark or symbol which is metal, then its heated up and pressed on the skin.)  by the prison.
Armor/Clothing:  Torn wrags
Personality: All he is know is bad, and as far as he see it... if there is a chance at something that will help him he'll go for it.  
History: The offspring of two inmates, he was born in the prison, and has been kept in prison. Although he's escaped a few times, how so is unknown.

Jetthebinturong as Damar K'rek and The Dark
Name: Damar K'rek
Race: Golden-furred wildcat (or if other types of cat are allowed, Asian golden cat)
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The Dark
Appearance: A gold furred wildcat, he has a scar over his right eye
Armor/Clothing: Golden coloured helmet and chestplate, his helmet is surmounted by a spike
Personality: Fiercely loyal to the Dark, he prizes honor and courage above all else
Likes: Honor, bravery, fighting those with the previously mentioned qualities
Dislikes: Cowards, insects, cold-blooded murder
Weaponry: He wields a khopesh sword that is the same colour as his armour
History: Not much is known about Damar and the Dark, they come from a far off land where the Dark commands a huge army other than this it's anyone's guess

Name: The Dark
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male (probably)
Affiliation: Himself
Appearance: All that is known about the Dark's appearance is that he has gleaming red eyes
Armor/Clothing: Flowing black hooded robes, a leather belt from which hang pouches containing powders and liquids
Personality: Unknown
Likes: What the Dark likes is a mystery
Dislikes: Failure
Weaponry: Metal claws peak out from under the sleeves of his robes. He also wears twin hook swords strapped in an x shape across his back
History: *Cold voice* That is none of your business, I suggest that you stop trying to find out about me before you wind up dead

The Skarz as Zsurgan

Name: Zsurgan
Age: 25
Species: Spiny lizard
Affiliation: Survivalist
Appearance: Light brown spiked skin, with hints of dark brownish green. Underbelly less protected, but tail long and tough, used as a club
Armor: Spiky bronze chest plate
Personality: Silent, only speaking when there is something worth saying. Does not usually stay with others for too long. Dangerous.
Weapon: Tail, claws, and a knife (I'm talking about a certain kind, but can't find the name right now)



Squin are a foreign species that only live in once place on earth, Secrie. Not sure where they come from (since they aren't native of secrie), they have haunted the natives of Secrie for centuries.

Feeding cycle: A squin (from birth to death) only has to eat 3-5 times a year. During these feeding cycles they will eat up to four times their own weight. Nothing is wasted by the squin, they don't excrete at all and reuse every ounce of waste, and even sweat is reused. When a squin hunts, it will not eat its pray then. Depending on how the squin hunts it will use two type of preservation. If the squin kills it's pray, it will use a certain liquid made from the bones of former pray and coat it all over the corpse. This technique will preserve up to 700 years.  The other is a live form of preservation, which can only be done by adult or older squin. After 125 years of aging the squins poison is no longer deadly, but becomes a form of life itself. During the hunt, an adult squin will poison it's pray and coat it in the same bone liquid. The body inside will remain unconscious for close to a millennium, in perfect health due to the poison. If a squin is able to make it to the elder age, they colony will never need to feed from another source. An elder squin's body has never been fully seen, but it is quite large. It can feed up to 20 squin from birth to the age of elder.

Hunting and farming: The squin in Secrie (this is the only observation, since they have not been seen elsewhere)  dig pit falls and even decoys to attract pray. All traps are made from adult squin and they ussaly lead from 5-10 young squin each. All the squin in Secrie farm its natives, usually they will not attack those coming into the city, but if any try to leave... death will follow. This is why scouts attempt to patrol and place warning signs around the desert, they try not to feed the squin as much as possible. Within the last 75 years, no more than 10 natives have been killed by squin.

Other: Water to squin is like poison. Squin can only swim through sand like material, they cannot swim through dirt. Their body is protected by a scaly, leather-ish coat. When the squin reaches an adult their skin can only be pierced by a direct stab by a very sharp sword. No one has attempted to test the skin of an elder. The insides of squin are only liquids, no bones. Squin have no water in their system, only a form of blood, they even sweat blood. A young squin sizes from a small dog to the size of a motorcycle. An adult sizes from a car to a bus. The full size of an elder is unknown. They appear mainly like scorpians, however they also have a row of six hands on their belly which is used for carrying different things.

PS: We'll hope that gives you some good information. Sorry if I mistyped something or contridected what I've formerly said. If you'd like any more information please ask :)


There any kind of like text minimum? Like no less than 4 sentences or something? Also can I have 2 evil/neutral characters?
Name: Tezlon Sheikah
Race: Mouse/Fox
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The Smugglers Union (bad guys with good tendencies though)
Appearance: Light brown fur, green eyes with a scar over the left one, large muscles, very tall for the average mouse, tattoo of flames on his left arm.
Armor/Clothing: Black leather tunic with a black corsairs hat, chain mail underneath the tunic, black leather pants tucked into large black boots.
Personality: Rougish, swashbuckling, greedy
Likes: Working alone, gold, courting maidens, sailing, swordplay, taking risks
Dislikes: Teamwork, sacrifice, magic, snakes, most woodlanders, hares
Weaponry: Large cutlass, dirk, (Flintlock pistol if you will allow it)
History: Works with the Smugglers Union, tends to be leading it at time although it is a democracy, captains the smuggling vessel The Deathhound


I don't like text minimums, it forces people to add a lot of extra junk. But if people don't make good post then I won't let them participate in the next book. As far as your character goes... No flintlock. And I said you can't have any relations to another book, RP or whatever. And Cap'n Barbossa is from one. But besides that its perfect.

PS: And yes you can 2 evil/neutral characters?

The Skarzs

Before I decide to join, I need to know a couple of things.
First: Not sure how different the creatures and ideals will be from the Redwall series, as I have not read The Summer Solstice.
Second: Since I do not know any info in said story, would you mind explaining a bit? Is there any theme that should go along, like the bad or the good winning?

If I seem too much of a problem to deal with, just say so and I won't bother ya any more on this ;)
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ok I don't like text minimums either just wondering.

Name: Ghett Moonbeam
Race: Stoat
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Affiliation: The Bounty Hunters Guild (evil/neutral)
Weaponry: Broadsword, duel tomahawks, dirk
Appearance: Large and muscular, several scars on the body and face, black fur, red eyes, large gold fang
Armor/Clothing: Studded leather cheastplate, steel helmet and boots, chain mail underneath the cheastplate.
Personality: Cruel, cold, greedy, and solitary
Likes: Solitude, the hunt, gold, blood, magic, and anarchy
Dislikes: Woodlanders (particularly badgers), Favors, free work, group tactics, and order
History: UNKNOWN


Griffen, may I have a description of the land?
Hope you don't mind, Alf, I borrowed a modified version of your app.
Name: Niklas Mjordes (Nik-Lass Me-Yord-es)
Race: Ermine
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Evil. If I need to give a name like Alf did, tell me.
Appearance: Short and skinny. He is of average strength.
Clothing: He wears a red coat over a ruffled white shirt, with brown trousers and course cloth boots that reach his knees. On his head Niklas wears a Black bandanna, with cuts for his ears.
Personality: Despite being evil, he is not cruel, and prefers not to let creatures suffer. He is cowardly, and prefers to work with a big group, so that he has some cannon fodder ahead of him.
Likes: Food, Luxury, Wandering, Thinking, Heat.
Dislikes: Cruelty, Stupidity, Recklessness.
Weaponry: A long rapier, which he wields with speed.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Nah it's all cool I don't care if you do that's just how I like to make my characters and I don't think he requires a specific affiliation, I just wrote that for more detail on my character. So Griffin, how long is this after the Summer Solstice? Also will this have to do with the Academy?

The Shade

I have a question; How powerful will the magic be? And... is it in a restricted form?
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Answers (If you have any more questions feel free to ask :) )

Answers for The Skarzs
The creatures don't differ that much at all, besides the fact that a mouse can be just as evil as a rat, vice-versa. Plus there are a few species that I've thrown in (I.E: A Hate Breed) The Summer Solstice is a story about students who have traveled a great distance to attend "The Academy". The Academy stand on a lonely mountain at the tip top, way above the clouds. Yet it is always covered with snow. Here the teachers train their students Evil ways (All students are evil, as were all the characters people played). A cult lived in the school named "The calling" those who were in it worshiped "Legion". Not much was relieved about him. As the plot continued players either had chosen to remain on the Academy's side and fight the cult, or joined the cult in an attempt to take the Academy over (Which they did.) So that's a brief summery of the beginning, there was far to many twist and turns and hidden smaller plots to type out here.
Griffen, may I have a description of the land? Asked by HanNorwood
The land will differ from location to location, as there will be three main spots you'll be at. You'll start in/near a swamp, then possible move to a desert. The third location is part of the plot so it shall remain hidden.

how long is this after the Summer Solstice? Also will this have to do with the Academy? Asked by AbbotAlf0809
This actually takes place before the Summer Solstice, and this does have a few things to do with The Academy, however the history of so said Academy is not the point of this RP.

How powerful will the magic be? And... is it in a restricted form? Asked by The Shade
The magic will be very powerful, yet very weak. The scale will be about 1-10,000 adding a big difference between skilled and unskilled. The restrictions do vary: 1) You may start with some magical powers, but don't add them to your Character sheet yet.  2) Your characters power will develop stronger on the decisions you make in the RP.

Don't forget to read this! (If your name is on one of these spoilers below!)
You need to change the "Tezlon Sheikah" profile. Your Ghett Moonbeam profile however, is Accepted! :D

Your character "Niklas Mjordes" is Accepted! :D


You said that we were allowed to start off with magic in your reply to The Shade but not to put it in our character sheets however if we don't put it in our character sheets and then use it later we might find out that it's not allowed, that seems to me like a flawed system.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dannflower Reguba

Just so Abbot has some more info, He wants you to change his relation to your other characters, no relations allowed. (right?)

And Jet: That's why you PM Griff before-hand.  ;) If someone tries to do something unfair, and isn't allowed to do it after they try, it's their fault. Not really that big of a deal anyway, easily fixed.  ;)

@Dusty: Try to stick around your computer a bit if you see this, I need to talk to you via Skype.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Ok I fixed the part of Tezlon that had Barbossa in it so I hope he will be accepted now :)


My mostly empty character sheet!
Species: Shrew
Gender: Male
Weapons: None, or none at this time.


Jet: Don't come to my RP and call my system flawed, I wont have it here. I know what I said about not posting magic in your character sheet, and I said it because I don't want people to care more about the magic abilities then their actual profile (Something I've learned from my time here). Also, I never said I was going to start the RP without letting people know what magic they may or may not use, I'm not new to this. Now, if you're here to join my RP, then post an app. If not, please stay off this forum. Have a nice day.

@Abbot Very nice, your character is accepted :D

@psybox Unacceptable, I don't allow mostly accepted character sheets. All or nothing here, you know that! lol. ROLF. #YELLOW <(Random Smurf)


Quote from: Griffen on February 20, 2014, 10:46:13 PM
Jet: Don't come to my RP and call my system flawed, I wont have it here. I know what I said about not posting magic in your character sheet, and I said it because I don't want people to care more about the magic abilities then their actual profile (Something I've learned from my time here). Also, I never said I was going to start the RP without letting people know what magic they may or may not use, I'm not new to this. Now, if you're here to join my RP, then post an app. If not, please stay off this forum. Have a nice day.

No need to get so defensive, it was just an observation. I'm still deliberating on whether or not I want to join this.

It is my personal belief that if you can not take criticism then it can make you a poor writer/rper/whatever. Again don't get offended, this is merely an observation based on past experiences
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan