
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Started by Griffen, February 23, 2014, 12:23:23 AM

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                                              Part 14 of "The Hunt for November"

"There are only two things I know about it... "He whispered to the young, dying squirrel that laid in his arms "Eternal Darkness, it will be so evil... worse than any nightmare. "
"And..." The squirrel drowning in his own blood murmured "what is the other  th-thing you know?"
Looking down at the poor creature he answered "Redemption."

Alright guys and girls, you all are travels who have something uncommon. You received a treasure chest with junk inside of it from a lost "relative" that passed away. A single piece of leather caught your attention, and it was because this was from a creature you've never seen nor heard of. After seeking out elders from each of your towns you learn of a land called "Secrie" where you'll learn more about it. This land is a very dangerous desert, where Squin live. Squin, when younger are used to make just about everything needed in Secrie. However, as they age they become more smart and dangerous. You might come upon some of them, or sand traps they dig. (They look like scorpions, ranging from basketball size, to a mini van) They also swim right under the sand very fast. The best approach when facing them is to run and find solid ground.
PS: Your magical powers will be given later, but if you have a preference please PM me or i'll choose for you.


Leo Longblade

The rat looked out from his clay hut, a bright sun scorching the sand outside. After gearing up he exited and made his way towards the watering hole. Longblade placed a dozen or so traps around it, but there was a major problem... All were set off, but nothing was caught. He froze in his steps, not wanting to make any vibrations in the sand. The ground about eight meters away started to move, slowly searching for him. No young Squin is talented enough to fish the bate out of his traps, and although the Squin circling him was just a youngin' he knew there must be big ones close. In a mad attempt Leo ran for the water, and leaped for it. In mid air all the Squin erupted from the sand, hoping to finish off the hunter. The rat was safe, and although the water was just a few inches deep, the Squin would never enter. A far distance off Leo spotted another creature, wondering close to his hut... The thought of others stealing from him almost sent an urge to run home and try to evade the Squin.


A strange looking squirrel with dark fur and wild gold colored eyes approached the hut. She had seen it from far off. "What, what is this?" She asked to no one in particular. She scampered and danced around the hut poking her head in windows and knocking on the wall pressing her ear against it every now and again all the time saying "Whats this, Whats this, Who are you?" Sometimes to herself and sometimes directed to the actual building itself. Once she had gone all the way around she poked her head in the door and and called "Hello, Anyone, everyone, only one... eek!" She shrieked and attacked a stool fling it across the room. "You don't sneak up on people like that!" She said angrily.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: what is a good way to work my two characters in?


OOC: I'll answer that question in the OOC.


Leo Longblade

Leo watched as the figure went inside his hut, but was disturbed him more was that the sand started to move towards it. "Hey! Stranger! Stay in side the hut!" He tried to scream with all his might, hoping they'd hear him. Even a blind man could see this person was new to Secrie, invading another persons house.


He was just watering his herbs when the smell and sound hit him. A wounded person, aching in pain, and dripping in blood. Rushing back to the ward room he saw a poor creature laying on the ground, and by the looks of it the creature was attacked and poisoned by a Squin.

OOC: If anyone wants to join in right here and be the hurt creature feel free, you're already in town if you do so.


OOC: I got you bro

BIC: Tezlon seethed in agonizing pain as he clutched his right leg. It burned and the sun wasn't making it any better. He tried to pour some water on the wound but it only made it worse. He ripped a strap from his sleeve and wrapped it around his leg hoping it would prevent some infection. He also had to preeny the poison from reaching his heart so he kept his upper body elevated. He looked around but all he saw was blur. He began to feel weak and drowsy. He managed to let out a faint, "Help!" Before he collapsed on the ground from the wretched heat.


The squirrel quickly forgot the stool ran under the table and opened a chest. She took out a cup and held it up to her face like a telescope. "Nope," She said throwing it over her shoulder. She took out a funny metal tool she looked it all over and bit it. She made a face and then threw it over her shoulder "Nope," She took out a round plate of glass (a magnify glass) and held it arms length in both paws and then brought it so close to her face that it almost touched her nose. She brought it back out again this time slower. She put one paw on the other side and looked at it threw the glass moving her head around to see it from different angles.

She suddenly lost interest and dropped it, the glass shattering on the floor. She leaped up on to the table and over to a cabinet she puled out a drawer so that it came all the way out and its continence spilled on the floor. There was among some other things an old loaf of bread.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Star Quickly Star grabbed a pot of tea and poured it onto the strange looking fox's leg, then popped a few Eckle leaves into his mouth. They dissolved quit quickly, unfortunately Tezlon's mouth already began to erupt with white foam. Hoping there was still time to save him the mouse elevated the wounded leg, and let the poison run its course. During this process it looks like a seizure is happening, on the inside however, the tea and poison are rushing through his veins, making their way to the heart. If all goes to plan, the Eckle should be waiting for them, and quickly kill the poison.

OOC: you can either post saying your character dies, or lives. Up to you :)


Leo Longblade

Fearing that the stranger didn't hear him, and the issue that he could no longer see the squin made him insane. The rat ran from the water and rushed towards the house, "Stay inside! Don't come out!" a tale popped up from the ground and tried to stab his legs, thanks to his fast agility he jumped over it... unfortunately the larger of the squin was smart enough to predict this move and quickly surfaced from underneath, lodging its telson (The stinger part) right into Leo's heart. Killing him instantly. And just as quickly as it surfaced, the squin all hid themselves before the stranger even had a chance to look outside.


The squirrels ears perked up she heard something out side. She went for the door but then remembered the bread and ran back and grabbed it. She went to the door and looked out.  "Stay inside... Don't come out," She echoed his words slowly. She saw some one lying on the sand. She tilted her head and looked at him sideways. "Stay inside," She said slowly. Keeping her eyes on the prone figure she  took a bite of the bread. "Don't come out," She said. With out taking her eyes off of him she slowly sat down in the door way and watched.  She stared at him hard "Why dose he say don't come out?" She asked her brow furrowed. "Why? Why does he yell?"       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


The Dark was angry, very angry. He had been arrested by some city guards for seemingly no reason, he was furious, it was no wonder that he had killed three of them, arresting beasts for no reason was not something he took kindly to. He poked a guard on the shoulder "Mengapa kamu ditangkap saya? Aku raja, saya menuntut untuk diiktiraf sebagai itu!" the guard stared at him blankly. The Dark rolled his eyes "Damar, menterjemah untuk saya!" the golden-furred wildcat with him nodded "Sudah tentu tuanku." He turned to the guard "My king demands to know why we have been arrested"
"Regardless of however many soldiers you killed, you were trying to enter the inner city, only a few people are allowed in there"
Damar translated it back to the Dark "Tidak kira bagaimanapun ramai askar anda yang dibunuh, anda telah cuba untuk memasuki bandar yang terpinggir, hanya beberapa orang dibenarkan di sana"
The Dark laughed "Mungkin anda perlu meletakkan tanda-tanda supaya orang tahu bahawa"
Damar translated back to the guard "He says that you should put up signs"
"We did put up a sign, you were standing right next to it" again Damar translated it back to the Dark who spat on the floor "Kita tidak boleh membaca asas, menterjemahkan tanda-tanda ke dalam bahasa yang berbeza dan mungkin anda tidak akan mempunyai masalah ini"
"He says we can't read basic and that if you put up some signs in other languages that maybe you wouldn't have this problem"
The guard shrugged and turned away from them. The two prisoners walked along in the middle of the group of guards towards the prison.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan



He watched as the guards threw two strangers into the cells, one on each side of him. "Prisoner" he said while sticking his arm through the iron bars "Nice to meet you?" he waited for a reply. Its not everyday strangers come to this land, but by the look of it, they might be able to help him... their cloths after all, are very expensive he guessed.

OOC: Don't forget, if you want to pick your magical ability, PM me, if not I'll choose it for you.


The Squirrel looked down at her piece of bread "Why dose he tell me to stay?" She asked it It wasn't very help full so she asked the stool which was lying upside down tilted against the table. "Why does he yell? Why dose he say stay in side?" After a moment she flipped it over "Now I say sorry. Ok I did what you said. tell, tell me now," The reply the stool gave startled her and she jumped up drawing her dirk and stared at the sand very very hard. "Squins! Big squins kill him! Kill him with poison!" She saw the sand ripple and Shrieked jumping away from the door.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Tezlon yelled in pain but was willin to take the treatment from the stranger. Everything wa blury and he was beginning to are out. All he could hear was a faint noise of his heart beating.

OOC: Sry for the short post but there's not much to say. Also he lives


The Squirrel threw her loaf of bread at the moving sand and a tail sprang up near where it had fallen and stabbed it "Sand snake! Sand snake, poison sand snake! It swims! It swims like fish in sand!" She yelled hysterically, then threw a cup at it and slammed the door shut but it had already gone. "Whats it doing? What's it doing? Where has it gone?" She asked the stool after a moment she replied "More!? They wait for me! Clever sand snakes wait for me. Wait for me under the sand!" She then began to run around the room grabbing things, but knocking over more than she picked up, And throwing them in a napkin, which she was using as a sack, and taking these things she ran out the window and on to the roof. She left the things there and then climbed back inside She then grabbed the stool and went back out on to the roof. She stood up and looked out over the sand not seeing a thing. "Sand snakes hide. Snake hide and wait. But I wait better. Shhh... they never never find me here." She said whispering the last bit to the stool.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


The Dark ignored the prisoner's hand, Damar however took it willingly "Nice to meet you too, I'm Damar K'rek, that's my king, the Dark" he indicated the other "he doesn't speak basic so he isn't able to understand you" he called across to his master "Tuan, ini adalah Banduan, beliau berkata ia adalah baik untuk bertemu dengan kami"
"Saya secara jujur ??tidak peduli"
"Um, he says it's nice to meet you too"
The Dark chuckled "Jangan berbohong Damar, ia kurang ajar"
"Ia juga kurang ajar untuk mengatakan anda tidak mengambil berat tentang orang"
"Apa sahaja"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dannflower Reguba

Lehscus was approaching the city when he saw a squirrel doing.... something, on top of a hut. As he neared the hut he saw the squin tails and figured out what happened pretty quick. Having had conversation with other travelers about these beasts, the otter had a leg up on others. He approached the hut from the back, and as soon as he was within whispering distance, he spoke to the other traveler, "Hey, try and make your way over to this side without being spotted, I can get us both to the city assuming that's where you want to go."

OOC: Obviously I'm making some assumptions with this post, just hoping it works out okay. And I actually DID have a conversation with someone more knowledgeable than I on the topic of squin.  :D
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This