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Started by Griffen, February 23, 2014, 12:23:23 AM

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Nut ran around a corner and the mouse shouted after her. Two city guards came running and saw her tail disappear round the corner. "You there stop!" one of them yelled but she paid them no heed "Not Stop! Not stop for them," She said to a barrel "Where Nut go now?" She asked it ... "You no help," She said angrily and kicked it over. It went rolling down the street towards the two guards making them dive for cover And Nut started hopping around Clutching her foot paw. "ow ow owowowow ow!... Not Nice!" She cried out. She soon forgot this however and jumped up and stared climbing the side of a building. One of the guards grabbed her by the tail and she promptly steeped on his face. He let go and she leaped down a side street. They ran after her and soon came to a four way split and stopped she was no where to be seen.       
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Zsurgan watched as a squirrel made a fool out of some guards.
He walked across the street to a building, a drinking bar actually, and went inside. He lay some money on the counter and waited for his drink. He didn't care what it was; being picky was not something he could do in his living. Survival meant sacrifices.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.