Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

Skipper's daughter, who wasn't the strongest creature to begin with, gave a strangled shriek as one of the vermin approached the the whip, and fainted. The fright of what was about to be done, combined with her wounds, was just too much for the poor ottermaid.
Bryant gave a dry, humorless laugh. "Oh, yes. My brother and I were slaves at Riftgard, an island in the South. We escaped, but we got separated a few days after we got away. There was this band of vermin, you see...." Bryony said, then stared into the space, remembering the old memories.


"I was a slave too. That's why I'm after Scarlet." Monka shrugged.
The whips cracked, and the slaves covered their eyes.
Cien winced at the sound of the screams, there was only more to come.

Cornflower MM

"Really? That's horrible." Bryony said, touching his shoulder in a way that she hoped showed that she understood, and wasn't offering her sympathy just because. She really did understand.


Monka flinched at the contact, automatically he checked that his wrists weren't exposed. "yeah, oar slave. Ship got wrecked, and I was the only one to survive. I knew who's ship it belonged to, so I began hunting her. This is the closest I've ever come to finding her."

Cornflower MM

Bryony6 blushed, and quickly removed her paw from his shoulder. "Oh....You know, sometimes I saw oar slaves, and thought that they had it so lucky. They didn't seem to have such a lingering, painful death. Maybe I was wrong...I don't really know." She admitted, lowering her eyes, waiting for an explosion of angry words she hoped wouldn't come.


"Well it wasn't easy. Anything but. Rowing for hours on end, little food, and water. Being beaten just for not keeping up, if you get to weak, being thrown over board." Monka shrugged, "Any thing but easy."

OOC: I've got to go now. BYE!

Cornflower MM

OOC: Bye, Rachy!!

BIC: Bryony kept her eyes down. "What about being whipped just because you tried to get splinters out of your paws. Getting whipped for not working fast enbough, or talking, or not working slow enough, or because you stopped to help your younger brother who'd collapsed, or because you dropped something. Getting whipped if you didn't get into the shelter fast enough, or because the building wasn't getting built fast enough. If you didn't do enough satisfactolry work, you were slain, not giving the slightest chance of being able to swim for shore, or being picked up by a boat, even if you had young ones. Barely a mouthful of food a piece, and a sip of water." Bryony said. She kept going on, just talking because she had to get it out.


Monka nodded, "Sounds a lot like what happened to me. I..I..I, I had a younger sister. She, urm, well......"

Gonff the Mousethief

"Fern, it's fine! Remember wot Martin said !"
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Cornflower MM

"That's...Horrible." Bryony said, then staggered as a particuarly strong memory pured into her head. She clutched her head, forcing it to go away....


Monka was suddenly full of concern for Bryony, "Are you alright?"

Cornflower MM

She forced it down, and recovered her breath, "Yeah...Just a really bad, strong memory...I'll be fine in a moment." She said, then leaned against a tree for a minute, and said, "Yeah, I'm one messed up squirrel maid...Got amnesia, and memories trying to force their way into my head every so often." She said, trying to joke about it.


Monka shrugged, "It makes you special. That's why I...." Monka cut himself off short. He had been about to say, that's why I like you.

Cornflower MM

"That's why you what?" Bryony asked, tilting her head.


"Oh, nothing, it doesn't matter." Monka said awkwardly, "So, how far away do you think we are from Scarlet?" He asked, desperate to change the subject.

OOC: Hey, Corn, maybe they could come across Skipper in a bit.