Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

Skipper's daughter had survived the beating. Barely. At the sight of the brands, and stove thingy, she screamed once in terror of what was to come, and went limp. Dead.
"Oh, alright." Bryony said, giving in. She smiled a bit, and then noticed a big lump, heading closer...And it had several tings sticking out of it.
Skipper had woken, and started trudging up the bank, not bothering to snap some of the arrows off. He had his head down, and then tripped, caught himself, and looked up to see where he was, and saw two smalls lumps, which appeared to be wet. He sighed, and kept walking.


Reki stopped the branders, before they started, and examined the ottermaid. "Dead." He scowled, he seemed more annoyed, then sad. "Untie, her, and throw her overboard. We'll just have to go one slave down."
"Ok." Monka said, he had fetched his bag, and handed Bryony the items. " Do you want  a minute to change?" He blushed slightly.

Cornflower MM

"YEs, please." Bryony said, blushed, then slipped into the woods for a few minutes, then emerged, in Monka's xclothes. "Ta-da! What do you think?" She said jokingly, then noticed the big lump again...Except, it looked like an otter. An otter that looked a lot like Skipper. Wait, it WAS Skipper! "Monka, look! It's the Skipper of Otters!" She said, then grabbed him and ran over to Skippper. "Skip, are you alright?"
"Barely." Skipper grunted.


Monka had been wondering if he had a spare belt that Bryony could have used, cos the clothes were so baggy, when Bryony began saying something about a Skipper of Otters, then she ran off, and when Monka turned round, a rather beat up looking otter was there. Then Monka noticed something floating face down in the water, some way off.

Cornflower MM

"Skip...?" Bryony was asking, when Skipper collapsed. "Oh!" He fell on her, and she staggered. "Monka! A little help, please!" She squeaked, barely mamaging to keep his somewhat hefty weight up, and not fall over herself.


Monka ran forward, and helped lower the big otter to the ground.

Cornflower MM

"Thank you...Hey, what's that in the river?" Bryony said, noticing the carcass of Skipper's daughter.


"Don't look." Monka said, seeing the blood around the body, and the scars on its back, "Scarlet." He whispered, hatred exploding inside of him.
Before he knew it, he was storming up the bank, then running.

Cornflower MM

"Okay.." Bryony said, then obediently didn't look, and started tending to Skipper.


Monka felt the anger working through him as he ran, the anger from years as a slave, watching his friend's, and sister die all around him. No, Scarlet wouldn't get away with it. She couldn't be far."

Cornflower MM

Bryony kept on snapping arrow shafts, and pulling out the heads, and then gathered up her soggy clothes and started tearing them up for bandages.

Cornflower MM



BIC: Monka kept running until he caught sight of a ship, it looked far too big to be on the river, it was a sea ship. But the sound of screams of pain, was certain. Monka was striding purposefully towards it. Without a second thought, he ran, and leapt, catching hold of the outside of the ship. He pulled himself up, and over the side, and found himself about five paces, away from Scarlet Firewave.
"FIREWAVE!!!!!!" Monka screamed, jumping to his feet, and charging the otter.
Dissuading his bow, Monka grabbed his sword, and got ready to swing it at Scarlet, but Scarlet was quick, she leapt out of the way, then drew her own sword. 

Gonff the Mousethief

''Great, now we know NOTIN' bout Skip! Oh my, Fern, Lupine, what will we do!''
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.