
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

OOC: AHH!!! I go away for what, two days? Three? Does it matter? But, anyways, I come back and I find THIS?!?!?!? Um, MAJOR PLOT TWIST!! So, is Scarlet going to kick him off, and he floats back to Bryony, or what?

BIC: Bryony had finished bandaging up Skipper, and had him sitting up, and was force-feeding him a little water, and then decided to go down river and see if she could find that thing....Maybe see if Monka took off that way. She walked down the river, leaving Skip a note, and found Skipper's daughter's body stuck in some roots, and turned it over. She shrieked, then scrambled back, falling down in the process. She covered her mouth with one paw, her heart pounding, and then ran back to Skipper.


Steel clashed on steel, as the two creatures battled along the deck. Scarlet's men had got ready to fire upon the mad squirrel, but Scarlet shouted to them not to shoot. Saying that he could be a replacement slave.
Monka fought like a demon, and Scarlet had to admit she was impressed whoever this guy was, he knew how to use a sword. Monka had managed to slash Scarlet several times, but Scarlet had only hit Monka twice. But they were however deep, wounds.
While Monka's back was turned to Scarlet's men, Scarlet gave them a signal. They snuck up behind Monka, then the burly ferret beat Monka hard over the back of the head with his club, until Monka wasn't moving.
"Very good." Scarlet purred, "It seems a waste to put this one in chains, but need calls for must. Reki, are all the new 'uns branded."
"Yes Cap'n."
"Excellent, go take them back to the galley, and get them ready to move, lock this one up in the hold, and place a guard in there with him. Someone take Seashadow back to his cabin, I've got work to do."
Sister Lupine sighed, and shrugged, "I don't know what to do. We really should send a search party out, but Skipper, and his crew were the search party. Oh, dear."   

Gonff the Mousethief

''Well, um well, it, uh I dont know wat t' do! Fern, should we send out a party?''
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Cornflower MM

Bryony huddled against Skipper, who had just woken up, and she was telling him about what she'd seen. He was, needless to say, furious. He started storming back up the bank, with Bryony running after him, dragging her and Monka's things. "Skip! Wait!" She shouted, as the otter dove into the water to clear his head. He popped his head up, and said, "Bryony, you go find that ship and hide on it, and I'll go find some otters to kill that ottermaid, and rescue your boyfriend, as well as the others." She started to protest that Monka was NOT her boyfriend, but it was too late. She continued along the bank, noticing a belt on the top of Monka's stuff, and promptly put it on. "How did I get myself into this?" She moaned, trudging along the bank.

Jukka the Sling

Fern sighed heavily and rested her chin in her paws. "I guess so. There's nothing else for it. I'll go myself, along with Mycroft, and maybe anybeast else who volunteers. Excuse me." She rose from the table and swept out of the room.

She soon found Mycroft outside, helping out in the orchard. Fern hurried over to him and he turned towards her. One glance told him something was up. "What's happened?"

She spoke quickly. "Mycroft, well, I never even mentioned that Lupine had left the Abbey, but she's back now. She'd gone to tell Bryony that Bryant's alive. But even though Bryony now knows Bryant's okay, she's decided to keep on with the squirrel named Monka. Now, Skip still isn't back, so I think we ought to head out right now to look for him. Maybe some otherbeasts want to help, as well."

Mycroft nodded seriously. "Right you are, Fern. C'mon. Let's get some supplies together and see if we can't get a few volunteers, wot!"

OOC: I'm afraid we might've forgotten about the original plot of this RP. :P What's hidden in the walls, and when are things gonna happen on that end, Rach?
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Gonff the Mousethief

''Ok marm, ill be waiting outside.''
Marshall exited the kitchens and went out onto the front lawns.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


OOC: Um, Jukka, I was thinking maybe the secret plans Scarlet is after, could been hidden in the walls, and I guess to end it, someone needs to kill Scarlet, (I was hoping Cien, and maybe he could die doing so, but I'm open to suggestions), and then the RP could end with them doing the Play. The ghost/Martin/whoever it was, should have some large role in what happens I think. But I also think, that the ghost should become a full time character, if anyone wants to play it.

BIC: Monka woke to a splitting headache, and to darkness. No, there was a light in the corner over there. Monka tried to sit up, but found that he was chained to the floor. He also had a feeling that underneath him, there was movement. He must be in the hold of the ship, and the ship must be moving!
"bryony, please have the sense not to come after me, go home, to your brother." Monka whispered, almost silently to himself.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Shall I play Mister Ghosty? *Evil grin*

BIC: Bryony, after trudging along for quite some time (Or so it felt like; In reality it had only been about twenty minutes) She saw an outline of a ship up ahead. "Time to get a move on, Bryony!" She chastised herself, then slung the bags over her shoulder more securely and went up a tree. She could go quicker that way.


Down in the galleys, Reki was getting his hench-ferret to make the slaves row at double speed. He didn't fancy another beating from Scarlet.

Cornflower MM

Bryonyt noticed the ship was speeding up, and she was still a ways away from it. She started to going faster, muttering to herself the whole time.


OOC: Corny, it would be great if you played the ghost thing!  ;D

Jukka the Sling

OOC @Rach: Yeah, I'd thought that the plans are probably what's hidden in the walls. :D And I actually had thought about, what if Cien died killing Scarlet? Good idea, if you ask me, though tragic. But hey, tragic deaths are really interesting!

Mirelle's body was one mass of pain. The whipping had torn her back badly; her tunic was shredded and hung off her in bloody strips. On top of that she'd been branded. The pain was excruciating - and now she was forced to row at double speed. She couldn't take it much longer, she knew it. Groggy and lightheaded, her thoughts whirled round. She felt sorry for Skipper's daughter, yet was glad that at least she'd escaped the branding. The ottermaid couldn't see any way out of her current situation - her former toughness and anger had deserted her. She felt depressed and cowed, sure that she would be an oarslave for the rest of her life.
Fern turned to several other Redwallers helping in the orchard. "Skipper isn't back yet, so Mycroft and I have decided to leave at once. Are there any volunteers to come along? We only need about um..." she quickly counted the Abbeydwellers she was speaking to, "...eight or so, I'd say. It may be dangerous, so come prepared. You'll need your own weapon and supplies." Seeing the surprised faces of the Redwallers, who hadn't quite taken it all in, the Abbess continued, "I understand completely if you'd rather not."

There was an immediate show of paws from the small group in the orchard. Fern gave a small smile. "Alright then. You should all go and prepare for the trip. We'll leave within twenty minutes."

She and Mycroft hurried back to the main Abbey building, changed into simple traveling tunics and packed a couple of thick cloaks into a traveling bag. Fern tucked a dagger and the sling she'd used as a teen (along with a small pouch of stones) in her belt, while Mycroft did the same with a long-unused dirk from his days in the Long Patrol. They then headed back downstairs to the kitchens, where Fern spoke with the Friar about running the Abbey in her absence. After some coaxing, he reluctantly agreed. The two hares then stocked up on food that would keep for a while.

The Abbess and her husband said goodbye to May and Brinkut, promising to return within a couple of days. May seemed to take it all in stride, but Brinkut was quite distressed that his parents were leaving. Only after reassuring him that they really would come back did he cheer up.

Fern and Mycroft then headed out onto the lawns with their group of volunteers, where Marshall was waiting for them. They exited the Abbey through the east wallgate. Fern wasn't completely sure which way Skipper had gone, but something told her to head north and slightly east. So she struck off into Mossflower in that direction with Mycroft at her side and a group of Redwallers behind her.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

Cornflower MM

OOC: GREAT!! Can't wait to do this! But it will be tomorrow, I'm certain.

BIC: Bryony had caught up with the ship, and decided to simply get ahead, and jump on that cabin-roof-thingy. Then she rethought, and decided to get on the deck, as no one was around, except for that sleeping rat. Her plan worked, and she started down to the bottom of the ship, and panicked about four times, when she had to hide, and then saw a door, and decided to just go in there. If it was empty, - which it surely was, as the last vermin she';d had to hide from had walked right past, - All was well and good. If it belonged to someone, her cover was blown., She slipped, in, and saw someone on the floor. She went closer, and gasped. "M-Monka?" She asked, trembling.

Gonff the Mousethief

''Well Fern, the last I saw Skip was when I was at the riva'. Should be go there first?''
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Cornflower MM

The white, silent figure appeared on the walltops, and then vanished. It reappeared a moment later, down by the gate. It hovered, then glided towards the gate, going out. It hesitated, but then moved forwards again. It moved in a way so as to appear in the group's path. It had one goal in mind: Redwall needed its Abbess, at all times. The Abbess was leaving. Get the Abbess back safely....