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Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Lupine handed the blueprints over to Tripper.
Monka flinched at the contact, and murmured, "It is my fault. If she hadn't found me, then she'd be safe at her Abbey with her brother. Its all my fault!"
Reki put down his scourge, and went over to Bryony. He checked to see she was actually unconscious, was satisfied, and called over to Scarlet. "She's out! What shall I do with her now?"
Scarlet thought for a moment, then smiled, "Lock her up in Seashadow's cabin. Make sure the chains are good, and strong."
Reki was a little confused, but did was he was ordered. He had Bryony untied, then chained up, and put in the cabin. Cien was even more surprised, when he saw Bryony. As soon as the door was locked he ran over to her, and checked her breathing. Yes, she was alive. "Oh, what have they done to you?" He groaned, and picked her up, and put her on the bed.

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"Oh, son.....I see that you can't see what I saw when the squirrel flung herself in front of you. She, whether or not you like it, feels something a bit stronger than comradeship for you....Something a lot stronger." The mouse said, then leaned back again.
Bryant looked over Tripper's shoulder, and frowned. This was....Interesting, to say the least.
Bryony gasped, and was brought back, when Cien picked her up. "OW." She muttered, then opened her eyes, and remembered all that had happened. "Monka!" She said as she sat upright, then gasped in pain as that hurt her bloodied back.


"Lie still!" Cien ordered, fetching a jug full of water from across the room, "If they flung salt water on you, then at least it will have cleaned the wounds." He muttered.
Monka heard the mouse's words, but they did seem to make any sense to him. But then, they were ordered to row at double speed again, and he had no time to think.

Cornflower MM

"But, but, Monka! What if they hurt him again?!?" Bryony asked, but lay still again. Old habits die hard, she supposed. "And, yes, they did fling sea water on me. Twice." She said.


"Good." Cien sighed, as he rolled Bryony onto her stomach.
OOC: Can we just skip him sorting her out. I know very little of healing.

Cornflower MM

OOC: Yes. Unless, you want me to give you some tips...I some things about healing. But, then, I don't think there's any herbs around, is there?


OOC: Not really. They are locked up in a cabin.  ::)

Cornflower MM

OOC: I know.

BIC: "Are you done yet, Cien?" Bryony asked. Being on her stomach was a tad bit uncomfortable.


"Almost." Cien said, he'd made make shift bandages out of the sheets on the bed, and washed her wounds, but apart from that, he hadn't been able to do much. "there, all done."

Cornflower MM

"Thank you." Bryony said gratefully, then she sat up slowly. "What now? And what was going on at the Abbey last night?" She asked, staring him in the eye.


"It has nothing to do with you. And if you had any sense, you'd still be at the Abbey." Cien snapped, and went, and sat over in the corner, with his back to Bryony.

Cornflower MM

"Oh, yeah? Well, maybe I'm just a squirrel who cares about her brother, and then finds someone who's cute, and nice....And understands...And so maybe I don't have sense, because I care too much. Far too much..." Bryony said, tears coming to her eyes, but then she blinked them back.


"And this guy seems to have just dropped you, so look where caring got you." Cien growled, still staring at the wall.

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No, actually, he's down there rowing! How on earth do you think I got in this cabin? They started beating him, and I.......Lost it. In other words, my cvhain was rusty. And have I mentioned the seat that6 now is sporting a new backing?" Bryony said, then giggled.


Cien rolled his eyes, and moaned quietly, "Why did Scarlet put her in here?"