
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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"Not really." Toka huffed, and trudged on, kind if wishing he'd left his snow shoes on now, so he could do what she was.   


Arnath laughed again saying "Its funner this way," and pushed off stopping a bit ahead to wait for him.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Stop messing around, and let's just get there. It's already about time for breakfast." Toka growled, as he leapt over a snowdrift.


"It's also faster," She said giving herself another push and she slid down the hill along the path. She could feel the sun rising and warming her fur and tired limbs.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Good for you!" Toka shouted.
The Abbey was getting closer now, he could see the snow covered walls in the distance.


It felt good she pushed her self along for some extra speed then Some thing was off it felt wrong... then. Bang! She ran into something and fell over backwards. She sat up rubbing her nose and yelled back to Toka "I think I found the abbey."   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Yeah, ya did!" Toka shouted, she was quite some way ahead of him.
Perry was awake, and sitting in the Gatehouse thing. Marshall the fox was still asleep, but Perry was busy eating some breakfast brought to them by an Abbey person.


Arnath got up and walked along the length of the wall tapping it with her walking stick till she found a door. She gave it a strong knock and waited.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Quote from: HanNorwood on May 11, 2014, 01:53:28 AM
OOC: Sorry. Seems I have some catching up to do.

BIC: "Staying for the storm? There is no storm, you lying worm!" The Trickster shouted out, suddenly angry. "This cave is my home, and I'll roam it alone!" he shouted. He threw a rock out of the shadows, hitting Tauten right on the head.
"Ow!" shouted Tauten, when a rock came out of the shadows and hit him on the head. "There!" to the spot the rock had come out of. "That's where the rock came from. Shoot him!" The creatures shape could just be seen through the shadows.

OOC: Am assuming that it isn't the next day? SAnd if it is, then I'm catching up.

BIC: Arya had gasped when the unknown creature shouted, and when the rock came flying, she shot several times over into that region, then screamed into the darkness, "THERE IS A SNOWSTORM, YOU FILTHY VERMIN! YOU'VE HIT HIM ON THE HEAD WITH YOUR ROCK! CAN'T SIMPLE BEASTS SHELTER?!?! YOU NASTY, FILTHY, VILE, DIRTY, HORRIBLE BEAST!"


Toka ran to catch up, and was soon standing next to Arnath.
"If only I hadn't darn well got stabbed, I could have been over this wall in a second." He muttered.
Perry heard a defiant knocking sound, he stood up, and went over to the door, and shouted, "Sorry mates! I can't let you in, I'm locked in the gatehouse. Some Abbey beast should be along soon!"


Arnath's sharp ears picked up the sound of someone calling from inside. "I think he said he is locked in the gate house..."  She said puzzled.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Who's locked in a what?" Toka asked, he wished the creature had spoken  more clearly, Toka hadn't been able to make out what he said.


"He said he was locked in a gate house. though that doesn't make much sense and I think he's a mouse or a squirrel but its hard to tell." She said 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Fine, but I'm not waiting. Wound, or no wound. I'm gonna get over that wall." Toka growled, determination in his eyes.
He then began to plan his route up, it would be difficult, but he was a skilled climber. It wouldn't take long. He mounted the wall, and began to climb slowly. 


"You can't scale a wall! You could barely clime a tree without hurting your self. he said some one would be along soon," She knocked on the door again this time a bit louder.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?