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Troll's Plight OOC

Started by The Skarzs, April 07, 2014, 03:55:25 AM

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This is the character sheet; don't vote as this is simply something for referencing.

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (10%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Favorite food/saying (for the Lols)
9 (90%)
Side (sorry, forgot about this one)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10

The Skarzs

First RP I've started, so yeah.

In a land much like that of Redwall, yet not so alike, there are creatures: mice, moles, squirrels, and the group known as 'vermin'. But there are also creatures of mythical origin; creatures that move about, making those noises that go 'bump' in the night. These are trolls, fairies and dragons, and others, living about with those of the Abbey.
But this is about the trolls, or what shall happen to them. For their primitive ways and ferocious appearance have brought upon them the despise of many. A war has been brewing for years, marking the death, and the life, of many.

There are two groups: those against the Trolls, and those for the Trolls. (there is room for a small third party, but not too much please). Much of Redwall is against the Trolls, for their ways are not like theirs. The Trolls live around in various places, struggling to keep alive with so much prejudice against them.

All species speak the same.

The Trolls: Rock Trolls- rarest of the kind; live near mountain lakes.
Stone Trolls- smallest; live on high cliffs and mountains.
Snow Trolls- largest; solitary creatures that live high on the snowy caps of the mountains
Fire Trolls- make their homes in the deep recesses of the earth; they thrive with the magma they live around
Cave Trolls- Dominant species; live in caves

Any questions about this will be answered. Other mythical species not stated must be approved.
All Redwall animals are accepted, and new animals will be cool.

I will make a poll saying how I want the character sheet. Do not vote on the poll.

Will edit in my characters later.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


...Can I be a neutral faerie-folk nymph thingummy who helps whoever I feel like?

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Yay! I can be like two feet tall, and float around and zap people! Woo!


The Skarzs

@Jet: Three is max. It will become to confusing beyond that.

@Rus: You would be the one to vote when I specifically said not to.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask, as I will answer them as best I can.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Couldn't resist voting. Sorry. Maybe. ;D So, I'm thinking I'll have two charries (Will have to edit them in):

Name Arya Brushtail   
Gender Female   
Species Squirrel        
Age    (One season = One year)   25-ish   
Appearance    Nut brown all over, except for her ears and nose, which are pitch-black, and a white teardrop shape on her forehead. Arya has a big, bushy (Hence her last name) bright fiery red tail, which suits her hot temper.
Clothing      A dark green tunic, with a white hat and dark fingerless gloves. Ogh, and slim fawn brown boots that come up to her knees..   
Weapon(s)    Bow and arrows, hand-and-a-half sword with matching belt and scabbard, and a dagger tucked into her left boot.     
History     Is this optional?    
Other         Um, nothing really.
Favorite food/saying (for the Lols)  Anything hot and spicy, but Ginger Root is her favourite, any way prepared.
Side (sorry, forgot about this one)      FOR trolls. In fact, her best friend happens to be a troll. (Perhaps someone would play him/her?)
Name    Bryony Bluescales.     
Species     Dragon
Age      About 4207, more or less.   
Appearance         Brilliant blue scales, and green eys.
Clothing         Other than a helmet and breastplate that Bryony will on;y wear when she goes into battle, none.
Weapon(s)     Natural defense. Her fire's a dark green color, even though she's a blue dragon.
Other         A littler vain at times, and proud of her scales. Will freak if one of then falls out and leaves a patch of her skin showing.
Favorite food/saying (for the Lols)             Favourite food is tree bark, and don't ask. She's a vegetarian dragon.
Side (sorry, forgot about this one)      Neutral. But more for the trolls than against them.         
Will finish later. Oh, added a few things, hope ya don't mind. Can one of mine be a dragon?

The Skarzs

Yes, a dragon it can be.
Hold on, I need to add 'what side' your person is on to the character sheet.

And some magic is accepted, but it must be approved.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.



Can I be a Barghest?

Name: Ximoz the Watcher
Species: Dragon
Age: 5706
Appearance: Ximoz has white scales with gold designs around his eyes. He is small for a dragon, about the size of a husky in length + another tail's length. His wings add some height if he extends them but when he is walking they are normally folded flat on his back (Dragon wings are complicated okay?). His eyes are swirling vortices of stormy grey.
Clothing: Sometimes he wears a silver helmet
Weapon(s): Natural defenses, breathes grey fire (This fire is magical and does not always burn (Dragon biology is complicated okay?)
History: Technically 5706 is how many billion years old he is, but immortals like to lie about their age, do not mistake immortality for invulnerability, he can be killed. Ximoz was one of the original eight dragons created to guard certain aspects of life. Ximoz was supposed to watch over all creatures and report their histories to another of the eight, the Chronicler, a grey dragon with white eyes. Ximoz however, did not like this job so he abandoned his duties and after a short fight with his brethren, ran away.
Other: Being an original creature does not make him all powerful. He has an eidetic memory
Favorite saying: The various caves of time are not to be plundered, merely explored and mapped carefully.
Side: Neutral

Name: Pyrus
Species: Fire elf
Age: 426
Appearance: About three inches tall with bright red skin and orange eyes, he has wings that resemble those of a beetle or some other insect. He is bald with long, pointed ears and sports a black beard that reaches halfway down his neck.
Clothing: Fire elves, and indeed fae in general, tend to wear little clothing, he wears a kilt of a cream coloured fabric and a leather belt diagonally across his chest. In battle he wears a black breastplate and corinthian helmet plumed with the feathers of crimson topaz hummingbirds
Weapon(s): Natural defenses (i.e. able to conjure fire) and two curved swords
History: There is not much to tell, he was the son of the chieftain of the fire elves and when his father died, his title passed on to him
Other: Expert at duel wielding swords
Favourite saying: Play with fire and you'll get burnt, play with fire elves and you'll be incinerated
Favorite food: Soldier ants/bees
Side: Supportive of the Trolls

Since I'm the first fairy can I make some lore?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

Yes, making a bit of lore is fine. They are both accepted.
Your Barghest: No, sorry. :P

Let's get some peeps against the Trolls, eh?
Oh, and the sides are not  'good or bad', just doing what they think is right. Shady-like.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Excellent, lore time!

The Fae, incorrectly referred to as Fairies, are a group of many species of, small, humanoid, pointy-eared, winged, magical beings. Each species that is part of the Fae is governed by a tribal leader who has many advisors, usually the leader is referred to as a Patriarch (Male) or Matriarch (Female) however sometimes Fae leaders get delusions of grandeur and call themselves things like king or emperor, these are usually pixies. The Fae folk are made up of these species:

Fairy/Faerie-Fairies are the dominant Fae, they are electric blue and have a median average of around 2.5 inches tall. Fairies are typically careful and intelligent creatures, they make better mages and scholars than warriors. The tallest a full grown Faerie can get is around 4.75 inches tall, though some have been recorded to be up to 7. It is generally believed that these accounts are false and were made to make those particular Faeries more impressive. The Faerie Patriarch/Matriarch is the highest authority in the Fae. Faeries generally live in clusters of houses around forest pools, the Faerie leader's house is usually placed higher than all the others and is considerably larger. They typically wear pointy hats and loose tunics, usually in purple, black, olive or green. They do not grow hair.

Fire Elf-Fire elves are perhaps the most warlike of the Fae, this is surprising given that they are the smallest recorded Fae, only growing up to 3.5 inches tall. They have bright red skin and have been known to grow black or ginger facial hair. Fire Elf leaders tend to go it alone, forgoing advisors and helpers, generally only keeping a court mage with them. They usually live in hives in fallen trees. They produce a honey that can cure burns.

Pixie-Pixies are the largest Fae, growing up to 7 inches tall, they look very much like humans, with blue eyes and blonde, white or brown hair. They have very young looking faces, long fingers and sharp fingernails. Pixies have a bad reputation for producing thieves and bandits however they are actually Jacks-of-all-trades producing fine warriors, mages, scholars, performers and of course the thieves and bandits they are famous for. Pixies live in circular dwellings on the edges of ponds and lakes. They wear loose-fitting tunics which are usually green.

Sprite-Sprites have scaly green skin and slitted yellow eyes. They are generally peaceful creatures, preferring the quiet life. They produce the finest workers that the world has ever seen. Sprites grow up to 5.25 inches tall and live in burrows consisting of large family groups. They keep away from salt water as it burns their skin but do like cold climates. Despite this they do not usually wear much, mostly just a kilt.

Sand Sprite/Sand Elf-These creatures have pale yellow skin and large black eyes. They grow up to 5 inches tall and live in caves in deserts or beaches. They do not react well to the cold and like to keep to warmer climates.

Dust Spirit-Dust spirits barely qualify as Fae, their wings are like those of a bat as opposed to those of an insect and they grow up to 6.5 inches tall and are entirely blind. They are primitive and feed off the blood of the sleeping, like vampire bats. They are called Dust Spirits because they are malicious and enjoy causing dust storms. Dust Spirits generally live in burrows.

The Fae have a special event called the Gathering. The Fae of long ago set up four stone circles, one at the base of a mountain, one inside a deep cave, one in a grassy plain and one on a sea shore. At every Solstice and Equinox, the Fae flock to one of these locations to mingle with their brethren and listen to their leaders discuss important affairs. At the Summer Solstice they go to the circle on the plains, at the Autumn Equinox they go to the one in the cave, at the Winter Solstice they go to the one near the mountain, at the Spring Equinox they go to the one by the sea.

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

Nice, but let's not have too too much of this. ;)
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ooh! Shiny lore! ...Totally going to be a Pixie and wisp-lead someone...


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Hi, a lore maniac. I'm this absurdly pretty glowing little lamp that you should totally follow.