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Trolls' Plight: Dead RP.

Started by The Skarzs, April 16, 2014, 06:06:19 PM

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Jasper made use of her small size, crouching in a tiny crevasse in the side of the troll cave. As Arya and Nagrom passed, she flicked his finger, and a tiny bolt of almost-transparent green flew by. With a soft sound, it paused right behind Arya's neck. Flowing into her, it faded away. Jasper giggled. She was glad she had visited- Trolls were more immune to magicks that made them itch. Arya wasn't a troll.


OOC: Rus, that's evil. I love it!

BIC: Rane was standing near the Abbey pond, waiting for two of his closest friends. They were bringing out one of the Abbey's boats, and the three of the would be going on a little expedition out of the Abbey on the Mossflower river with it. Rane's task was to make sure the gates stayed open, and close them behind the trio, while keeping a look-out for the Abbot or other creatures. The Boathouse door opened, and Rane's friends (Vince Tuma and Quincy Lakeson) came out, moving the boat as quietly as the could. It took several tense minutes, but Vince and Quincy both made it to the gate. There they let go off the boat, and stupidly started loudly cheering at their successful plot. This was, of course and easy way to get caught.

OCC: Vince or Quincy I might make a character sheet for later.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


OOC: Not evil- Mischief. That is, I think, mainly what I'm going to do here. No other mischevious fae folk playing, as far as I can tell  ;)

Oh, and I've been slightly confused/confusing about Jasper's gender- She is female. I'm going to go back and edit my other post now.


Aritha looked perplexed and then started after the screaming Dryad "Hey wait!" She called after him. She fallowed him but soon lost him she searched around till she heard a cheer. She saw him with two shrews. She hid in the bushes and watched.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Skipper Rudge stood up at the table.
"Abbot Ggural's right, mates! Those trolls don't care about who or what they kill; they even kill each other!"
"Probably," he added under his breath; to him, that was an unnecessary detail.
". . . And more lives will be at stake if'n we don't stop them for good. As bad as it may sound, it is for the safety of all creatures." The otter sat down, having said his piece.

"Thank you Skipper," said Ggural. "As you can see, there are many creatures who share my fears. As Father Abbot of Redwall, I must care for the protection of all beasts, and to do so, I must conclude that the Trolls must perish."
Nagrom stood and roared. "We are the bad ones? We, who they kill left and right as if we are dumb monsters? We, who's numbers dwindle to their already-incessant hunt of our kind? I have been patient, I have tried to keep our kind away from them so that they might have some change of heart. But this?"
He sat and buried his face in his huge hand. "Arya, my friend, we are on the brink of war, and I fear that not many will come out alive. For your sake, and I leave the choice to you, I ask that you leave this land to keep safe."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"Lord Pyrus" A fire elf guardsman flew up the stairs, Pyrus, chieftain of the fire elves turned to face him "What is it?"
"Another troll death sir, by a river to the north of here" Pyrus frowned
"Do we have any confirmation on the identity of this troll?"
"We believe it to be the rock troll lord sir"
"Xecam... Unfortunate" He sighed "Thank you for bringing me this news, dismissed soldier" the other elf whizzed off down a corridor to the left. Pyrus got up from his throne and made his way down the stairs behind it, lighting the torches on the walls along the way.
   The tunnel opened out into a large circular chamber, Pyrus muttered a few words and dug his fingers into a trough cut into the wall. Fire leaped from his fingertips, racing around the perimeter of the room and illuminating it. In the centre of the room stood a bowl on three legs, inside the bowl was a thick silvery liquid "Wohs em siuradelahK, feihc fo eht seiriaf" The liquid in the bowl span around before clearing to the image of a small, electric blue figure who looked slightly surprised "Pyrus?" The fire elf nodded
"Lord Khaledarius"
"My dear fellow whatever is the matter? You look so grim!"
"Have you not heard the news?"
"I have heard nothing important, no, what's happened?"
"Lord Xecam of the rock trolls has been killed"
"Killed? Good lord! How did it happen?"
"I was not informed of that, all I know is that Xecam is dead"
The fairie looked agitated "How many more deaths must there be Pyrus? Trolls dying left, right and centre and no one's raising a finger to help them"
"With respect sir, there is very little that the Fae can do to help and nearly everyone else doesn't care"
"Either that or hates the trolls"
"That too"
"No, no, no, this simply won't do at all, we must help them Pyrus! It's only a short hop from trolls to all non-animals, the Fae included"
"I don't think it is as dramatic as all of that but I agree that this should not be happening, we must help the trolls!"
The faerie nodded "I shall send an emissary to meet with Nagrom, lord of the cave trolls, offer him the full support of the faeries. After that I shall call a council of the Fae and try to get the others to do the same." The faerie paused "What of you Pyrus?"
"I will also go to the cave trolls, Xecam was apparently found near their caves, I must go to see if it really is true"
"Go with all speed Pyrus, perhaps you and my emissary shall meet up"
"Perhaps, we shall see"
"Yes. Well farewell my friend, I must find that emissary and prepare for council"
"Goodbye lord Khaledarius" The image clouded over once more.

"You want me to what?" The white dragon was incredulus "May I remind you sir that I am not under your command! I want no part in this darn war!"
"Ximoz please it's only a short distance, don't you want to save the trolls?"
The dragon sighed "As detestable as my job was, my instinct is to watch not to interfere and while the extinction of a race is regrettable, that is the way of the world. I am sorry Khaledarius but it's a no" the dragon turned from the faerie and began padding slowly toward the exit
"What if I rewarded you?" The dragon snorted
"I care not for gold nor jewels, what else have you to offer me?"
"I was not suggesting such a shallow reward, I was offering you access to the archives"
The dragon paused "The archives?" he licked his lips "We are talking of the archives of the Fae, the largest compendium of knowledge in the known world?"
"Yes, those archives, you may explore them at your leisure if you do this thing for me"
"Where was it that you said this Nagrom lived?"
Khaledarius sighed in relief "To the south and west of here, if you find yourself in the fire elf city, you've gone too far"
"Thank you, I shall leave at once"

OOC: You're okay with NPCs right?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

OOC: If it becomes too overwhelming, I will ask you to stop. But for now, it adds an interesting part to this. ;)
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Norham Waterpaw

Charlin had been caught. He struggled as one put him in a wicked headlock. The other unsheathed a hatchet and began to sharpen it upon a nearby stone.

"We's gonna carve yer up, liddle tree fella'!" Said the shrew who was holding him.

"Yeh, we're gonna make firewood outa yew!" Said the other.

"Scrumby, grab our torch too, that'll teach this feller!" The one said to the other, with the hatchet, apparently named "Scrumby".

The moment the other turned his head, Charlin bit the paw of the other, ran over Scrumby's head, kicking him in the process, and made a mad dash out of there.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Umbra Skia watched the Dryad and shrews, chuckling admiringly as the tree man gnawed at the shrew's paw and fled the scene. Umbra followed through the trees. Perhaps it was a bad idea to ignore his job but then, he had never really done well with authority and his attention span had always been as short as an insect's leg. Umbra hadn't been watching the Dryad long, the weasel had just alighted on the branch to catch his breath when the nymph had arrived, there was no particular reason for Umbra to follow him, then again, there was never any particular reason for Umbra to do anything, he went with his gut and his gut said follow the Dryad, however strange that might be.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Wylder Treejumper

Fissk walked towards Redwall, his hand on his magic blade, Vipr. The woods he travelled through were thick with vermin, and it always payed to be careful. Just then a troll rumbled out of the trees in front of him. Fissk made a slight magic gesture, and spoke to the troll in it's native language.
"Carefull, friend. I don't feel like becoming a flatcake today."
The troll grunted non-commitally and stepped to the right. That was the way to deal with trolls. They were nice enough if you could communicate, but few were bright enought to learn our language. That's where magic was handy.
He stepped off brightly, anticipating the Abbey's famous hospitality.
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


The two Shrews started after the other Dryad but Aritha stood up in front of them. She let her hair fall in front of her face a little in an attractive way and she gave a little smile. "Hi there where are you going in such a hurry,"   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Quote from: The Skarzs on April 17, 2014, 04:07:54 PM
Nagrom stood and roared. "We are the bad ones? We, who they kill left and right as if we are dumb monsters? We, who's numbers dwindle to their already-incessant hunt of our kind? I have been patient, I have tried to keep our kind away from them so that they might have some change of heart. But this?"
He sat and buried his face in his huge hand. "Arya, my friend, we are on the brink of war, and I fear that not many will come out alive. For your sake, and I leave the choice to you, I ask that you leave this land to keep safe."

OOC: Hmm.....That's interesting request! Anywho, sorry for not getting on sooner.
Hey Jet, what do you think of Ximoz and Bryony getting meeting soon? With possible romance. Please PM me.

BIC: Arya leaned into the back of her chair when Nagrom started shouting; He was rather scary when he was mad. Then he had the nerve to ask her to leave the land?!?! Now, it has her time to shout. "WHAT? Uh, no! You honestly think I care about being on the brink of war?!?! Let me tell you this, Nagrom, if I leave, it'll be more harmful for me. You think I would sleep easy, live easy, roam easy, with worrying that when I come back in a few seasons, you might be dead? That's not even mentioning my conscience! How in Mossflower do you th8ink I would feel, knowing I'd left you to an almost certain death?!?! Nuh-uh. I'm not leaving. Not happening." She'd stood up while she was yelling, now she sat back with her arms folded across her chest.


Edit: Ignore this.

I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Norham Waterpaw

EDIT: Faiyloe, you posted a few seconds ahead of me. Snap.
DOUBLE EDIT: OH CRUD. I didn't know these guys were actual characters. Um... I just killed them. Maybe I should edit my post?

Charlin had to be on the safe side. He knew the Shrews would stop at nothing to find him. He turned back, and didn't like what he saw. That other Dryad. She had clearly never left her little pond. She thought being pretty could stop enemies in their tracks. Well, she was right. They would stop, for a second, after they had killed her.

He bounded out from the shadows, battle fury in his eyes. He produced 2 leaf knives, and leaped on one, slitting its throat then and there. He threw the other, striking the other, probably Scrumby, in the chest.

Charlin finally touched back down to the ground.

"Ye. . . Ye've killed me!" Said Scrumby, with a bit of a sad and confused look on his face. His eyes glazed over and he toppled backwards, making a dull thud.

Charlin turned to Aritha with anger still fresh on his face. "Stay out of trouble. What you did was foolish."
He turned and began heading once again in the direction of Redwall.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


OOC: Are you going to change it or are you asking me to change mine.

Edit: Oh... I think I made I mistake... I thought Your character was Hans...
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?