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Welcome, to the Barkhills OOC

Started by The Skarzs, August 03, 2014, 02:52:44 AM

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The Skarzs

This RP may turn out being a bit slow, so I'd like to apologize ahead for that.

Some explanations:
1. The geography: this land is west of Mossflower, far over the ocean. It is mountainous and covered in trees (mostly evergreen) almost completely, earning it the name of 'Barkhills'.
2. The culture: Many of the creatures in this land eat meat, and hunt game animals such as deer, elk, and some birds for a part of their diet. The land is ruled by a singular wolf lord, a practice that has been followed for countless seasons. He is chosen as such for his virtues, strength in battle, and wisdom in decisions, both in battle and in domestic life. Their language is known as the Common Tongue, and is the same as that in Mossflower, only with a deeply rooted accent.
3. The origins: This is from a book that I am writing, and, while not connected in the story with Redwall, I find it fun to make tie-ins.
4. The creatures: The following list of animals are native to the Barkhills that are not native to Mossflower: Cougars, lynxes, bobcats, opossums, raccoons, coyotes, wolves, porcupines, beavers, and bears. Some of these have an obvious size advantage over mice, ferrets, and the like, even though sizes have been altered for the reason of believability in battle. Any and all beasts can be evil, or good, or neutral. The larger animals, are, however, fewer in number.

Any questions on these will be answered.

A brief history.
The Barkhills was ruled by the wolf lords for a long time, but their power was only a little, and the creatures in the land far spread out and without much of any law. The wolves, few in number, left and presided in the mountains, helpless when a raccoon quickly rose to power. After a great war, they were returned to the seat and remained there since as a central military unit for the protection of the land and it's inhabitants, not a tyrannical overlord. There is a council that helps decide laws, keeping the wolf lord from holding more power than needed. Often they need to repel borders from attacks of outsiders and rebellions of insiders.

The story: (I would like more characters to be from Redwall than the Barkhills). Creatures from Mossflower sail off adventuring for whatever reason, and, due to a storm that wrecks their ship, find themselves at the Barkhills. They are greeted and helped by the creatures there, but trouble brews within the heart of the land, and has yet to show it's face. . .

Please do your character sheets as follows.

Name and/or title:
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me)
Native land:
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.)

This is a list showing the sizes of animals that will be in this RP. Spaces left blank indicate a gap in the heights.

-Cougar, wolf
-Coyote, bobcat, lynx
-Sea otter
-Wolverine, badger
-Raccoon, beaver
-Opossum, skunk, otter
-Ferret, weasel, mink, marten
-Squirrel, rat, muskrat
-Chipmunk, mouse
-Shrew, mole

My Characters
Name and/or title: Karn Warcat
Species: Cougar
Age: 20
Native land: Barkhills
Appearance: Well-built, muscular; gray-brown fur; ice-blue eyes; left ear has a large nick out of it. Wears steel armor over a gray tunic. One large fang sticks out over his lower lip. Has a scar running from his forehead along the side of his snout to end at the bottom of his cheek.
Personality: Usually friendly; has a serious streak in him. He will lay down his life for his friends, family, and lord. Is very strategic and tries not to rush into things, though sometimes his decisions are made very quickly.
Weapons: Double-bitted war axe, dagger.
Occupation: Hammer Warrior, the elite soldiers of the Barkhills.
Other: Is in command of a section of the Hammer Warriors.

Name and/or title: Vrungin
Species: Wolf
Age: 35
Native land: Barkhills
Appearance: Tall and sinewy, with gray fur. His eyes are a dark orange, and the lip on the right side of his face is ripped permanently open from a wound long ago. Wears the hide of a bear as his clothes and armor.
Personality: Clever and sharp, Vrungin is an eloquent speaker and master planner. Not much goes unnoticed by him. He wants to take over the Barkhills and has the brains and holds enough power to do so.
Weapons: Straight saber, two curved daggers and a bow which he only uses on some occasions. Enjoys walking around with an iron cane.
Occupation: Rival of the Wolf Lord, Rauken.
Other: Has been slowly growing in power for years, holding a large force of creatures and land.

Name and/or title: Garan Rudderpaw
Species: Otter
Age: 41
Native land: Mossflower
Appearance: Grizzled from travel, his fur is dark brown. His eyes are the same color of his fur. Is missing his left paw.
Personality: Jolly; makes things light despite his tough appearance. Doesn't care where he goes.
Weapons: In place of his left paw is a blade about a foot long coming from the stub. Also carries a javelin.
Occupation: Captain of the ship.
Other: Agreed to take a group of creatures exploring on his ship.

Corny's Characters
Name and/or title:Arya Brushtail
Native land:Mossflower. (Mossflower Woods, to be exact.)
Appearance:Dark brown fur, blue eyes. Black nose and ears. Wears a dark navy blue tunic with light blue sash
Personality:Sweet, kind, caring, hyper, feisty, leader and sassy - Al adjectives that describe Arya.
Weapons:Bow and arrows, hand-and-a-half sword, dagger.
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Adventurer/Warrior

Name and/or title: Dain Pendragon the Wise
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me) Coyote
Native land: The Barkhills
Appearance: Picture of fur and coloring below sheets. Clothes: A dark tan color tunic, with a sash of plaited grass that is it's natural color.
Personality: Gruff, blunt, kind, honest, wise (Duh.) careful, and brave. A leader sort.
Weapons:Words and sling.
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Wanderer (A sort of adventurer who mainly adventures in a small area)

Dian Pendragon's appearance


Jasper's Characters
Name and/or title: Trillo Thistledown
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me) mouse
Age: (I'm assuming this is in human standard.) 13
Native land:Redwall/Mossflower
Appearance:Spry young mouse, nut-brown fur. Wears a plain light green tunic.
Personality: Energetic, young and headstrong. Quick to action, doesn't think about what he's doing too much. "Shoot first, think/talk later"
Weapons: Coming from redwall he doesn't have any yet, he will find one somehow though  Wink
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Just a young mouse at the abbey, doesn't have any set job yet.

Name and/or title: Jackaw Chaintooth
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me) rat
Age: (I'm assuming this is in human standard.) 25
gender: Male
Native land:Barkhills
Appearance: un- Energetic Dull sentry, Grey fur. Wears the uniform for the Wolf King's troops. Anchor Tattoo and some face tattoos. Fairly muscular.
Personality: lazy, strong and dull. slow to action and thought. Cruel whenever possible, but slow in doing it. Often misses the point of jokes entirely.
Weapons: Wolf King issued Spear. Also a dagger in his belt on the left side
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Sentry/ guard for the Wolf King

Izeroth's Character
Name: Ziral Longclaw
Species: Weasel
Age:(Assuming we're going by human years) 25
Native land: the barkhills
Appearance: has light brown fur and blue eyes with a cream colored chest. Wears an elegant red and gold tunic and a blue cloak.
Personality: Clever and opportunistic, ziral never misses an opportunity to impress his lords.
Weapons: Being a court entertainer, he carries no weapons.
Occupation: court entertainer/musician for the wolf lords

name: Ashtail
Species: stoat
Age: 40 seasons
Gender: male
Native land: Mossflower
Appearance: Normal stoat coloring, wears a chain mail tunic and a leather sheath and carries a reinforced wood shield
Personality: Ashtail fights because he feels he had a duty to the warlord,  not because he likes or enjoys violence. He had more honor than most vermin soldiers.
Occupation: Was a captain to a powerful warlord, but when the warlord was defeated Ashtail fled along the
coast. Eventually Ashtail stumbled across the ship as it prepared for the journey.
Weapons: A steel paw- and a half sword
Other: Has a deep dislike of hares.

Gwen's Character
Name and/or title: Genevieve "Ginny" Ilder
Species: Ferret
Age: 18ish (young adult- I'm not exactly sure of her age.)
Native Land: Southsward
Appearance: Ginny has the "dark sable standard" coloring.
Ginny's coloring
She is of average height and wiry build, with grey-green eyes. She almost always wears tunic, pants, and vest of dark, earthy, or neutral colors.
Personality: Ginny is cautious, generally honest, and quite friendly once you get to know her. She is also absolutely ferocious if provoked, and loyal to friends. She not only has a weapon, but she knows how to use it.
Weapons: Labrys (double-bladed battle axe, originally from Greece), and rudimentary paw to paw combat skills.
Occupation: Adventurer/wanderer. She's always loved the ocean, so she decided to be a sailor for a while and see how it worked out.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

So, how many charries can we have?

Name and/or title:Arya Brushtail
Native land:Mossflower. (Mossflower Woods, to be exact.)
Appearance:Dark brown fur, blue eyes. Black nose and ears. Wears a dark navy blue tunic with light blue sash
Personality:Sweet, kind, caring, hyper, feisty, leader and sassy - Al adjectives that describe Arya.
Weapons:Bow and arrows, hand-and-a-half sword, dagger.
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Adventurer/Warrior

Name and/or title: Dain Pendragon the Wise
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me) Coyote
Native land: The Barkhills
Appearance: Picture of fur and coloring below sheets. Clothes: A dark tan color tunic, with a sash of plaited grass that is it's natural color.
Personality: Gruff, blunt, kind, honest, wise (Duh.) careful, and brave. A leader sort.
Weapons:Words and sling.
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Wanderer (A sort of adventurer who mainly adventures in a small area)

Dian Pendragon's appearance


The Skarzs

Up to three, but only if you are fairly experienced in role playing. If I see a lack of decent posts due to too many, I may ask that you drop one or give them to another person.
Also, I'm going to be editing in a list showing the sizes of the creatures in this RP.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Okay. So, does that mean I get my two?

The Skarzs

Yep; feel free to finish them whenever.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Gonff the Mousethief

I'd like to join this ! I will post my characters soon.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.

Cornflower MM

Ooh! Can my second pone be a coyote? I'll wait to put that bit in, just in case it's not alright. :)

The Skarzs

Quote from: Gonff the Mousethief on August 05, 2014, 09:31:24 PM
I'd like to join this ! I will post my characters soon.
Join ahead.

Quote from: Cornflower MM on August 05, 2014, 11:49:49 PM
Ooh! Can my second pone be a coyote? I'll wait to put that bit in, just in case it's not alright. :)
That's fine with me.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Name and/or title: Trillo Thistledown
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me) mouse
Age: (I'm assuming this is in human standard.) 13
gender: Male
Native land:Redwall/Mossflower
Appearance:Spry young mouse, nut-brown fur. Wears a plain light green tunic.
Personality: Energetic, young and headstrong. Quick to action, doesn't think about what he's doing too much. "Shoot first, think/talk later"
Weapons: Coming from redwall he doesn't have any yet, he will find one somehow though  ;)
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Just a young mouse at the abbey, doesn't have any set job yet.

Name and/or title: Jackaw Chaintooth
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me) rat
Age: (I'm assuming this is in human standard.) 25
gender: Male
Native land:Barkhills
Appearance: un- Energetic Dull sentry, Grey fur. Wears the uniform for the Wolf King's troops. Anchor Tattoo and some face tattoos. Fairly muscular.
Personality: lazy, strong and dull. slow to action and thought. Cruel whenever possible, but slow in doing it. Often misses the point of jokes entirely.
Weapons: Wolf King issued Spear. Also a dagger in his belt on the left side
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Sentry/ guard for the Wolf King

Cornflower MM

Rats are native to Redwall. . . . . . . . .

STUPID CHEEZ-IT FREAKING chicken-A-DOODLE-DOO INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Skarzs

Quote from: Jasper on August 06, 2014, 12:32:34 PM
I'll edit in my character when I get a chance. For the species part, can he be a rat in the wolf king's service?
I'd like it if you wait a bit until we get more creatures from Redwall. If you want, you may try two characters, though, and one of them can be what you requested.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


alright, I'll make a redwall one then.

The Skarzs

If you're comfortable with two characters, though, you can do both.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


alright I filled in my character, how's he look to you?
Also when do we plan on startin this?

Cornflower MM

Quite impatient, aren't ya Jasper? The time always varies when a new RP tarts.