
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Welcome, to the Barkhills

Started by The Skarzs, August 21, 2014, 10:25:49 PM

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The Skarzs

Vrungin and his troops were marching at a quick pace through the forests of the Barkhills, heading eastward toward the mountain. The wolf knew it wouldn't be long before the Rakarian soldiers would be activated, and the search for him begin, so he needed to put as much distance as possible between him and Castle Rakar. For all he knew, they could already be pursuing them. Vrungin took a moment to observe the captives he had taken: nearly all the Hammer warriors, all the Wolf Guards, the wolf Lord himself, and the foreigner otter; if nothing else, the otter would be a good hostage.
He began crying out encouragement to his creatures. "We reach Cold Keep in two days' time; do you want to be killed by the tyrannical Rakarians? Then let's keep moving!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM


OOC: Ahhh, sorry about that folks. I was doing some homework and stuff and... I should have posted sooner. Didn't realize people needed me.

"We were never a very compatible group to begin with," Izeroth replied. "Two vermin, three goodbeasts... It's a miracle that we lasted this long."


Trillo stared long and hard into the Ginny's eyes. It was no secret what his beliefs on vermin were. He opened his mouth, but shut it again with some effort. After a quick swallow, he finally muttered.
"Fine. Truce. Don' know what I was thinkin'... Le's see what that blasted cat is up to now..."
Taking the offered paw, he shook it firmly, then turned to the commons area where Karn had formed up his troops. He looked around at the sizable force and slowly a smile crossed his face. Perhaps this wasn't hopeless after all. He spotted Karn shouting orders and walked briskly over to him: "Not bad cat. Lets get on the move though. This Vrungin character could be miles away by now. In a few days I plan to have dinner with the captain in the Cold Keep you mentioned earlier."

The Skarzs

"Mind you who is in charge, young Trillo. Colonel! Your regiment stays to guard Rakar; make sure the citizens are kept out of harm's way! We leave in fifteen minutes, everybeast!" Karn took his war axe from a pair of weasels who had lugged the weapon over, testing its edge against his paw. The cougar looked up at Trillo and Ginny. "You should alert your companions."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Quote from: Izeroth on October 10, 2014, 02:58:06 AM
OOC: Ahhh, sorry about that folks. I was doing some homework and stuff and... I should have posted sooner. Didn't realize people needed me.

"We were never a very compatible group to begin with," Izeroth replied. "Two vermin, three goodbeasts... It's a miracle that we lasted this long."

"Well, so what? Let's make it a miracle and have it last longer. But if you would rather watch the group fall apart, be my guest." Arya snapped, turning to walk back to Karn, who was with Trillo and Ginny.

Gwen A. Mouse

Thank the Fates.

It seemed that- for now, at least- Trillo was willing to swallow his pride a bit and listen to reason. If most of the party managed to preserve cool heads, it would certainly make the operation faster and smoother.

Of course, then the mouse proceeded to get back to his usual impudent self when talking to Karn. Ginny fought the impulse to roll her eyes as Karn responded bluntly.

"We leave in fifteen minutes, everybeast! You should alert your companions."

The jill nodded. "Aye." She turned just as Arya joined them. "Oh, hello, Arya. Karn says that we're leaving in fifteen minutes. If you'll excuse me..." She bobbed her head politely and walked over to Ashtail.

"Ashtail, are you coming? Karn gave the orders to head out in fifteen minutes."

((Meh post...))
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor

Cornflower MM

Arya nodded in thanks to Ginny (Although she wasn't sure if the gesture was seen) then ran to get her weapons, which she had left in her room, passing Dain, who immediately went the oppisite way the squirrel was going. He soon came to the great hall, and walked over to Karn. "Any updates?"


 "I'm coming," Ashtail replied. "I was waiting for Trillo to get some sense, but it looks like he has."

Ashtail walked up to the cougar, who was at the head of his troops. "How far to the keep, sir?"

The Skarzs

"Two days, if we're lucky," said Karn, answering Ashtail. He then turned to Dain. "Captain Garan has been captured by Vrungin, at least, we have reason to believe so. Seems like the foreigners will be joining us to help their captain."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

The coyote nodded thoughtfully. "Mind if I tag along?" He asked.

The Skarzs

Karn considered this. "Alright, but I know you're not much of a fighter. I suggest you help when help is needed along the way." He started to walk off, but then stopped, turning back around. "Also, you might be more help than you think; a wise head may be useful."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Dain nodded, with a slight smile. Karn wasn't all that bad. Slightly bossy, but that was easily overlooked.