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Forbidden Truce, Chapter 3 - an AU RP, OOC Discussion/Sign up Topic.

Started by Faiyloe, October 05, 2014, 06:16:12 PM

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Ok Here it is Chapter three. The link to Chapters one and two are below.

Forbidden Truce, chapter 1 - An AU RP

Forbidden Truce, Chapter 2 - an AU RP, OOC Discussion/Sign up Topic.

Here is a short over view of what has been happening in the past few chapters.

A feud has been going on between the Gretheg and the Lonel Family and their followers for generations now. Things have escalated so much in the past few years so that they now never go out unarmed and when they meet blood is often spilled. Sabotage and revenge are on the rise and many creatures predict a war is coming.

Chapter one - The Gretheg's dam had been burned down along with several of the Lonel's barns. The Lady Garvina was slain in her attempts to escape the Gretheg's after they caught her on there land, leaving her sister The Lady Bryony in charge. Lord Donavin was severely injured in a fight with a insane Weasle (Zuzucath) who after atacking the Lord Donavin's castle headed towards The Lonel's lands with a taste for revenge.

Chapter two - The lady Bryony had taken her men and marched on the castle Syd (Spelling Rachel)(Donavin's castle) When she got there she had talk with Donavin and his brother Lord Orvil. After a short talk she called of the potential war and returned home. Lord Calderoc, Bryony's husband, returned home after travailing, and a young Lonel squirrel maid left home to search for peace and the truth about her parents. Zuzucath seeking revenge set fire to a Gretheg town and the Lonel's castle making sure to make them think it was the others fault. The fires are now put out and each sides unrest is growing while Zuzucath plots more destruction.

Rules Please read one or two have been added.

- Most characters are kind of gray. There is not clear line of good and bad. 

- There is not species bias. Rats are just as likely to be friendly as mice.

- To be a member of the Lonel family you have to be a squirrel but if you want to be a follower you can be anything you want.

- To be a member of the Gretheg family you have to be an otter but if you want to be a follower you can be anything you want. (inside reason there is more likely to be less squirrels on Gretheg's side and less otters on Lonel's)

- Make your posts count. There is no post minimum just so long as you make each post count. if a post doesn't move the story along, develop plot or develop you character don't post it.

- This is not a Romeo and Juliet! that doesn't mean there cant be a little romance but that is not what this RP is about. There are many directions this RP can go and that is not one of them.

- Start with Two characters and then latter I might up that number.

- If you where in the last chapter you may now take on another character if you would like a new one.

- For a character to continue in this chapter you must resubmit it in this thread to keep things clean and organised. Feel free to update your sheets (Now would be the best time to do that).

- If you are new and would like to join please post here and then PM me and I'll PM you an overview in more detail of the past events.

If you would like to join or make a new character please fill in the character sheet below. If you are new please PM me as well as posting here.

Character sheet
Family: (Gretheg or Lonel. If Gretheg Donavin or Orvil?)
Weapon(s): (If you are one of Donavins men then you need a Bow and arrows. no guns either)
Weaknesses: (For every two strengths you must have one weakness)


Lord/Lady (only Orvil, Donavin, Garvina and there immediate family, Siblings, count for this category)
Nobles (people who own a large bit of land that belongs to ether family. Mostly relatives, Cosines Aunts and Uncles 
Warrior (anyone hired to fight)
Servants (anyone hired to do anything other than fight. even someone as important of a adviser would fit under this if he didn't fit in any of the others)
Commoners (everyone else)
Other (please elaborate. I may or may not ask you to change it)


- anyone can play a NPC at any time so long no one else is in the middle of playing them.
- You are allowed to Kill of wound NPC even if you are not the one playing them at the moment just use discretion.
- There can be as many NPC in circulation as you want just make sure that you create a sheet for them
- Each NPC must have a sheet but thy do not have to be approved first.


Age estimate:
Basic appearance: (optional)


Name: Neila
Age estimate: 16
Species: Mouse
Gender: Female
Role: Bryonys personal maid (one of them anyway)
Basic appearance: Small gray furred mouse.



Characters The characters that must be in this chapter. Any other characters you have must be reposed below.

Donavin (Played by Rachel) 

Name: Donavin
Spices: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Family: Gretheg
Role: Lord
Weapon(s): Long bow and arrows, dagger, and dirk. 
Appearance: is quite tall, and slim, but is still strong. Has a few scars, and has tattoos up his arms.
Armour/Clothing: Where's a dark green tunic, and brown belt. Has black lase-up boots,. Has brown leather quick strap on armour, black leather fingerless gloves, and  leather shin guards. Has a black, and red quiver.   
Personality: He sometimes acts before he thinks, he can be a little boyish at times, he likes to live in the moment.
Likes: Enjoys parties, and banquets, and loves archery contests. (mainly because he almost always wins) And likes to go out for a morning run every morning.
Dislikes: Troubler causers, and boasters. And can't stand being beaten at archery, but also hates it when someone tries to use a bow, and can't. 
Strengths: Archery and Tracking. He is Athletic and Agile. 
Weaknesses: Beautiful maids, and his pride.
History: He is Orvil's younger brother and the head of the smaller half of the Gretheg estate in and around the forest. His men are the best archers and trackers.
Other: His favourite drink is October Ale.

Orvil (Played by Rachel)

Name: Orvil
Spices: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Family: Gretheg
Role: Lord
Weapon(s): Sword, shield, dagger, sling
Appearance: Taller and bigger then Donavin, His burly, and muscular. Has green eyes, and quite a lot of scars
Armour/Clothing: wear a maroon tunic, black boots, and a black leather belt. Has hardened leather armour.
Personality: A strong leader, is sensible, and is careful about what decisions he makes. Always looks at the situation from every angle. 
Likes: Fine wine, good food, and music.
Dislikes: Foolishness, and bullies.
Strengths: He thinks things through, is physically strong, and has a lot of followers.
Weaknesses: His temper, when he losses it, he losses it in a big way. His pride, his wife, and his lack of skill with a bow.
History: The older brother of Donavin and the leader of the larger half of the Gretheg estate. 

Zuzukath (Played by Scarzs)

Name: Zuzukath
Species: Weasel
Age: 20-40 unknown
Weapon: Spear, gaff hook, daggers, rope (like gullwhacker), chain, club
Family: Neither
Role: Psychopath
Appearance: Covered in mud and grime, even a bit of mold, barely any of his brown fur shows
Armor/clothing: Ripped and stained remains of a tunic and huge floppy boots
Likes: Fire, pain, battle, seeing and making other creatures suffer, blood and meat
Dislikes: Water, all other creatures, vegetables and fruit
Strength: Slippery, always 'weasels' out of things. (see what I did there? Grin)
Weaknesses: Talks to himself, so he can be heard; also, he is crazy, so his decisions are not what you might call "sound judgments"
History: Killed his entire family (and ate them; he is absolutely psycho) His goal in life is to kill everyone and everything
Other: Likes to start fires whenever he wants; will kill anyone he meets
Is currently hiding out between the two family house areas.
Edit: Reading this over, this sounds like your squirrel character in Eclipse Tongue
Completely unintentional.

Bryony (Played by Cornflower)


Species: Squirrel
Family: Lonel. I was thinking maybe Garvina's sister?
Weapon(s): (If you are one of Donavin's men then you need a Bow and arrows. no guns either) Mace and chain, axe
Appearance: Light brown fur, the fsame lashing blue eyes Garvina has (They have to have some resemblance) White ears
Armor/Clothing: No armor, just a green tunic with fawn brown boots and fingerless gloves.
Personality: Sweet, kind, motherly, and protective.
Likes: Spending time with family, especially Garvina
Dislikes: Fighting (But she will when she has to) and heights
Strengths: Bryony is a good fighter, especially with the mace and chain. She is a good speaker.
Weaknesses: (For every two strengths you must have one weakness) Cannot stand heights, and will be "Sick" if she's required to climb a tree or something.
History: N/A for now
Other:Pregnant, (But she doesn't know it yet, but will soon) and her husband (Anyone will be free to PP him, since I don't want anyone else.) is a rover, who helps those in need.
I'll fill it out more later, 'Kay?
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Species: Squirrel
Family: Lonel. I was thinking maybe Garvina's sister?
Weapon(s): (If you are one of Donavin's men then you need a Bow and arrows. no guns either) Mace and chain, axe
Appearance: Light brown fur, the fsame lashing blue eyes Garvina has (They have to have some resemblance) White ears
Armor/Clothing: No armor, just a green tunic with fawn brown boots and fingerless gloves.
Personality: Sweet, kind, motherly, and protective.
Likes: Spending time with family, especially Garvina
Dislikes: Fighting (But she will when she has to) and heights
Strengths: Bryony is a good fighter, especially with the mace and chain. She is a good speaker.
Weaknesses: (For every two strengths you must have one weakness) Cannot stand heights, and will be "Sick" if she's required to climb a tree or something.
History: N/A for now
Other:Pregnant, and has just found out. Is grieving over her sister's death.

Species: Squirrel
Age:22. (Seasons or years. Take your pick)
Family: (Gretheg or Lonel. If Gretheg Donavin or Orvil?)Lonel
Weapon(s): (If you are one of Donavins men then you need a Bow and arrows. no guns either) Bow and arrows (You need archers on both sides, otherwise it's totally unfair) hand and a half sword. Dagger in left boot, just in case.
Appearance:Arya's a light gray squirrel, with dark gray eyes. Missing an eartip.
Armor/Clothing: She has a gray tunic with different colors of gray on it (Sort of like tie-dyed, but just gray) She wears a breastplate under that. She also has shin guards, and dark gray boots. Has a light gray cloak.
Personality: Brunt, determined, fierce and feisty. Kind and tyoughtful.
Likes:Trees, and oatmeal scones. Anything spicy. Her motto is: The hotter the better.
Dislikes: Anything male, and anything rude, mean, or cruel.
Strengths: Strong, and she can hide easily.
Weaknesses: (For every two strengths you must have one weakness) Arya's right leg will give out suddenly at times, usually when she's fighting or running. She will collapse to the ground screaming in pain.
History: Classified.
Other: N/A. But that may change later.

Name: Caldroc The Wanderer.
Species: Squirrel
Family: (Gretheg or Lonel. If Gretheg Donavin or Orvil?)Lonel
Weapon(s): (If you are one of Donavin's men then you need a Bow and arrows. no guns either) A standard sword.
Appearance: He's dark, dark, DARK gray, with a black nose.
Armor/Clothing: He wears a tan tunic, belted with a plaited rope that's dyed to match the scabbard for his sword, and dark brown sandals.
Personality:Sweet, kind, trusting, and a tad bit naive. (As a result of this, he's been robbed more than once) Totally devoted to Lady Bryony.
Likes:Apple cider, carrot and onion pasties, and the color gray.
Dislikes: Mushrooms, celery, and the dark.
Strengths: He's flexible, and fast.
Weaknesses: (For every two strengths you must have one weakness) He's almost, but not quite, deaf.
History: (This is optional, right? I can't remember)
Other: Is married to Bryony, and wanders, helping out people where and whenever he can.

Dang, I forgot about Caldroc's ear troubles. I'll have to incorporate that in.


That is fine if you want you can change the app to fit the character instead of the other way around.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM


Okay I swear I shall stay true to this chapter,

Name: Jallek Sheikah
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Family: Lonel
Role: (Other) Ranger
Weapon(s): Short Bow/Arrows and a dirk
Appearance: dark brown fur nearly black, scar over left eye, large for a mouse and muscular too
Armor/Clothing: Dark green hood/robe, large brown boots, leather bracers, quiver on his back
Personality: Solemn, wise, quiet, intelligent, calm
Likes: Doing what's right no matter the orders, going rogue at times
Dislikes: Greed, unecessary killing, vermin races, and order
Strengths: Archery, parkour, tracking, trap setting, small conflicts, chess
Weaknesses: Social skills, working as a team, large conflicts
History: Not much, only follows his brother Tezlon and works for his syndicate. Hails from the north. That's about it.
Other: Rumor has it that Jallek has killed a wolverine with his bare paws.

Name: Tezlon Sheikah
Species:  Mouse
Gender: male
Age: 21
Family: Lonel
Role: (Other) Smuggler
Weapon(s): Rapier
Appearance: Light brown fur, bright green eyes, fair looking
Armor/Clothing: Brown leather curiass, puffy white shirt underneath, brown wide brimmed hat with blue feather, brown boots
Personality: Lustful, money loving, swashbuckling
Likes: Women, gold, swordsmanship, strong drink
Dislikes: Rules, order, the law, vermin races
Strengths: Skilled duelist, sneaky, charismatic, never getting caught, women
Weaknesses: Women, uneven odds, staying in a fight for long
History: Hails from the north and the city of Argutrot, ex-corsair but gambled away his ship to a fellow named Zanthar (whoever that is ;) ), now runs a smuggling syndicate. Younger brother of Jallek Sheikah.
Other: Rumor has it that the Sheikah family are all that remains of te ancient assassins order, The Cadre.


 ;) That is what you said last time, but don't worry about it. We all have lives. I understand.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: Faiyloe on October 06, 2014, 02:58:50 AM
;) That is what you said last time, but don't worry about it. We all have lives. I understand.

Yes I know but I mean it this time, the THoR series isn't getting anywhere so I can focus on this one


Thanks for posting Donavin and Orvil, Faiy. I don't think I'll keep Adlais, at least for this round. There's never really anything I can do with him.


Fine you can always bring him back in another chapter and feel free to make another character even if you only intend to use them only in this chapter. That goes with the rest of you. I trust you can pace yourselves and know when to stop.  :D ;)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Haha, don't be so sure, Faiy! But nah, I think I'll just stick with my three for this 'un.


My characters

Name: Grace
Species: Squirrel 
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Family: Lonel. Though she does not approve for the constant fighting. 
Role: Commoner
Weapon(s): She doesn't usually have any on her person.
Appearance: Thick brown fur and blue eyes. She is considered the village beauty. 
Armor/Clothing: (at home) A plum colored dress, with an off white apron.  (travailing) an off white tunic brown belt and brown pants and a satchel slung over her shoulder. 
Personality: A dreamer, Friendly, Resolved (When She makes up here mind about something there is no changing it) Kind. She always wanted to make a difference but was unsure what good she could do all by herself. Stubborn.
Likes: She would like to live in peace but she knows that wont be happening. She likes to cook and gardening.
Dislikes: Death, Fighting, Others suffering.
Strengths: Resolve, Kindness. Skill (When she learns to do something She learns to do it well.)
Weaknesses: a little Naive, soft hearted (She could never kill) 
History: her parents died and she lives with her uncle on a small farm in a small village.
Other: the riddle that the soothsayer told her

"twin emerald stars in the sky before dawn.
Two pools of water that flow from the sun.
sister of morning that leaves no escape
takes flight at dawn fire in his wake "

Name: David Darkflash

Species: Squirrel

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Family: Gretheg, Orvil (For now)

Role: Warrior/Other, He is like an mercenary/assassin though he doesn't usually assassinate people mostly he dose sabotage and theft but he will do most anything for the right price.

Weapon(s): A Dirk and a nasty looking curved dagger and several other small hidden blades besides.

Appearance: Dark brown fur and Green or Blue eyes depending on his mood. Green for extroverted feeling like anger, roguishness and excitement, and Blue for introverted feelings like sorrow, gloating, boredom and relief.   

Armor/Clothing: A pare of well made wooden wrist guards. A simple loose fitting old off white-gray tunic. A pair of Brown pants and black boots. A brown belt with various pouches containing the implements of his trade; A lock picking kit and various packets and small bottles containing, powders that burn, bottles of corrosive liquids, knockout drafts and many other things besides. A Dark gray vest and an enveloping cloak with a concealing hood it is unclear it is black or a very dark shade of some other color.
Personality: He is good at what he dose and he dose it for the trill he doesn't care who he works for just so long as they pay him and pay him a lot. He is loyal where the money lies if the money runs out then that is where his loyalty ends. He loves his work and dose it with a passion but he still gets thees tinges of regret after the excitement and adrenalin have died down. He likes to work alone but out side of that he has quite a few friends (though some of them might not be considered the best sort)

Likes: He likes a good game of card he usually wins too especially when he cheats (Though he never cheats with his friend.  A good drink (He avoids getting drunk however) His work and the rush he gets from it. He doesn't care half so much about the money as you might think it is just he way of choosing which job to take and which not to.

Dislikes: Fools, Failing, being idle even if it just means whittling or making small useful things.

Strengths: Stealth, Knowing when some one is lying.

Weaknesses: His conscience is constantly chasing him he has just has learned how to ignore it.

History: He doesn't really talk about it. He used to work for The Lonel family but left because some one else was offering him more money. After he had finished the job he went back but they didn't want him any more. Garvina didn't like how his loyalty where so easily swayed. He jumped around for a bit after that and now he works for Orvil However there is something from his past that keeps chasing him and now it has become even worse.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Oh Sorry I'll see if I can get the next Chapter started by tomorrow night.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM