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Skulduggery Pleasant

Started by Jetthebinturong, January 12, 2015, 08:16:04 PM

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The Mask

Not sure about Tane. If he was an adult I would say Jay Laga'iga.

Haylee though... perhaps Isabella Richardson?
I am a squirrel, an otter, a mouse, a fox, a stoat, a ferret, a weasel, a wildcat, a hare, a hedgehog, a badger; I am the master of disguises, The Mask.

" I will burn the heart out of you." Moriarty, Sherlock


And yet another dreamcast: Arthur Darvill as Scapegrace

What is your opinion on elves being in the Pleasantverse? 'Cause I had an idea from seeing a picture of Skulduggery OC that looked like an elf (but wasn't) and then this conversation instantly came to mind

Valkyrie: Where are we going?
Skulduggery: We're going to see an elf about a murder
Val: What?
Skul: We're going to see an elf
Val: There are elves?
Skul: Indeed there are
Val: I've been in this world for eight years and you never told me there were elves?
Skul: You never asked
Val: Elves
Skul:*Pause* Valkyrie, you know how mortals have twisted the stories of magical creatures until they barely resemble each other. Elves are the same. These are not beautiful, graceful warriors of purity, these are beautiful, graceful, petty, vindictive beings
Val: Oh
Skul: You have been told that you can never trust vampires. This is mostly true but there are occasionally vampires who can be trusted. But you can never, never, trust an elf
Val: Oh
Skul: Valkyrie, this is important. Promise me that you will never have dealings with elves
Val: Uh
Skul: Promise me that you will only ever talk to an elf if an older, more experienced sorcerer is there with you
Val: I am experienced
Skul: Valkyrie, elves are the oldest creatures on the planet, they are cunning and they are deadly, no twenty year-old should ever be left alone with an elf
Val: Alright
Skul: Good. His name is Elian
Val: The elf is called Alien?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I named all my OCs!

The purple-haired guy is Lamio Bane
The black woman is Maria Nightingale
The redhead necromancer is Fayora Melody
The blond guy is Matthew Sharpe

I've also got a new OC who's an insane, eccentric guy, his name is Loki Sekasorto

If you can work out why they're called that then uh... you're cool I guess. You don't really win anything.


He's an energy thrower and a symbol mage (Derek has confirmed that symbol magic is not a discipline, anyone can do it)
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Mask

Those are nice names! I can't really guess why you named them that though!
I am a squirrel, an otter, a mouse, a fox, a stoat, a ferret, a weasel, a wildcat, a hare, a hedgehog, a badger; I am the master of disguises, The Mask.

" I will burn the heart out of you." Moriarty, Sherlock

Lady Ashenwyte

I read the first book a few days ago. I was mighty impressed.

@Jet: Could you link me to the came you created Loki with? I searched on the website, but I failed to find it.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


To get to it from the home page and then click "exclusive". The game is the "anime partners dress up game"

Lamio is called what he is because he looks like a vampire. The Latin word for vampire is lamia but that sounded too feminine so you do the switching thing to make it Lamio. Bane is because he's very brutal and violent.

Maria is for her caring, motherly nature, Nightingale... it just fits her.

Same with Fayora, no reason, it just works.

Matthew is named for simplicity and ability to blend in. "Sharpe" is a cognate of "sharp" so that references his ability to shoot sharp shards of energy.

And Loki is named for his generally trickster-like and mischievous nature. Sekasorto is a Finnish word meaning chaos or pandemonium which fits his insanity.

I answered ninety questions as Loki, it was rather interesting to put myself in his mindset (you can read them if you want).
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Mask

Aaah. That's pretty smart.
I would like to see those questions if possible!
I am a squirrel, an otter, a mouse, a fox, a stoat, a ferret, a weasel, a wildcat, a hare, a hedgehog, a badger; I am the master of disguises, The Mask.

" I will burn the heart out of you." Moriarty, Sherlock


Loki questions
Swearing, some kind of disturbing things (he's pretty unhinged)

1. Give me an introduction of your OC!
Loki: Greetings! My name is Loki Sekasorto.

2. Which fandom is he/she in?(EX. you say your OC is in Naruto or something else)
Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy.

3. I see...what's his/her behaviour like?
He's very... Eccentric. He dresses up in different costumes all the time, his hair is dyed bright pink and he usually wears bright-coloured clothing. He's very outgoing.

4. any powers of some sort?
He's an energy thrower.
Loki: And symbol mage!

5. What does he/she like?
Parties, magic, music, dancing, animals, dressing up, fighting, alcohol.

6. What does he/she HATE the most?
Elves, being interrupted, downers, being bored.

7. Hobbies?
Partying, drinking, reading, fighting, watching tv, dressing up, video games.

8. Who do they look up to?
Loki: I look up to no one! No one is as fabulous as me!

9. What about their friends?
Loki: Friends? I wouldn't say I have friends. I'm friendly with a few people but they're not my friends.

10. Do they have any enemies?
Loki: Oh yes indeed. That pompous, stuck-up, **********er, Elian. I'd like to smash his face.

11. Tell me what their strong points are.
Loki: I am very, very good at magic. I'm also a very fun person and my costumes are better than anyone else's. Also, I've beaten up an elf and gotten away with it.

12. What do they have trouble with?
Proper social interaction and being normal.
Loki: HEY!!!

13. >:3 What is their worst fear?
Loki: Death darling. Oblivion. The void. The eternal darkness. That good night. Drowning and being buried alive in particular.

14. Favourite food?
Loki: God knows!

15. Least favourite?
Loki: God knows!

16. What is your OC's height?
Loki: I am 6ft 1.

17. What is their quote?(EX. My SpiritTracks OC Wyn. Her main phrase is:"You have to think of what you're doing...for love. Otherwise, you turn evil.")
Loki: Party hard! **** everything! Kill things!

18. Exactly, how old is your OC?
Loki: 368 dear. Or, to be more precise, 368 years, 8 months and 4 days.

19. Their weapon(s)?
Loki: My sharp mind, my energy beams, my symbols and of course Jeff the Killer, my sword.

20. Do they have a pet? If yes, tell me what animal it is and what's their name.
Loki: Oh yes. I've got my little kitty, Thor. He's so cute and tiny!

21. Has your OC ever been to the hospital?
Loki: **** hospitals! Find yourself a magical medic or, alternatively, use your own symbols to heal yourself.

22. Consider this: If any of you friends got involved in an accident, how would your OC react?
Loki: I thought I said I didn't have friends? My acquaintances are far too clever to get into accidents.

23. Almost forgot: What are the bad habits your OC has?
Loki: I apparently swear too much. I also reportedly get, and I quote, "really ****ing brutal" when I get mad.

24. Niiice. Now for this: Did he/she ever get into fights or gets in trouble?
Loki: Of course darling, what's life without a little strife, eh?

25. Ok now here's the hard part: Confession. Does your character happen to love with someone? If yes, describe it.
Loki: Love? Do I love someone? No. No, I wouldn't say so.

26. What was their first date like? Was it sweet or romantic?
Loki: My first date was a train wreck. A hilarious train wreck but a train wreck none the less. A literal train wreck. Many people died.

27. describe how your OC introduced his/her lover to their parents!
Loki: I thought I said I didn't have a lover?

28. First kiss?
Loki: Oh it was wonderful! That train wreck date, it was an attempt on my life. My date and I killed the would-be assassins and made out over their corpses as the train was derailed.

29. Oh bad stuff, someone your OC(or you) hates just ruined the perfect date!! Who is it, and what would you do to them?
Loki: I'm single darling, single. Though in this hypothetical situation I'd **** Elian over and send him home with a few new sword cuts.

30. Theme song?
Loki:  Majora's battle theme.

31. Strangely, has he/she ever...killed anyone? If yes, say how many people they killed, and name them.
Loki: Of course I have darling. I've killed hundreds of ****ers!

32. What does your OC do to hide their true colours from the public?
Loki: Heh. Hide my true nature? I wear my heart on my sleeve dear; I don't hide my true nature. Of course I don't use magic in the presence of mortals because I'd be arrested.

33. Did your character experience anything traumatic at all?
Loki: I've experienced a considerable amount of trauma. I watched my best friend get tortured to death, was tortured myself, bitten by a vampire (killed him before he turned me of course). Yeah, my life's been pretty traumatic, sometimes I get nightmares.

34. Considerably, do they experience stuff like this and go mad?
Loki: No darling, my madness is reserved for other things.

35. your character smart? If yes, explain how.
Loki: I am a strategic mastermind! I have a considerable memory and an analytical mind.

36. Is your character respectful towards others?
Loki: Respect is for the weak.

37. What is your OC's family like?
Loki: Dead mostly.

38. What do other people think about your OC?
Elian: He's an eccentric *** and he needs to be put down.
Skulduggery: He's completely insane but very useful.
Valkyrie: He's honestly the weirdest person I've ever met.
Fletcher: He scares me.
Matthew: He creeps me out.
Tanith: He's very creepy.
Lamio: I may have to kill him.
Maria: I... I would like to keep away from him.
Fayora: Um. I would like to maybe keep away from him. I would not like to be in the same town. I would not like to be in the same city.

39. Good or Evil?
He's on the side of good but he is not a good person.

40. Imagine this : One day your OC is walking, and they find an odd item on the ground. What is it?
Loki: Knowing my luck, a dead body.

41. Oddly enough, has your character ever gone drunk?
Loki: Certainly darling. Many times.

42. What is your character's job?
Informant and wild-card.

43. What is your character's nickname?
Loki: I don't have a nickname.

44. Let's see here...your character is a fan of...?
Queen. J.R.R. Tolkien.

45. What would be their Pokémon Team?
Espeon, Rapidash, Vigoroth, Dragonite, Eelektros, Greninja

46. I see... so does your character have a favourite fighting style?(EX. Martial Arts)
Magic. Brutal attacks of no style.

47. Where did your character come from?
Loki: The isle of Great Britain in the good old UK. I'm from England darling.

48. Seeing dead people makes your OC go...?
Loki: Unlucky fella.

49. What makes him/her mad?
Loki: Assassination attempts, boring people, mass murderers, elves (particularly that ****er Elian).

50. Did he/she...cry? If yes, explain.
Loki: Everyone cries dear.

51. What makes them happy? Candy? TV? What is it?
Practically everything.

52. Do you like drawing your OC?
I can't draw.

53. Uhh...tell me... if your character...ever went skydiving.
No, probably not.
Loki: Yes, once. It was a thrilling experience.

54. Do they play games? If yes, what then?
Loki: I play everything darling. Everything.

55. Was your character ever insulted?
Loki: Everyone's been insulted at some point in their life so of course I have.

56. You see a Mega 'Shroom. EAT IT.
Loki: No darling, I think I'll leave that for crazy Italian plumbers.

57. Yay ^^! Who would you crush?
Loki: Who would I crush? Elian, that ****ing elf needs to die. Who would I crush on? I don't know; a lot of people. Skulduggery, give us a kiss.
Skulduggery: No

58. Their favourite animal?
Loki: Cats all the way.

59. You've turned tiiiiiiiinnnnyyyyy!!

60. How does it feel to be super small, huh?
Loki: Horrible! The fear of imminent death is constant!

61. Looks like you can't go back to normal size until the next day. Reaction?
Loki: Hide. Hide. Hide. Hide.

62. The next day is here, and you grew back to normal size. YAYZ!!!
Loki: Oh thank God!

63. What is your OC's favourite dessert?
Loki: God knows!

64. That sounds tasty!
Loki: -_- I didn't give an answer.

65. Car or Plane?
Loki: Car darling. My Lamborghini.

66. Paper or Plastic?
Loki: Who cares darling?

67. Were the past questions dumb?
Loki: Indeed.

68. Your character ever lost in a fight?
Loki: Everyone has.

69. It's the OC's birthday today. What is their birthdate?
April the 6th.

70. Your character has been genderbent! What do they look like?
Loki: Just as fabulous as before darling.

71. Uh-oh...your character is genderbent for 3 days. What will they do now?
Loki: The same as always. I would rather be a man but it wears off soon so who honestly gives a ****?

72. What do they dream about at night?
Loki: They're nightmares mostly. Dying or watching other people die, that kind of stuff.

73. Consider this: Does your character ever daydream?
Loki: Darling, I have no time for daydreaming.

74. What's one thing you would ask your own OC?
Why are you so insane?

75. Today is the second day of being genderbent. Tomorrow is the last day. You feel...?
Loki: Nothing. I don't care darling.

76. OK! What sport does he/she like?
Loki: Dancing darling. Dancing and swimming.

77. Is your character a good singer? If yes, make them sing one song.
Loki: I'm a fantastic singer!
No you're not
Loki: Is this the real life?
Loki: Is this just fantasy?
Loki: Caught in a landslide
Loki: No escape from reality!
Please stop, you're making my ears bleed
Loki: **** your ears darling. Just **** 'em.

78. Quietly, type out your character...stealing something.
Loki slipped into the collector's room, opened up the case, retrieved the necklace and leaped from the window. He was gone before anyone noticed he was there.

79. Cool! What did he/she steal?
Loki: Jewellery darling. 

80. Is your OC--by any means necessary--funny?
Often. But it's a scary kind of funny.

81. GAH, they got pranked!!! Quick, plot your revenge!!!
Loki: A punch to the face solves everything darling.

82. What did you and your OC plot, and who did they plot against?
Loki: I didn't plot anything, I just punched Elian right in his ****ing face.

83. Your OC gets kidnapped. WE NEED TO RESCUE THEM NOW!!!
Loki: I can escape fairly easily by myself darling, no need to worry about me.

84. Ok, the revenge plot went well. Both of your victory reactions?
Loki: Sometimes I wonder if you're actually listening. I punched Elian in the face. It was fun.

85. Did your character ever...pwn someone? If yes, say who did they pwn.
Loki: Of course darling. A ****load of assassins. Elian at one point. Some ******* who thought he could steal from me.

86. You are almost done.
Loki: Good for me.

87. You see a monkey. What do you do?
Loki: ... Take a picture I suppose.

88. Your character is STILL genderbent, and today is the last day. Fell good?
Loki: Ugh. I want to be a man again now.

89. Is your OC part-animal or something?
Loki: Yes
No he's not. He likes to wear cat ears and tails and pretend he's part cat thing but he isn't

90. ...You're done! CONGRATS!!!
Loki: Finally darling! You took your sweet time getting here.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Mask

He seems like...quite a character!
I am a squirrel, an otter, a mouse, a fox, a stoat, a ferret, a weasel, a wildcat, a hare, a hedgehog, a badger; I am the master of disguises, The Mask.

" I will burn the heart out of you." Moriarty, Sherlock

Cornflower MM

About to finish the first book. . . . . . . I'm hooked. Totally hooked.

(Also, Jet, please don't kill me, but Skulduggery kinda reminds me of you, personality wise)


Yesssssssssssssss. Who's your favourite character?

Why would I kill you for comparing me to one of the best characters of all time? I can do, in my humble opinion, a great Skulduggery voice too. Probably comes from my Irish descent.

"You ask me what is my nature? It is a dark and twisted thing."
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

Besides Skul and Valkyrie, probably Ghastly. Or Tanith. (Does Ghastly ever un-statue? If he doesn't, I am literally going to throw something.)

Mmm, good point. I dunno. (My doubts were because he's a skeleton. I think. Can't remember.) That's cool! I'd probably fail. :P

Mmph, that was one of my favorite parts.


Quote from: Cornflower MM on October 13, 2015, 12:34:56 AM
(Does Ghastly ever un-statue? If he doesn't, I am literally going to throw something.)
Mmph, that was one of my favorite parts.
It was one of the best moments of the series, in my opinion.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

Maybe? MAYBE?! MAYBE!?! You won't give me any more clues than that? Oh, you are stubborn sometimes.

The Mask

His relationship with Tanith... Seriously. I was on the verge of tears after Last Stand of the Dead Men. Were they happy or sad tears though  ???
I am a squirrel, an otter, a mouse, a fox, a stoat, a ferret, a weasel, a wildcat, a hare, a hedgehog, a badger; I am the master of disguises, The Mask.

" I will burn the heart out of you." Moriarty, Sherlock