
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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War in 1700 Cont.

Started by Wylder Treejumper, January 28, 2016, 08:01:18 PM

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OOC: We'll have to wait for Groddil to have the execution
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


*With the arrival of Lord Soren and and Dimitri, Tsar Vladimir Groddil inspects the proceedings. The four soldiers are lined up against a wall and shot. Boyar Ivan Slavic is dragged to the Tsar and forced to kneel. Dimitri hands the Russian ruler a sword, and he cuts the ex-chancellor's throat. As Slavic gurgles and falls in a pool of his own blood, the Tsar turns to those standing behind him.
"Chancellor Ivan Slavic is dead. I declare Lord Soren of Kiev Chancellor of Russia in addition to his existing titles. Anything you need, Chancellor, say the word. Russia is in the dept of Sultan Sagetip and the Ottoman Empire, and we shall aid them in anyway possible in their future endeavors. Prussia will be returned to King Frederick of Brandenburg, along all land between the two countries. I would like to make it public that Russia has no intentions to continue spreading her Empire west."
As the crowd disperses, the Tsar motions to Dimitri.
"We lost a lot of soldiers today. Take the remainder of our soldiers here, put down any remaining rebels and enforce conscription. I want our numbers on the border even greater than they were before this conflict. Excuse me, I have some letters to write."
*The Tsar returns to his tent as Dimitri gathers the army.*

Honorable Sultan Sagetip,
Once again, I extend my thanks for your assistance today. Without your help, Slavic would have taken over Russia and swarmed over Europe. I would like to take the time to say that my alliance with Lord Daskar exists only for the purpose of docking my navy at Ingria. I will speak to King Sandpaw and ask about moving my Navy to the Netherlands. Should he agree, I will have no reason to continue my alliance with Lord Daskar, and will break it when you decide to attack Sweden.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Honorable King Sandpaw II of Portugal and the Netherlands,
As you may be aware, Sultan Sagetip and I have formed an alliance. The Sultan intends to one day attack Sweden, and I have pledged my assistance and loyalty. I know the two of you are also allied, and I would like to extend a request. The only way for me to safely aid you if you permit me to dock my navy at Amsterdam. Once this happens, I will be free to assist in the destruction of Sweden when the time comes. I also ask that trade resumes with our nations, as I never have, and never will, pose a threat to the marvelous kingdoms of Portugal and the Netherlands. I also apologize for my rashness; due to the ex-chancellor's manipulation I believed that the Ottoman Empire was attacking my borders when they were not. I should never have believed his lies. I hope these event do not damper the relationship between our nations.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil, Ruler of Russia.

King Frederick William III of Brandenburg,
As I am sure you are aware, my forces took over your ally, Prussia, after its ruler was found to be plotting against me. Now, after consultation with Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire, I have decided to give its lands, and all lands between your two countries, to you. Please know that I have no intentions of trying to take back these lands, nor invading Brandenburg.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Russian Troop Movements

370,000 regular troops and 249,870 cossacks stationed on the border.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
45,000 stationed along with the navy at Ingria.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.
678,300 New Russian Rebels killed at the Ottoman border.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line docked at Ingria.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate docked at Ingria.
300 Frigates docked at Ingria.
400 Sloops docked at Ingria.

*The Tsar writes one final letter documenting these events and sends it throughout Europe. A very small contingent of Russian soldiers stay behind to watch the border, the remainder leave to guard the rest of the borders. Tsar Vladimir Groddil I leaves for St. Petersburg.


Letter to Tsar Groddil I
Battle Plans, highly confidential
400,000 Ottoman troops, plus artillery, will set sail from the shores of Lithuania Poland and attack Sweden along its south/southwest/west shores. Russian troops attack from the border and move down to join with the Ottoman troops. Daskar will be dragged from his castle and executed like the dirty slime he is.
Highly confidential

Apologies for the bypassing of ceremony in the delivery of this letter. I am excited to be back in good terms with Russia and plan to attack Sweden as soon as possible. Already I am mustering a large force to attack. Inform Lord Soren immediately that I shall be mobilizing troops through Poland very soon. Enclosed in this letter are my plans for the invasion. Daskar shall not stand a chance.


Jic Harnam,
General of the Ottoman Army
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


General Harnam,
I am afraid that I will need time to prepare for a full scale invasion. Russia's military is low on numbers at the moment. We are currently enforcing conscription, but it will take time. Once Russia's army has reached the levels we need and King Sandpaw agrees to allow our navy docking at Amsterdam, we will ready our navy in Lithuania for you. I am granting you the authority to view the Tsar's Private Records during this invasion. I will bring this to the Tsar, and he will consult with his Chancellor, Lord Soren. I ask that you tell King Sandpaw to marshal his forces to the Netherlands.
Dimitri the Merciless, General of the Russian Military.

Lady Ashenwyte

"Yes. The Emperor will be joining us in three days with his 50,000, and the coronation will proceed from there."

 LT Sandpaw
I will give it to you, but you will have to give me the same amount of land in India.

*The Princess of France and Prince Renard of Spain marry, bringing the blessed nations together*

*Emperor Ashenwyte arrives with his 50,000 men to Paris*

EDIT: OOC: The Emperor's army composition
- 20,000 Regulars (Infantry)
- 5,000 Royal Guard (Infantry)
- 5,000 Royal Guard (Cavalry)
- 5,000 Lancers. (Cavalry)
- 9,500. (Cannons, mortars)
- 500 Elite sharpshooters (Infantry)

The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.



*King Liddorg Shwitz watches the proceedings, hardly interested. He approaches Emperor Ashenwyte.*
"So, now we destroy the resistance I assume? My 50,000 mercenaries are scattered around the country. They are ready to act on your orders. Now, shall we discuss my share of France?"
*The King of Switzerland unfolds a map of Europe.*
"See here, on the north coast: Le Havre?"
*Liddorg traces his finger down the Seine, then in a line straight down to where France meets Switzerland.*
"I'll take Le Havre, Paris, and everything on the East side of the Seine until the border with Switzerland. You can have Versailles and everything west of it. If that's alright with you, of course."

Lady Ashenwyte

"You can have Versailles, but not Paris. I may have offer you might be interested in, King Liddorg." The Emperor said, a crafty grin on his face.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

LT Sandpaw

To Tsar Groddil

Greetings Noble Tsar. I must congratulate you on your success against the rebels. Now firstly I give full permission for your navy to dock and prepare in Amsterdam. However I must insist they are closely watched by my own forces.
Secondly I shall gladly reopen trade with Russia. May our nations both prosper in this reopening of trade.

~King Sandpaw II

To Emperor Ashenwyte of Spain

I find these terms agreeable. You may claim the wealthy Northern seaside lands in the East Indies.

~King Sandpaw II

*All negotiations with the German Princes halts as a mixed army of German mercenaries and Dutch Regulars hit them from behind. After a bloody battle the surviving German State forces are in a full retreat, closely followed by a large portion of the Dutch army. Both armies move North towards Hanover engaging in small skirmishes along the way. Many smaller forces break off from the Dutch moving to capture towns, villages, roads, and bridges all though the Northern edge of the German States.*

*The new 4th Portuguese fleet lands in Amsterdam disembarking 6,000 Regulars along with a small number of heavy artillery, mortars, and Commander Loyla. After resting for a few days the Portuguese army along with a few thousand more Dutch soldiers push northeast towards Hamburg.*

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Wylder Treejumper

King Wylder I is outraged at the pretended union of France and the Spanish Monarchy. Reviving old claims to the throne of France, he immediately launches an army of 80,000 British regulars, 7,000 cavalry, 5,000 dragoons, and associated units of artillery to Dunkirk.

LT Sandpaw
King Sandpaw, as a fellow Protestant Nation to the Dutch Republic, and a fellow enemy of the Spanish Monarchy to Portugal, England proposes an alliance against the filthy treason of Emperor Ashenwyte in attempting to annex France, which rightfully belongs to the Crown of England. In return for your aid, England shall return to you the Spanish Netherlands, grant you Alsace-Lorraine and any captured Spanish territory.

His Royal Highness King Wylder I
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

LT Sandpaw

To King Wylder

An interesting proposal great king, and one I find much more intriguing then Emperor Ashenwyte has offered. However I cannot provide assistance immediately. My nation borders the Spanish and should he turn his eyes away from France and concentrates on me, Portugal may not be able to stand up against the Spanish. Once the battle in France has begun, and Ashenwyte launches his forces to fight against yours I shall start my own invasion of the Spanish lands. He will be fighting a war on two fronts. One in France, and one in his homeland.
Also should we win this endeavor I must ask that all the land along the Southern French coast is given to Portugal. From the city of Rochefort down.

~King Sandpaw II

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Wylder I, King of England,
You may be aware of the war in the east. With the rebellion quelled, Russian and her Ottoman allies are marching for Sweden. When we have dealt with Lord Daskar, I pledge our allegiance to destroying the Spanish Monarchy, on the condition that Portugal is not harmed.
Tsar Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

King Sandpaw II, Ruler of Portugal and the Netherlands,
I am aware of England's recent invasion of France. I have pledged my assistance after the destruction of Sweden, on the condition that Portugal is not invaded. If your country becomes involved in the war, Russia will help. Do not forget the 5,000 men and 6 1st Rate Ships-of-the-Line stationed in North Africa awaiting your command. Also, thank you for the use of Amsterdam.
Tsar Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Highly Confidential to Lord Daskar
Lord Daskar of Sweden,
I have recently been sent plans by my new "allies," the Ottoman Empire, that they plan to attack you. Obviously, I will not support this invasion of my closest military ally, and have devised a plan. They intend to attack by sea, so I will send ships to travel with them. With our combined naval forces, we should crush them easily. In the event they make landfall, I will also send my 7 million conscripts up to Sweden through Finland. With these reinforcements, you should easily be able to repel the invasion. Ready your troops.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Highly Confidential to Sagetip
Sultan Sagetip of the Ottoman Empire,
I have tricked Lord Daskar into actually believing I intend to help him. You may view my letter to Lord Daskar.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*The entire Russian Navy apart from the North African Department, consisting of 45,000 men and 994 ships of varying sizes, sets sail from Ingria, Sweden.*

*Conscription is now firmly in effect. All men between the ages of 16 and 70 must fight for Russia. 7 million conscripts are rounded up from around the Empire.*

*Reinforced by the new wave of conscripts, the border guard becomes tighter than ever. Brandenburg's invasion force is moving through Lithuania-Poland when they are surrounded by thousands of men. The soldiers lower their guns as Dimitri the Merciless steps forward.*
"Who is in charge of this battalion and which country do you hail from?"

Tsar Vladimir Groddil I's private records.

To whoever reading this.
This document contains important information on Russian Troop Movements, for the Tsar's eyes only. Do not read under penalty of death.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

Russian Troop Movements

370,000 regular troops, 7000000 conscripts, and 249,870 cossacks stationed on the border.
100,000 serving Lord Soren in Lithuania-Poland.
45,000 traveling with the navy to Amsterdam.
5,000 stationed in North Africa.
1,250 Soldiers and 130 Cossacks killed in the Invasion of Lithuania-Poland.
450 Soldiers killed in the Invasion of Prussia.
678,300 New Russian Rebels killed at the Ottoman border.

6 1st Rate ships-of-the-line stationed in North Africa.
94 1st Rate ships-of-the-line sailing to Amsterdam.
200 Ships-of-the-line ranging from 2nd rate to 4th rate sailing to Amsterdam.
300 Frigates sailing to Amsterdam.
400 Sloops sailing to Amsterdam.

OOC: By my terms, Conscripts aren't as useful as normal soldiers, they take time to get better. They die easier too.

Lord Daskar

Sultan Sagetip
Great Sultan,
I have just returned from a visit to my house in the country. To my dismay I heard that you had declared war on her royal majesty the Queen, why? None of the other lords seemed to have an explanation.

   Lord Daskar, general of all Swedish troops.
When work gets overwhelming, remember that you are going to die. -A Coffee Cup

Be silent, or let thy words be more than silence.

Main Entry:   cheer·ful
Function: Adjective.
1 a : full of good spirits <a cheerful outlook> <cheerful obedience>

Ares saves not the brave man but the coward.


Lord Daskar

Why? Because you and Russia are allied to take over the rest of Europe! The Ottoman Empire will not stand for such treachery and greediness.

Jic Harnam,
General of the Ottoman Army.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Highly Confidential to Lord Soren
Chancellor Soren,
If you were not already aware of Russia's alliance with the Ottomans, allow me to reiterate. Firstly, invaders from Brandenburg were caught in Lithuania. I have decided to return Prussia to them, as well as all territory between them. Do not worry about the loss of your lands, for this brings me to point two. We are invading Sweden. The Ottoman forces will be moving through Poland and meeting up with our navy while 7 million conscripts march into Sweden on the pretense of "helping." As my Chancellor, I know I can trust you with this information. While I am in Sweden, you will be put in charge of Russia. Upon our victory, I will give the Ottomans a portion of Poland and you will be given control of the captured Swedish territory.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of Russia.

*7 Million Russian conscripts march through Finland towards Sweden.*

*The Russian navy arrives at Amsterdam.*


Failure to respect the confidentiality of this letter constitutes a crime against the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Read at your own risk.
Your terms are acceptable. I will withdraw all forces currently occupying your territory.

*Observing the surrounding Russian troops, the Brandenburgian commander rides to the front of the marching column*

"I am in charge of this battalion, sir, and we hail from the Kingdom of Brandenburg. Do you take issue with us reclaiming what is rightfully ours?"