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The Adventures of Sir Fredrick

Started by LT Sandpaw, February 22, 2016, 08:04:02 PM

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He was given warm food and fresh water and a place to stay the night, and he paid for his stay by serving food to the inn's other guests, who were a motley but pleasant group.  While working, he excitedly listened in to the conversations of other travelers.

James Gryphon

But when he went to eat, there was a trained bear nearby, which snarled at Fredrick. Fredrick tried to shrug it off, and turned back to his meal, but a moment later, a man tapped on his shoulder, and said, "He doesn't like you."
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Sir Frederick decided to fight the bear in hand-to-paw combat, with no armor, to prove his strength. He bet everything he owned on his victory.

James Gryphon

Since Sir Fredrick had only one hand, the fight was a short and bloody win for the bear. Fortunately, as Fredrick owned almost nothing, he didn't lose much from this loss.
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 At that moment, royal soldiers broke into the inn and arrested the bear and his owner for murder. Fredrick was hailed as a town hero for his part in stalling the criminals' escape.


Unfortunately, the bear and its owner's associates came in the night and kidnapped Sir Fredrick. They sold him into slavery.


 Fredrick was shipped across the Mediterranean, where he was sold first to a merchant and then to an astronomer; the latter freed him and paid for his return to Europe.


OOC: Ok, this is hilarious. Hmm...Group B sounds really fun, but Group A would be fun too. Anyway, Group A might work better for me, and Group B doesn't seem to need reinforcements :P

Group A

BIC: Fredrick was placed on one of the safest and most well-regarded ships in the world, where a group of experienced soldiers offered to train him to be a better fighter.

OOC: Wait, did he lose his sense of touch? How is this going to work? :P

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

James Gryphon

Quote from: Skyblade on February 24, 2016, 02:00:17 AM
OOC: Wait, did he lose his sense of touch? How is this going to work? :P
He lost his sense of touch when his blood was temporarily drained out of his body, and an arm when he was attacked by sharks. ;)


But Sir Fredrick, who was very depressed after all of the horrible events he'd gone through and his time in slavery, declined.
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Sir Fredrick decided instead to live out his days in the middle of the Sahara desert.

James Gryphon

But as he was poor, he knew he didn't have enough money to get there on his own, so he was very discouraged and sad.
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Sir Fredrick eventually resigned himself to his fate. In order to get enough money, he took a job as a tester of poisons, drinking hazardous materials to find out what they did.


Quote from: James Gryphon on February 24, 2016, 03:06:58 AM
Quote from: Skyblade on February 24, 2016, 02:00:17 AM
OOC: Wait, did he lose his sense of touch? How is this going to work? :P
He lost his sense of touch when his blood was temporarily drained out of his body, and an arm when he was attacked by sharks. ;)

OOC: Y'all are enjoying this, aren't you? ;)

BIC: However, a beneficial potion wound up in his stash, and Sir Fredrick inadvertently consumed something that gave him his sense of touch again.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

James Gryphon

Like a new-born baby, having his sense of touch activated gave him a sensation not unlike your foot waking up after it's been asleep, and his whole body was immediately in great pain.
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He felt so much pain he decided to commit sepuku.