
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Presidential Mafia

Started by SilentSam, May 07, 2016, 05:19:08 PM

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Are we seriously going to vote for Sagetip because of one clue we could be misinterpreting? C'mon guys, you know we can do better than that, find better evidence than that.

@Sagetip: Please come give us your input.

I'm not going to vote for the ones who aren't posting, because it's risky. Hopefully, they're more active later, though. Corn and Eul are two I'm not going for this round (Corn because of the observation I made earlier and Eul because she seems to be thinking very critically. However, my mind can change in future rounds as we gather more info).

I need to hear Sagetip out more before I vote for him because of one clue. I will admit that I don't like how he tries to defend himself from the clue with random statements that don't prove anything.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Who else DO we vote for then? Half of us haven't said a word in about a week, and I don't see any evidence that hasn't been criticized yet.


Ah, ok...


Have I ever been Mafia in a game? No. Have I ever expressed malicious intent to kill any one of you for a random reason? No. That quote that Eul found in the thread? It didn't target any of you guys. If we were basing off of possible death threats possibly aimed at a certain member, then I think it'd be far to say that most everybody but sky would be under suspect.

Which brings me to the subject...

No one suspects Sky, because who could someone like her be Mafia? It's impossible, right? Not impossible.... Only improbable.

She's acting totally normal. The best way to hide? In a crowd. She could quite easily be fooling us all.

My vote goes to Sky. Hopefully I'm not wrong.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


The reason I don't really suspect Sky is that she is always one of the stronger players, and she isn't really acting different from how she normally acts. That does not mean she can't be Mafia, but the two players that I suspect most are Groddil and Sage. Also, Corn wouldn't have known the Townspeople didn't get PMs, so I really doubt she's Mafia.

Sage for the possible clue I found earlier (which could be very wrong so that's why I'm not sure). And also the argument in your last post. If you haven't been Mafia, There's more of a chance that you are Mafia this round. And none of the Mafia express the intent to kill us in real life. Also, the possible clue I found... it was not aimed at us, it was a quote from a game. But it was posted in Wylder's baseball thread, and Wylder happened to be killed with a baseball bat.

Groddil for going after Peri so much then switching to Sage without explanation until he was questioned about it. You were convinced that Peri was Mafia, or so you said, then you quickly switched to voting Sage without giving any explanation until we pointed out it was suspicious. Then you seemed just a little defensive.

For all we know, they could both be Mafia. This is one of the hardest rounds I have played in Mafia, mostly because of all the inactivity. I don't know if I can vote with any confidence. And the Townspeople need to be together in voting or we don't stand a chance. Right now, I'll say my vote is for Sage. I am not basing my vote simply off of the possible clue, and it may change.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Two votes for Sage.
One vote for Sky.
;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


Quote from: SageHave I ever been Mafia in a game? No.
I honestly REALLY don't like when people using that as reasoning. Guys, it doesn't matter whether someone was or wasn't Mafia before. The roles are typically randomized, and previous games have no bearing on later roles. Gonff has been detective like three times, and I've been cupid twice. It doesn't matter.

Since I've brought this up, though, @TheMostSilentOfTheSams: How did you decide the roles? Did you handpick them or randomize them?

Quote from: SageHave I ever expressed malicious intent to kill any one of you for a random reason? No.
Mafia don't do that unless they are incredibly stupid. The point of Mafia is for the bad guys to pretend to be one of the villagers. A Mafia member would look like the rest of us, pretending to be on the search even though they already know the answer.

Quote from: SageThat quote that Eul found in the thread? It didn't target any of you guys.
The point of the quote is to point out a potential clue in the story. Wylder was killed with a baseball bat, and you mentioned - in that thread - that baseball bats can be used as a weapon. Now I don't like using clues to vote for people, and had this been my only lead, I wouldn't have voted for you. That's why I prompted you to post.

Quote from: SageIf we were basing off of possible death threats possibly aimed at a certain member, then I think it'd be far to say that most everybody but sky would be under suspect.
Why everyone but me? Why am I the exception?

Quote from: SageWhich brings me to the subject...

No one suspects Sky, because who could someone like her be Mafia? It's impossible, right? Not impossible.... Only improbable.

She's acting totally normal. The best way to hide? In a crowd. She could quite easily be fooling us all.

My vote goes to Sky. Hopefully I'm not wrong.

Well, this could apply to several people. Soren is acting pretty normal too. I will admit Eul is being more thoughtful than usual and Corn has been more confused.

I can understand your reasoning for voting me though. You think I am too normal, that I'm faking it. I can understand that.

Though, I might want to add that this sounds a lot like a logical fallacy called Too Townie. So honestly, this is not good reasoning to vote me.


Anyway, I've got a readlist (review of every player)

Galli - not suspecting her this round. Seems like a new player, but it's possible she is actually Mafia and only pretending to be clueless. For now, she is null (not leaning either way)

Jet - hasn't posted. It's worth mentioning that he usually posts (when he is Town), but in the one round when he was Mafia, he didn't post at all. I remember this from the games in the old forum. If history is repeating itself, he's Mafia again and reusing his strategy of not posting in the thread (most likely to fade in the background and dodge suspicion). Slight Mafia lean for that.

Ash - also hasn't posted, can't say anything

Corn - Slight Town lean because of the thing I pointed out earlier. Like I said, it's possible she IS Mafia and used her mention of the Town PMs to trick us. That would take a lot of thinking and risk on her part, though, and I don't think she would do it on her own. Maybe if her Mafia partner was smart and had the idea. I'm not sure I like how confused she is, as I remember her saying the same thing in a game in which she was Mafia, but considering he inactivity lately, it can be expected.

Eul - Small town lean. She is probably the most thoughtful player so far. However, I'm reluctant to lean her Town too much. It's possible she is faking, and it is odd that she is being more thoughtful than in previous rounds. Sometimes, a person can be more thoughtful because he actually is Mafia and knows the answers; thus, he is more capable of making up thoughts and observations. But Eul is doing one thing that I value: posting actively and in good quality, and prompting others to post. I just have a bad feeling about her for some reason; maybe it is just paranoia. If she does turn out to be Mafia, though, I want to point at this and say "told you so" :P

Soren - Acting normally. Kind of in the background, though, which I do not like. Like he's trying to contribute but also hiding at the same time.

Peri - Null. I don't want to use clues, and she hasn't posted.

Groddil - Actually, I'm not leaning Mafia on him too much. At least he is very active, and many Mafia members tend to do the opposite - lurking in the background with minimal posts - unless they are experienced. However, some Mafia do post actively and look very much like Town.

The push on Peri was a bit strong, and a bit odd because of the flaws. It seemed a bit desperate. But at the same time, I can understand it. I can see why he'd change the vote to Sage since he had better reasoning at the time. However, this can also be from a Mafia's perspective since Mafia are often trying to please the crowd to not be suspicious. As Mafia, he would change his mind about Peri if nobody else was agreeing.

Honestly, he could go either way.

Sagetip - Um. I don't like the flawed reasoning in the latest post. Also, the clue is SLIGHTLY convincing.

I may vote for Sage this round. I don't think I'm voting for Groddil this time around. Possibly Soren or Jet. Honestly, I need more posts from many of the players.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I vote Sage. Doesn't matter if he's been in a game before or not, or if he's expressed "malicious intent". If he's Mafia, it's his job to kill. That, combined with the baseball thread (weither it's from Fallout or not) leads to me vote for him.

I'm retired from the forum


I would just like to say that I am always this thoughtful in Mafia :P And if I were Mafia, I'd probably be lurking in the background with the others. Since no one that's lurking is really being suspected, it seems safer. But even the lurking ones who aren't Mafia are hurting the Town.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


3 Sage 1 Sky.  One more to kill Sage (There are only about 7 Active Players, so I'm going to count a majority of those players).
@Skyblade I picked them randomly. Also, Jet isn't a player.   ;D
;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


Guys guys guys. Look, I probably won't get out of this alive, but don't make th mistake you did last time I was voted out first round. Please. I'm trying to help you. Okay?

Sky, when I said that if we were targeting based of death threats, I said you wouldn't be suspect since you wouldn't make a death threat. Just wanted to clear that up.

Non detective work
I can't change your opinion. I can't change your mind.

You know, I'm being far to dramatic. I might live after all...

And now you will interpret all that as more Mafia evidence... Wow, I'm bad at this game.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Cornflower MM

This reasoning is killing me. I think the heat is baking my brain.

Side note done, I. . . . Am still confused by this reasoning. D@mn this heat and my current inability to stay focused and thinking.

So let's jump into this crazy.

Sky: Getting defensive. Also really looking into Sage, but leaving Eul alone. Hmm. Could she be Mafia with Eul?

Sage: I gotta admit, his reasoning is a little flawed. He's also really defensive. (Then again I remember a game where I was defensive, too, and I was the doctor. *Pokes Eul* 'Member?) No further comment for now.

Eul: Really thoughtful, looking closely into things. Seems unsure. I dunno. Not much commentary on her.

Everyone else: Haven't really noticed?

Not voting yet.


Quote from: Cornflower MM on June 03, 2016, 07:18:17 PM
(Then again I remember a game where I was defensive, too, and I was the doctor. *Pokes Eul* 'Member?)

Heh.... heh heh heh... I really thought you were Mafia ;D and I think you were the Doctor in a different game. I remember messaging someone and telling them I was the Doctor and I would keep them safe if they didn't vote for me and voted for you instead. And I did keep them safe, but ended up voting for the wrong person again at the end of the game... oops?
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Cornflower MM

Eh, the Mafia games are running together in my head. :P
Are you really serious? Why you liddle schemer! :P


;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


Sorry I haven't said anything. So I have three things to say I guess, two of which won't do much because those two theories were dashed by facts but here they are anyway...

So the first night which didn't have any clues I was confused by the fact that it said the murderer took the keys to the hallways and room doors locked them then after locking the hallway doors ran to their room so as not to be caught. Yet the next morning Soren said not to worry because the murderers didn't have the keys. That confused me when I first read it. @TheMostSilentOfTheSams can you clarify what happened since that first night there wasn't supposed to be clues?

Another thing I had noticed the second night was when it said the two people who were mafia didn't clap for Eulalia. The first thing I thought was Eul didn't clap for herself, most likely, and someone else from the crowd. Then when I read it over again I realized it said two people from the crowd. So if I am correct that could help take suspicion off Eul but still I could be wrong.

One more thing I noticed that doesn't help me at all but I thought I should mention anyway is the fact that Sam said three people were awake when it happened, Wylder and the two mafia, yet later he said I had heard something in the night but didn't want to check it out which means I must have been awake too.

So that's what I have been thinking. I know it doesn't really do much and I still don't know who to vote for but I decided I should show my face at least.
"Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you :)" I don't know who wrote this but I really like it.