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Started by Matthias720, October 27, 2011, 05:18:43 PM

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Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on March 17, 2015, 11:52:47 PM
I have a weird sense of fear. For some reason, I enjoy what many people are afraid of (except spiders. They don't scare me, but I don't like being around them. They used to terrify me, though). I LOVE heights, I love riding airplanes (only if I'm in the window seat, it's not fun if I'm not), I like snakes, I LOVE thunderstorms, I kind of like tornadoes, getting lost sounds like fun especially in a forest, I actually like being mocked because I find it funny, and I like trying new things. I'm a very weird person  ;D  But some things do terrify me. Things like hospitals (bad memories, there), the ocean, and certain smells that might possibly remind me of a hospital.

Most of the above is true for me too! I don't really care for snakes all that much and But storms are amazingly calming, especially in the morning. Airplanes are just airplanes, and therefore awesome. Heights I like unless in my opinion one of my siblings is too close to the edge; then I leap back in terror. ;D ;D Mocking, same, I usually laugh with them and then turn it into even more of a mocking thing! New things, same. ;D ;D But none of the fears are true for me...I don't mind spiders, unless they are reasonably large. Also centipedes are a life long horror of mine. ;D ;D
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


 Not sure why, but I really hate the feeling of fingernails scratching against certain surfaces, like chalkboards. The mere thought of it is enough to send chills up my spine.

I also really hate heights. You couldn't get me to go within two feet of a cliff.


I'm love heights, I don't see why anybody wouldn't like them. But then again, people love the ocean. Never going on a boat, submarine, or scuba diving. Sharks live there, big fish live there, and people get eaten by sharks. That's probably the worst way to die, by a shark. Lakes too, never know what's swimming beneath you...
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Lady Ashenwyte

Quote from: Izeroth on March 19, 2015, 04:29:18 AM
Not sure why, but I really hate the feeling of fingernails scratching against certain surfaces, like chalkboards. The mere thought of it is enough to send chills up my spine.

I also really hate heights. You couldn't get me to go within two feet of a cliff.

Me too! Whenever I or someone else within sight scratches a rough surface (Like the shiny bit of a LEGO piece.) the vibrations are enough to make me shudder and send chills up my spine.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


I really hate crowded places. Not being able to spot every single person in a place and the fact that one of them could sneak behind me is my very own definition of horror.
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LT you are evil! I was scrolling down threw this thread and I came upon the picture of the giant spider. I shrieked and pulled the winter cap I was wearing down over my eyes.  :P I don't like spiders... To many body parts. I don't like most bug either, spiders are just some of the worst. Sprikets are the worst though, and House centipedes  :P ugh. The only time my math book was any good was when I used it to kill on of those things. It was just sitting in the middle of the bed room floor and I slammed the book down hard and jumped on it like a hundred times and ran out of the room...  :P I didn't have the courage to go and see if it was dead... My mom finally went and cleaned it up.. it left a stain on the back of my math book...   :P

I also used to have this fear of the house setting on fire. Now It is tornadoes. though we don't get those where I am.  :P I had a pretty vivid dream once and for a long time I kept seeing things in the clouds.

I also don't like needles hate needles or blood but only my own blood. today is proof of that. I was babysitting and the little boy I was watching knocked over the vacuum and cut his ear. he got blood all over his shirt and it was bleeding pretty bad but it didn't phase me.  :P
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

Yeah, heads tend to bleed a lot.
As for spiders, I don't see much need to fear them; they are quite remarkable creatures. However, after seeing Arachnophobia, my appreciation for them has. . . lessened.

Something I have remembered is my fear of saliva. Seriously. I hate the stuff unless it is kept behind the sealed lips of a mouth.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


So, do y'all know about being in a car on a highway? I have a fear of that. It just terrifies me. The car is moving so quickly and there're others rushing by not far away at all...the scariest times are when you go on that type of road (I don't know what it's called) that goes to an even greater height than a normal highway and tends to have only one or two lanes. It often curves and the cars travel extremely fast. I legitimately get scared on those. Seriously and no lie or exaggeration, from the POV of Sky, a road trip is a perilous adventure which one is blessed to survive.

Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on March 20, 2015, 12:06:35 AM
I really hate crowded places. Not being able to spot every single person in a place and the fact that one of them could sneak behind me is my very own definition of horror.

Oh, I understand! I don't like being in crowded places either. If the area is loud, it's even worse.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


You mean highway overpasses? I think those are kind of fun :P


^ I have planned my entire routine just to avoid highways (seriously). And, with all honesty, when I do have to use them and there's no other option, I usually call a taxi... I won't drive thru a highway. I simply won't.
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Quote from: Mhera on March 21, 2015, 05:25:40 AM
You mean highway overpasses? I think those are kind of fun :P

I think that's it. And that just goes to show how people think differently!

Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on March 21, 2015, 05:26:13 AM
^ I have planned my entire routine just to avoid highways (seriously). And, with all honesty, when I do have to use them and there's no other option, I usually call a taxi... I won't drive thru highway. I simply won't.

Sounds rough! Maybe I will do that when I am an adult (seriously, I may go with that).

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Does this look about right?

The only time I don't like going over those is in the winter when there's a chance of ice. Driving on ice does scare me.


Quote from: Mhera on March 21, 2015, 05:46:55 AM
Does this look about right?

The only time I don't like going over those is in the winter when there's a chance of ice. Driving on ice does scare me.

Woah, I have made some tracks on Stunts that weren't that complicated xD!

But you are right about driving when there's ice, especially if it's black ice.
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The Skarzs

I ride on the freeway (highway, whatever) at least once a week, and have done so since I have been born. :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Lady Ashenwyte

I love the highway. The view just appeals to me. (I like magnificent views.)
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.