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1,000 Ways to get kicked out of walmart.

Started by winifred, May 03, 2012, 11:27:27 PM

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is this?

52 (48.6%)
LOL out of my chair!
50 (46.7%)
Bad :(
5 (4.7%)

Total Members Voted: 104


241.go to the toilets and get all the toilet paper and wet it.make a huge ball of wat paper and throw it at a wall!


242. Go around ripping price tags off of things
243. Chuck any form of ball that bounces around the store
244. Get a motorized cart (whatever you call those handicap shopping carts) and crash into the first thing you see
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


WOW people, this has turned form getting kicked out of Walmart to getting behind bars;)
i love reading these, very funny what bored people come up with:)


Yes. Because we're that awesome. And bored.

245. Spray whipped cream in the manager's face
246. Open all the cards that have music at the same time
247. Roll spare tires down the aisles
248. Play a game of catch with an egg as the ball
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


249.find the light switch and turn off all the lights.


250. Splash grease all over the floors and slide into people
251. Go up to people and randomly draw mustaches on them
252. Paint the walls with multiple neon colors
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


253: Grab all the sports gear and hide it in various places (preferably under shelves or locked bathroom stalls)

(actually done this  ;D )
wolves will slay whoever they want to.....*growl* "AGHH''


254.put on every item of clothing in the shop and run around the shop.


255: Rearrange things so that nobody can find what they're looking for.
256: Lather all items in glue so that they will stick to customers' hands
257: Fling globs of peanut butter at security cameras
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  258.  Hide inside the clothing racks and, when someone walks by, looking for clothes, scream "PICK ME!!  PICK ME!!"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


259: Strap wet bars of soap to your feet and try to skate around the store, knocking over as many people as you can
260: Start a congo line
261: Start doing the Macarena and force all customers to join you
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


262: Change the price tags. I. e: a one dollar can, exchanged for a hundred dollar stove.


263: Laugh like a maniac over the intercom
264: Grab a random person and tango down the aisles with them, trapping others between you
265: Grab a toy lightsabre and whack people
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


#266. dress up as pirites with ur friends and start raiding plundering and booting peoples shopping carts while screaming "ARRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH YA GOT OFF EASY TODAY!"
#267. knock stuff off shelves and take them down. set them up at different angles in the isles and roll marbles and golf balls down them.
#268. take the shelves and make seesaws .


269: Ride a lawnmower down the aisles, bowling away everything in your path
270: Randomly jump into someone's shopping cart and sing an annoying song
271: Hit people on the head with bananas

(Correction for 266: No, you have to sing, "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!")
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.