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The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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"Yep, I'll be fine to travel to the Abbey." Toka suddenly stopped himself. Why had he told her that? Now she would become suspicious. She would start to ask questions.


"The abbey you mean Redwall?" She had heard tell of a place called Redwall abbey and Toka had said something about Redwall in his sleep. Then she recalled the strange mouse. Every night a strange mouse would come and sit by her bed. she never felt afraid though. He would sit there quietly for a wile then he would lean over and whisper in her ear "find the place called Redwall" Then he would just disappear he would be gone. without a sound or any sigh that he had left. She had forgotten these visits till just now.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Quote from: Cornflower MM on March 28, 2014, 10:19:39 PM
OOC: I DID post! Oh wait, you posted awhile ago! AH!
Quote from: HanNorwood on March 27, 2014, 09:42:25 PM
"Yes, you're absolutely right, that is no excuse. However, I'm on a journey, and I've been traveling for days," began the Mara, easily spinning the parts of a story he needed to get them out of this. "The thing is, she's my guide, and I really do need her. So, if you'd just let me take her and go." Tauten again tried to pull Arya away.

BIC:The owl merely moved her foot up a little bit more, and pressed. Arya started making the awful, choking, spluttering, coughing sound. She couldn't breath! The owl mum was using the pad of her foot to put pressure on the squirrelmaid's wind pipe, and then she flapped her wings, meaning to buffet the Mara with them, and also making her just a little off balance.

Tauten was forced to retreat a few feet, in order to avoid the Owl mum's thrashing wings. As the Mara stumbled back, he saw that the Owl mum was off balance. Realizing he had an opening, Tauten dived in, swinging his paw at the Owl's legs, and grimacing at the strength of the Owl's wings. She had hit him in numerous places, and each one would certainly hurt in the morning.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM

OOC: Um, Faiy, how can anyone diaper? You mean Disappear?

BIC: The owl mum toppled over, and Arya scrambled backwards towards a tree, and leaned against it. She loosened her sword in it's sheath with one paw and massaged her throat with the other, gulping in air. The owl ran at her and jumped, meaning to squish her underneath. Fortunately (Or unfortunately, if you were the owl) she leaped too late, and crashed into the tree, stunning herself, and flopping onto her target. Arya gently pushed her off, and, as a reflex, shot up the tree. Most things can't climb trees, so that was her reflex. Then she came down a moment later, blushing slightly. "Thank you." She said, looking at Tauten, then eying the bird that was crashed at her feet. "Poor thing," She sighed, with a sympathetic look on her face.


Tauten sat, holding his head in his hands, cringing at the pain in his head. The Mara didn't react at all to Arya's thanks, but sat for a few more moments before getting up. "That Owl really packed a punch," he remarked to Arya, then found that he couldn't hear himself, so he must have thought it without realizing that he didn't say it. "THAT OWL REALLY PACKED A PUNCH!" He shouted, though to him it sounded like he was talking normally.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


"Um....maybe....." Toka couldn't think of anything convincing to say, so he just grabbed his haversack, and set off.


"That is where I was going too," She said feeling a strong urge to go there as well.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Good for you." Toka snarled. He didn't want her to offer to travel with him, so he set off quickly, wanting to put as much distance between himself, and Arnath. Toka gritted his teeth, and tried to ignored the throbbing pain in his side, it hurt every time he took a step.


Arnath noticed the tension in his voice and realized he did not want to travil with her "You can go alone. You are still hurt," She said still fallowing him Trying her best to keep up and fallowing his path quite accurately. She had an excellent memory and was able to reproduce the exact path he fallowed in her mind. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka speeded his pace, trying to leave the Arnath behind. But this only caused him more pain, and he had to stop.
Toka leaned against a tree, and massaged his side, he hoped it would get better soon.


"You're going to hurt yourself you need to take it easy," Arnath said "Any way I know this part of the woods better than any one alive. I could find my way in the dark," She joked.  "I know a short cut. if we go the way you are going it will take twice as long,"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"I don't need any help, or advice from you." Toka growled, and stubbornly continued the way he had been going. But he couldn't help gasping a few times, oh his side hurt!


"I won't tell you I warned you but that old raven that lives up that way wont be to happy to see you. The old foggy, he's so secluded and protective. He hates strangers can't stand them, and he might be old but his claws are still as sharp as ever... I was hoping to avoid him but if you insist we will take the long way. I might be able to appease him with some ointment I have been bringing him his wing has been bothering him the poor thing," She said She then went on to tell of when the vole family had first moved in he had almost killed the pare of them. They had called him some bad names. "If it wasn't for the ravens wife that would have been the end of them but she convinced him to leave them alone. She died three years back though poor thing she was a nice bird..."
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Toka wasn't paying any attention to what Arnath was saying, he just concentrated on not swearing, and falling over.


She soon realized that he wasn't listening and stopped talking. She sighed and fallowed him in silence. She began to debate weather Toka or old Mr. Raven was more of a stick in the mud.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?