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Presidential Mafia

Started by SilentSam, May 07, 2016, 05:19:08 PM

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Cornflower MM


Night One Begins
     It was late at night, and everybody was asleep. Except for three people. One was Wylder Treejumper. The two others were the Mafia. Wylder, was a famous lawyer, he even represented R. J. Squirrelson in the R. J. Squirrelson trial. As a hobby, he liked to look into mysteries and try to solve them. He always spoke with detectives if he was in a murder trial. Wylder was suspicious about a few people, in fact, he had some theories.
   Wylder was known to sometimes be irrational, and in this case, he was very irrational. Going out of your room to try and investigate someone while murderers are on the loose, yes, very irrational. "Maybe I'll find who it is, and we'll all be able to go home," he thought. This was not the case. Just as he said that, he saw a figure walk out one the first doors to the left of him. "Hello? Is that yo--" The other Mafia came up from behind and used a baseball bat and hit him in the head. One of the Mafia stomped on his neck, breaking it and killing him for sure. The two mafia were worried that if they stayed out for too long, they would be caught, so they went back in their rooms.
   Perifaen went out in the morning to see if everything was okay, as she heard something going on outside, but was too scared to go out in the night. After everyone heard her screams, they rushed outside to see what happened. Wylder was dead.

   "How cruel!" Ashenwyte remarked. Everyone was so frightened that the murderers had struck again. Some people said that they should all go back into their doors and lock them again.

   But Eulalia was not frightened. She was a politician! She encouraged democracy! "We must take a vote!" she yelled to everyone, "I do not want to kill anyone, but it is necessary in order for us to live, so we must vote on who we think are the killers!" Everyone, except two people in the crowd, applauded Eulalia. They would have a vote.

Wylder (your detective) is dead!
There is one clue in the text!
Please vote!
Begin Day 2!
;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


@TheMostSilentOfTheSams: Can we change our vote?

I'm not saying ignore clues altogether, but remember that they can be unreliable.

I'm not sure right now; I'll wait for everyone to jump in. They better :P

I think at least one of the Mafia is a forum member who's been here for a while and would know about Wylder's reputation for thought and his skill at Mafia. Such a person acquainted with the forum may also know that I am usually targeted for kills and may avoid me because the Medic may save me as well.

Another lead is actually a Town one. I could be wrong, but I think this post of Corny's leans her to Town.

Quote from: Cornflower MM on May 22, 2016, 03:33:48 PM
I'm going to assume I'm a regular player 'cause I didn't get a PM.

If she was a Mafia, how would she know that the normal citizens didn't get PMs? It would have been too risky for her to bluff.

There is a possibility that she asked Sam beforehand and somehow found out from him that normal citizens don't get role PMs, and used this post as a trick. But I'm not sure on the odds of that.

I can't be definite on one way or another, but for now I'm leaning Town on Corny.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

Im still not sure how this works. how do we vote? 
im gay!!!!!!


I personally believe that Perifaen had something to do with this. She knew something was going on last night, but neither warned us nor did anything about it until this morning. And how do we know when she "discovered" Wylder's body, her screams weren't an act. If she truly did hear something, and is truly one of us, how come she left her room anyway? If she was scared of the Mafia getting her, wouldn't she stay in her room, even in the morning?


Quote from: Groddil on May 25, 2016, 02:05:36 AM
I personally believe that Perifaen had something to do with this. She knew something was going on last night, but neither warned us nor did anything about it until this morning. And how do we know when she "discovered" Wylder's body, her screams weren't an act. If she truly did hear something, and is truly one of us, how come she left her room anyway? If she was scared of the Mafia getting her, wouldn't she stay in her room, even in the morning?
I think that might be a stretch, but anything is possible.
I'm betting on Eul so far, if the clue is that she wasn't afraid of the situation like everyone else.

I'm retired from the forum


Even though evidence points the wrong way, it could even be Corn, since she killed Wylder with a baseball bat. Perhaps she was using his favorite sport to kill him?
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


The baseball bat part does make sense, but isn't Corn's notorious weapon a frying pan? Perhaps the list of subjects could be narrowed down to baseball fans, and then further down perhaps to any of us who have previously USED a baseball bat.


He was hit with a baseball bat and we know he likes baseball. So maybe we could look at the baseball thread and see if anyone has said anything against baseball or his favorite sports team. Also, Groddil, I doubt it is Corn. She wouldn't know that Towns people didn't get a PM. That doesn't mean she isn't Mafia, I just don't really suspect her.

@Soren, that could be used against me to say that I am Mafia, but in the story it says that there were two people in the audience who didn't applaud. I wouldn't be in the audience applauding myself if I was giving the speech.

EDIT: Checked the MLB Topic and found something Sagetip said:
Quote"You don't know what a Swatter is? Now, baseball is a Diamond City tradition. See, way back before the bombs fell, there would be two teams, all with baseball bats. And, and, the team wih the biggest bats would beat th other team to death with them! And the biggest bats were called Swatters."

On a different note, I thought Wylder was a My Little Brony for a second there.

Not saying it means anything. Corn and Soren also posted there. Corn seemed ticked off when she posted.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Quote from: Groddil on May 25, 2016, 02:05:36 AM
I personally believe that Perifaen had something to do with this. She knew something was going on last night, but neither warned us nor did anything about it until this morning. And how do we know when she "discovered" Wylder's body, her screams weren't an act. If she truly did hear something, and is truly one of us, how come she left her room anyway? If she was scared of the Mafia getting her, wouldn't she stay in her room, even in the morning?

How could she have been outside killing someone if she was in her room hearing the commotion?

Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on May 25, 2016, 10:39:41 PM@Soren, that could be used against me to say that I am Mafia, but in the story it says that there were two people in the audience who didn't applaud. I wouldn't be in the audience applauding myself if I was giving the speech.

I was honestly going to say this myself. I agree with this logic.

About the baseball bat, I thought it could be a clue myself, but I'm not sure (Really, the clue could be anything). But Wylder likes baseball in general, so it may not really be pointing to a specific member.

That being said, clues can be unreliable. I really do prefer interpreting people based on posts.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


@Skyblade: Firstly, how do we know she was in her room hearing the commotion? We only have her word for it. Secondly, there are two Mafia. She might not have done the killing, but I'm just saying there's something fishy about this. Like I said, if she was one of us, how come she left her room first? That doesn't make sense. If I heard someone getting killed during the night, I certainly wouldn't be the first poor sucker to leave their room.


The story says two Mafia killed Wylder together. So if she was Mafia, she wouldn't have been in her room. The story also says she was in her room, not that she said she was in her room. And, while you may not leave your room to try and save a life, some of us would leave to see if we can stop someone being killed. Though the story doesn't say if anyone else heard it. And we know from the story that she left her room in the morning, not at night during or directly after the murder. I'm not saying she isn't Mafia, I'd like to have more evidence before I accuse anyone, but I do see some errors in what you said.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Quote from: Skyblade on May 25, 2016, 01:58:22 AM
@TheMostSilentOfTheSams: Can we change our vote?

I'd rather you would not, but I guess I will let you change your vote once
;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


@Eulaliaaa!: The accusations aren't perfect, and they couldn't be without much information. But if Perifaen really was trying to "save a life," as you put it, how come she waited until morning to go out? There's not much she could have done by then.


Nobody's accusation is perfect this early in the game, especially when not everyone has posted.

I didn't say she was trying to save whoever was being killed, I said some of us might (I would definitely be the idiot who walks out of their room all like "Huh? What's going on?" ;D). If she is not Mafia, then she stayed in her room, scared to come out, and came out in the morning when she thought it was safe. It does say she was too scared to go outside in the story. The others (I'm going to assume that no one else heard it since no one else was mentioned) maybe weren't in a hurry to leave their rooms. I don't really suspect her very much, but it could always be the person we least suspect. I played Mafia yesterday with my friends, and my brother killed me. He was the last person I thought would be the Mafia!
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.