The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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OOC:Oh...sorry for another pointless error. Thanks

BIC:Razer eyed the drink suspicousl as she took it. "er...thanks. it's not poisond right?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: no kidding right haha, but thanks anyway for letting us know the truth Spybox  :)


OOC: psybox, not spybox, the actual origin story of the name will help with the spelling too.  Also will you explain the training tea?


OOC: sorry, and it looks just like normal tea.


Tavern Tender (around Razer and Lursh)

"no its not, i dont do that stuff."

Master Chay (around Seth)

"drink, drink. you must drink the whole cup before i let you join my class. you must trust me when i say it wont kill you." he said


Seth drank it.

OOC: not much else to say on the subject


Razer sniffed the drink with her keen nose. She looked at the tavern tender for a moment, then slowly drank her beverage. "Don't you have any food?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Master Chay (around seth)

"good, im glad that you trust me. so now. be honest.. what do you think that tea will do to you?"

OOC: if i was your character i would have dranked it fast... ITS ON FIRE!! haha


Tavern tender

he went back and grabbed some grub, it wasn't anything in particular just a lot of different stuff put on one plate. "wat what you want, throw the rest away." he said while giving her the plate.


"taste like tea.  Why do you ask?" Seth replied.


Razer eyed it suspicoulsy, sniffed it, then ate everything on the plate. "Thanks," she said as she chugged down the rest of her drink and went outside.

Then she decided to explore the place since she was gonna live here. She walked around the outdoor places first. Her eyes widended at a strange scene in the garden. A ferret and a chipmunk were there, but that wasn't the weird part. 2 deadbeasts and one barely clinging to life were lieing on the ground. Shaking her head, Razer decided to explore the academy first. She looked around the frist two floors and sneaked along the third. She came to the stairs for the fourth floor and beyond. it was forbidden. She ignored it and went upstairs anyway, very cautiusly.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Master Chay (around Seth)

"no reason." he said while pouring another small cup with different tea. "here." he offered (this tea will taste a little bit stronger.

OOC: correction. the two beast on the floor are dead. second, Keys are needed to get on the third-roof floors.


Seth drank the next cup, it tasted stronger.

OOC: not much else to say on the subject.


OOC:oh. thank you for being more specific

BIC:Razer glared at the locked door. It was obvious the academy was hiding something. She went back downstairs and outside to the top of the mountain, where she could see the village where the fire ring members lived. sudden;y not knowing what she was doing she went down the mountain and warily sneaked into the village, searching for Fash or Faddel

OOC:she's just gonna talk to the fire ring members, not join them(yet)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: ok :)



he saw Razer and approached her. "hello, welcome to the village." he said while greeting her. the other troops were looking at the two wondering why Faddel just didn't kill her right away. one of them went to go and get Fash.


OOC: aren't you forgetting something?


Razer nodded, eyeing the other members warily. "can you tell them not to attack me?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!