The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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OOC: no, no i dont think so... bahaha sorry didn't notice your post when i was scrolling around.


Master Chay (around Seth.)

"very good, now the last one..." he poured it out of a new pot filling the cup halfway up "to much isn't good on the body." he smiled "i can't promise you the results on this cup. your body wasn't affected by the last two cups of poison and tea.. this one however is more powerful poison." he offered Seth the cup, it had a green color to the tea.

Faddel (around Razer)

"i dont think they will... and if they do, it looks like you can handle yourself." he smiled

OOC: ok i have a guess over till 9 my time so i wont post till then probably.

PS: its 6:03 my time right now


OOC:Ok. I have to leave too

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Seth drank the tea, after a while of hesitation, he decided that either all the previous students where immune to the poison in the cup, or it's not fatal.

OOC: Explain the training tea soon, please.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: I'll bet it wasn't poisoned at all... I'm going to assume that Liesal can leave BIC:

The swift fox came out the door a little quizzical, "What just happened?" he asked his companion.

The weasel had watched the otter through the entire process, and promptly ate what he had gathered from the tavern keeper earliar.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: of course it isn't, and even if it was, Griffin doesn't have permission to kill Seth, so at most he gets sick and has to spend some time in a poison induced fever or something.  And he still can't do that without my permission!   


OOC: Psybox: slow your roll dude, i know i can't kill your character... but you dont know what the tea does and you willingly drinked it knowing that two students had already died from Master Chay's teaching.. i will post later, friends still over at my house. oh and it was poisoned, but not all poison is to kill you ;)


OOC: please explain the training tea.


OOC: ok, so about the training tea lol.

it can make powerful delusions and make you see things that aren't really there. other types of training tea will make you pass out and have a group dream with others that have also drinking the training tea. (yes it is slightly magical, some other stuff is also magical but we will discuss that as it comes) if you hallucination you will end up dyeing, if your immune to the poison in the tea than Master Chay will give you a large dose. if you dont die then you will drop down and start to dream. inside the dreams is where Master Chay will start to train you for the mind part of the class.

understand? any questions? if you join his class you must willingly know that any type of tea can make you enter the dreams.


one of the troops brought fash(i'm pretty sure this is what would've happened, considering that's what he said he would do, correct me if i'm wrong)

Razer looked at Fash and Faddel. "can we talk?" she asked in a low voice. "privately?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: I don't fully understand.  Would Someone who could survive it go to sleep after the third cup, or is there a fourth cup that's just stronger so that it can cause the shared dream?


Fash and Faddel (around Razor)

the two brought her to a tent, all the other creatures had their eyes on s. they were curious about her. "i see you have finally decided to make the right choice." Fash said once they were in the tent. (im gonna eamil you, read it before you post please :) )

OOC: there would only be three cups. the third cup (which is 95% poison) would knock anyone out and put them into the shared dream. the fact that your character made it pass the first two means he is very, very strong.


OOC: so, do i just type that i fall unconscious?  Because if so, BIC: Seth fell unconscious.


Black December (around Liesal

"don't worry, she doesn't bite." December joked "did she give you a task?"

Master Chay (around seth)

"wake up you sleeping fool" Chay said while pushing Seth to wake up.


OOC: Isn't Seth supposed to fall asleep?  I am Confused, or was that just a "will he survive it?" test?


OOC: you did fall asleep... now your waking up.


Master Chay

"hurry, get up!" he yelled "the garden is on fire!!!" black smoke rose all around as the flowers and shrubs lite to flame.