The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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"Well is there anything you need to know about me?" asked Devil.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


The Professor (around Devil)

"more or less, i already know a lot about you. but lets not worry about that. if you want to be in my class you must follow "the Call"


What's that sir?" asked Devil.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


OOC: would be nice if a lock-pick teacher popped up soon.  Please pull up an NPC or something.


The Professor

""the Call" is a teaching that one can become more than he or she is. go beyond the state of ones reaching. to be able to be able. it demands full allegiance, to stop following "the Call" will mean certain death. you must believe, trust and solely really on it. any lack will prevent you from achieving the goal." he told Devil while walking into the main lobby. a few students stood as the Professor entered then sat back down, a sigh of respect... obviously his students.

OOC: OOOPS forgot it again, sorry.

NPC Students (around Seth)

a small group came and surrounded him. "and who are you, punk?" one asked


"And if I want to follow this way what must I do?" asked Devil in full determnation.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


The Professor (around Devil)

"its not a following really, you dont follow it, you must believe it. you must trust it. you must rely on it. to show true faith you have to jump." he said looking up at the top of the Academy.


"oh, i just need someone to teach me lock-picking.  Do you know anyone who can do that?" Seth asked.


I.. I.. belive in this.." said Devil stareing at the ground with his fist clenched and then looking at the roof.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


NPC Students (Around Seth)

"haha, so your into that type of stuff eh? ah we can teach ya, and we have an opening into our lil' gang if you be interested." the rat smiled. (you can lead them if you want or join them, or just learn from them and then leave)

The Professor (around Devil)

the Professor brought Devil up to the roof. "are you ready to be able?" he asked

OOC: if you jump you might die, but only if you dont believe enough. how much do you believe? 1-100 (100 being all the way)


Razer was following Devil and the professor. she showed herself. "I can floowo the call." she said determined. There was no hesitation or waver in her voice.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: 100

BIC: Devil said, "I belive compltley sir." he walked over to the edge and jumped.

OOC: if i wasnt supposded to do that please let me know.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Razer looked at the ground. She closed her eyes and leaped off  with 100 percent faith

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


The Professor (around Razer)

"yes i now you can.  "are you ready to be able?" he asked her already knowing the answer.

OOC: if you jump you might die, but only if you dont believe enough. how much do you believe? 1-100 (100 being all the way)

and yes you should have jumped, i will wait till Razer either jumps or doesn't before saying if you died or not lol :o

ok so i was about to post that but you were to fast lol


The Professor and Goshi, the greeter

he smiled while watching Devils body hit the bottom of the Academy. his body splat and blood flew from his body, the same happened to Razer. The Professor walked down to the bottom of the Academy and called for Goshi.
"bring these to my class room!" he ordered Goshi who grabbed the dead motionless creatures, bringing them one at a time to the classroom.


Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!