
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The summer solstice

Started by Griffen, June 20, 2012, 06:25:51 AM

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Devil looked around and didn't see the snakes. So I am Zanthar now?! He  thought. Well my last name is Deathhound so i'm Zanthar Deathhound... He went to shore and signaled the boat.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.



he came up and picked Zanther up. the two plus the crew headed back to the port.

OOC: ok you can't post for a long time hahaha sorry. you have to wait till the others get done with their tasks, then were going to skip a year few years in the RP.


I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Razer ran up to Master Chay. "Why'd you run away from me?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Master Chay

he looked at Seth then looked at razer. "i must not be disturbed... i have just found something.." he told the two then ran into his office then locked the door shut.

(hey did razor get a task yet? if not she should get one. if you dont want her to go on one just say so.)


OOC:She will get one and seriously why did Master Chay run off like that?

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: because of you and his dream y'all had together.


Master Chay and The Professor

Master Chay ran into his office and locked the door. he need to talk so Shaffa and fast. what he'd just learned was very important. "whats the rush?" asked the Professor from a dark corner. "you better not take another step closer!" he warned, The Professor didn't care and took a step anyways. Chay blew powder into The Professor's face and the two went into a mental war. Master Chay was strong and should have won the fight, but somehow another force was helping out The Professor. Master Chay dropped to the floor and looked at him. The Professor whispered into his ears and Chay forgot the dream and what he had learned, then fell asleep.


OOC:What did he learn?

BIC:Razer shrugged and went back into the academy. She needed to get a task.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: i can't tell you ;)

and you know that you have to go to Dema because Goshi told everyone to already.


OOC:Oh yeah

BIC:Razer knocked on Dema's door holding a slice of cake she had managed to sneak. Apparenty giving her food gave you better tasks.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Dema, the task maker

"here you go darling" she said while trading the task for the cake.


"Thanks," said Razer. She went to the dorm and opened her task note.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


and the letter read...

Name: kindle
Age: 24 seasons
Gender: female
Species: mouse
occupation: spy
Size: smaller than the average mouse
Description: well she is a spy so her personalty and everything like that changes like the wind.


"Great," said Razer sarcastically. "I have to find a guy in a place I've never even heard of?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: why do i keep forgetting to put the location? hahaha shes where Keen is... i think its call Agurot. the boat leaves soon