Attention-Deficit Roleplaying

Started by Rainshadow, January 08, 2013, 06:54:00 PM

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Tam and Martin

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Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000



Which made the planet they were on blow into pieces, then come back together, making all the people on it shocked and confused.


  Bob the Janitor's son, Bill the Time Traveler, was sitting around in his spaceship, twiddling his thumbs while the planet was blowing up.  He heard the explosion, looked out his window and watched the planet explode and then come back together.  Had someone hit the rewind button?
  Bill the Time Traveler then noticed that he had put his cup of coffee on the rewind button.  Oops, he thought, picking it up before even more damage would be done.  Little did he know that he had just saved his father and his father's buddy, Dave.
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Bill also saved  ???, who then promptly died as Mad-eye Dalek fired his laser. To recap, ??? fell through the ceiling onto Dalek Dave's head. ??? then stumbled down Dave's front, just as Mad-eye Dalek fired. ??? was hit by Mad-eye's laser, inadvertently saving Dalek Dave's life.

OOC: I'm running right though these smiley characters.


But then  ;D came along and made everybody laugh their heads off



And then  :) and ;) and :D and ;D and >:( and :( and :o and 8) and ??? and ::) and :P and :-[ and :-X and :-\ and :-* and :'( and >:D all died. There were no more smiley characters left.


OCC: aw, no more smileys? Btw, >:D Isn't on the normal list. How do I do that?
....Oh yeah! Like I just did! LOL it's > : D with no spaces.


But >:D reincarnated because he was a time lord. An evil one.



then >:D reincarnated and laughed at the Master and his puny attempts to kill the Doctor


he died thirteen more times, and remained dead.



then his brother >:D the 3 destroyed all of time and space