
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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The Windy Moors

Started by Nobody, February 06, 2013, 09:29:52 PM

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This story enters a part of the Redwall world that was unable to be discovered. Having no rulers, no civilization, and strange beasts unknown to the Redwallians, it is a perilous place (and not the kind of perilous used to compliment a hare).  Along with a few standard forest creatures living here, there are others here, and even things that can move as fast as the winds ever-blowing.

Here the grasses are long, rivers are wide and fast, and trees are nonexistant. There is always wind, bounding over the sometimes hilly, sometimes flat, and sometimes rocky terrain. It is never not windy, and is even more windy when it storms.

Theses are the Windy Moors. Can a hoarde of vermin take on this barren, windy land? Could Redwall possibly extend it's reach to here? It is for you to decide.

(This is the land where my main Redwall OC, Tranquility, lives. Have fun with this place, seeing as it's no forest.)

In the shadowless moorland, a single black streak seemingly flew along, a dark red cloak billowing out behind it. It leaped small streams and rocks before halting, ears up and tail waving slowly behind it.


The large cat sat down where she was, her paws kneading the ground, as if waiting for something to happen.


  Holm Wildfire pulled up the collar on his trench coat, shivering as the cold seeped through his clothing.  It was rather windy, as he had already noticed.  He turned to John, who was walking quite a ways behind him.  "C'mon, John, hurry up!"
  "Yeah, yeah, I know," John shouted back, jogging as he tried to catch up.  "It's just so bloody cold here that it makes it hard to walk.  I can't feel my footpaws.  Oh, how I wish I had boots!"
  Holm rolled his eyes.  "Oh, quit your whining.  It's not that bad."
  "For you, maybe," John retorted, catching up to Holm.  "You have a scarf."
  Holm placed a paw on his scarf.  "This is mine, and you may not have it!"
  John raised an eyebrow, snorting.  "I didn't ask for it."  Then he pulled his collar up as far as it would go and trudged on in silence, hoping that the wind would die down.
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Tranquility seemed used to the wind, her slender body being aerodynamic. She heard voices, and headed towards them, her head tilted. She towered over most creatures, and was easily visible through the long grass. Her amber eyes glinted like that of tree sap as she slowly approached, her cloak blown to the side.


  Holm held up a paw, signaling for John to stop.
  "Oh, what is it now, Holm?" John asked, stopping and folding his arms.
  "Shh!" Holm exclaimed, clamping his paw over John's, much to his displeasure.  "I thought I heard something."
  John grabbed Holm's paw and pulled it off of his mouth.  "I don't hear anything."
  Holm looked at John in annoyance.  "That's because you aren't listening."
  John listened as hard as he could, still not hearing anything.  "Well, whatever you heard, it's long gone by now."
  Holm sighed, thinking this to be not as interesting as he had first thought it would be.  "Let's get going, then."  He started walking again, with John following.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Tranquility followed, intrigued by these strangers. She couldn't stifle a soft laugh that they were chilled by the usual wind. She followed on rock-hard, silent pawpads. Her tail swung behind her, eyes glittering in amusement. These silly creatures must come from another land. I suppose I should try and help them make it through to wherever they decide to go. They seem harmless enough.


  Holm looked around, wondering what he could have heard.  He had the strangest feeling that they were being watched.  His tail twitched back and forth, and he took a deep breath, trying to scent anybeast near.  Unfortunately, the wind was not in his favor, so all he could smell was John and himself.
  John looked at Holm.  He had only known him for a short time, but he knew that look.  It was the confused look that Holm rarely got.  "What is it?" he asked.
  "Nothing," Holm replied, still searching around them.  Whatever's watching us, it must be hidden, he assumed.
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Tranquility decided to bound ahead of them, the grass whispering by her. She stepped out in front of them. "... you are sensing my presence, aren't you?" she asked, her head tilting as the wind blew especially strongly. She didn't have much of a scent, smelling mostly of moor and wind.


  OOC:  Do you think you could post the description for Tranquility in the OOC thread?  I don't know much about her.

  BIC:  Holm didn't know which emotion he should be feeling.  Should he be pleased that he had noticed somebeast was following them, or irritated that he hadn't been able to figure out who?
  Meanwhile, John already knew what emotion he should be feeling.  Surprise.  "What the?  Who are you?"  He took a step back, not necessarily afraid, but just shocked and surprised that somebeast was following him.  Maybe he should have been listening to Holm.
  Holm nodded to the cat, saying, "Holm Wildfire.  And you are?"
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Tranquility dipped her head low to look at the two, leaning forward to sniff them both before rising back up. "Tranquility," she answered quietly. She apparently had no surname. She was clearly older than the both of them, and from the windburn on her cheeks and shoulders, she lived here.

(Posted a description in OOC threat on my first post.)


  OOC:  Thanks!

  BIC:  John bowed slightly, feeling rather awkward.  One wildcat was strange enough, but two?  "Um, John," he said, clenching and unclenching his paws.
  Holm looked at John, smiling inwardly but remaining neutral on the outside.  "If I may ask," he said, turning back to Tranquility, "where are we?  I don't believe I've ever seen this place before."
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Tranquility swept her tail in a semicircle. "These are the Moorlands. They're a free land, no rulers, no town... nothing but the wind and the stars. I can see you're not accustomed to the wind, nor do you probably know where to shelter. There are no trees here."


  Holm nodded.  "Yes, we both come from Mossflower.  It's not quite the same, being in the Moorlands."
  John laughed, shivering.  "Huh!  You could say that again."
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Tranquility threw her head back in a laugh. A light, almost hiccupy noise. "Ahh, you two follow me. I see John over there shivering like the grass," she said, turning and striding off with a flick of her tail.


  Holm followed close behind the strange cat, not at all worried if this was a trap or not.  John, however, was quite worried as he trotted along.  He also wished he had longer legs.  Being shorter than Holm, he was usually left behind.  Now that they were following such a large beast, he was sure he'd be lost before too long.
  "D-do you think we could slow down a bit?" he asked, trying to shout over the wind.
  Holm looked back.  John was quite a ways behind them again.  "You have a problem, John.  Did you know that?"
  John sighed.  "Yes, sure, I'm short.  Could we slow down now?"
  Holm looked to Tranquility.  "Would you mind?"
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!