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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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The Shade

OOC: Not at all.  ;)

Doods turned to head to the belltower, but was confronted by a evil-looking cloaked rabbit. Then the beast began speaking. He spoke in a strange, foreign tongue, but Doods had thankfully met another beast who spoke the same, so he picked up the vital pieces. Captain of the armies? Doods quickly put two and two together. This stranger was definitely not working for the king. He was the head of a rebellion. He glanced at the gold and jewels and made up his mind instantly.  He would join the rebels. He had never liked the leadership of the king anyway. He followed the cloaked figure, and remembered something. What about Ivar's plan? Was the mousethief a rebel too? Did the abandoned belltower have anything to do with it? Anyhow, the stranger was approaching Ivar too, so he would know soon enough.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Listen Rach, you can't just push a sword point away, that would draw blood. BIC:

Argo allowed a look of revulsion cross his face, but didn't honor the drunk with a reply. After Saygar disappeared around the corner the squirrel turned, "It really disgusts me what you nobles can get away with just because you're related to the Knights of old. Nothing personal, but the injustice of the situation warrants my words." He was very obviously unhappy with how history had played out. Argo turned to properly face the hare that he was loosely talking to, "I don't know if you have disciplinary branch,but if you do, that otter needs to be taught that which the Knight is supposed to exemplify. From first impressions he's cocky, rude, careless, and to be honest, not that good a fighter." Panning his attention to the bystanders he responded to the ferretmaid, "You're very much welcome." he said this with a nod of the head and a slight smile. Turning once more to Mac he tried to ease the tension he was sure he had placed on the nobler beast, "You look a little ruffed, I've got some spare Dock leaves if you'd like something to put down the pain a bit, stop an infection from festering to boot."
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Extract of a hermit’s journal.

J’ai réussi à en enrôler un dans la grande vague qui se prépare à frapper le château. Je pense que le reste sera aussi facile à convaincre… Mon chemin vers le Lapiton est maintenant ouvert, et il ne me reste plus qu’à le suivre. Et, ô bonheur! Le pouvoir sera en vu, et le reste ne sera qu’un jeux d’enfant…


Teudericus the Stranger came to a stop in front of Ivar. Ignoring the sword drawn at him he spoke in his sweet, convincing voice: “Vous êtes bien le prince, n’est-ce pas? Je vous es vu mainte fois au château, et vous m’avez semblez mécontent de ce qui se passes ici. Sui-je correct? Je le crois bien, car pourquoi le prince se promènerais-t-il dans les rues a cette heure-ci, en habits de voleurs? Si vous détestez comment ce royaume est mené, je crois que vous aimerez cette proposition :
“Rejoignez moi dans ma quête, qui nous mèneras a la richesse, le pouvoir, la renommée, la liberté, et la paix! Vous n’aurez qu’à me demander ce que vous désirez, et vous l’obtiendrez. Mais trêves de discours, allons a la tour abandonnée, qui est votre quartier général, à ce que j’ai entendu dire, car ne l’oubliez pas : Les murs ont des oreilles!
Donc, partons nous discutez en paix des plans de notre petite mission?” (You are the prince, right? I have seen you many a time in the castle, and you seemed quite unsatisfied of what is happening around here. Am I right? I believe it is so, for why would the prince be walking around in the streets at this hour, dressed in a robber's garment? If you detest how this kingdom is led astray, I believe you will like this proposition: Join me on my quest, which will lead us to riches, power, fame, liberty, and peace! You will have only to ask what you desire, and you will have it. Enough with all the discourses, let us go to the abandoned belltower, which is your headquarters as I have heard, for do not forget it: The walls have ears! So, do we go on to discuss in peace the plans of our little mission?) As Doods came next to them, The Stranger saw Ivar look at the newcomer furtively. “Ah! Voici un de mais sbires qui c’est joint à nous. Bon, partons nous?” (Ah! Here is one of my thugs who has joined us. So, go we now?) He motioned to the old belltower that pointed its head from the surrounding buildings.

The Shade

"If it's no trouble" Mack responded. "I know what yer mean about us knights," he went on. "Sometimes nobility has that effect on some.  They think they are intitled to shove peasants, travelers and the like around." He touched his head, and was surprised to feel a trickle of blood soak his paw. It had only been a light graze. He smiled. "More embarrassing fer me, since I'm supposed to be a boxing champion!"


Doods nodded to Ivar. "So, what about it?" Oh, and..." he turned to the stranger. "...I prefer not to be referred to a a thug. He shuddered at the thought. "I did use to be a knight. But this more wealthy shall we say?"
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Myrlon left the thieve's den through the back exit behind the bakery and headed off down the street. He happened to glance at the blacksmith as he passed and smiled. What a small world we live in he thought as he went to greet the familiar figure standing outside the shop "Crystal" he said "I haven't seen you in a while, how are you these days? Still up to your usual tricks?"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Crystal turned around at the sound of the voice. She saw Myrlon and her face fell. She had been avoiding him ever since the incident.

"That's not very funny," She said. Her "tricks" were what made magic illegal in the first place. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar understood the Stranger perfectly, having been taught his language as he was growing up. "You are a revolutionary. Your idea is potentially a good one, but I shall have to think. The ruling is not a bad one, and magic has been outlawed for a reason. You will notice that I do not practice it. Instead, I have trained in detecting and nullifying it... I am not greedy. What can you give me that I would not want out of greed? What can you give me that I cannot elsewise get?"


When Noryl groaned, Morwyn cast a glance at the otter and grinned. "Lovely day, ain't it? Perfect for watchin' a good fight. Or a bad one, for that matter."

Oxford shook his head, his smile matching the ferretmaid's. "Y'shouldn't insult boxing beasts like that- they might take it flippin' personally." Then he offered his paw to Noryl, his eyes twinkling merrily. "Allow me to lead you away from this uncouth rabble, m'lady. And perhaps to a well-laden table? The sun informs me that it is about time for a meal."

After this exchange, both Morwyn and Oxford had time to notice that the fight was now well and truly over. Saygar had walked away, and the black squirrel was apparently at peace with Mack. The hare seemed to be rather embarrassed by the whole affair, and Morwyn couldn't blame him. She wondered how he and Ox knew each other- they were obviously familiar with one another.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Dannflower Reguba

Argo let a wry smile break through, "Well at least somebeast else noticed it, even the occasional mis-behavior, most beasts I run into view you as demigods or something along that line." The squirrel had to restrain himself from smacking himself, "Oh! How rude of me! Let me find those dockleaves!" He turned his attention to his field satchel and rummaged around for a couple of the large leaves, "Here you go, and everybeast faults from time to time." He smiled again, this one wasn't so bad, and he sure wasn't cocky or self-righteous like so many others, "I'll have to fence with you sometime if you ever stop by my part of town, never met a Knight worth asking until now.... Oh! And my name's Argo, pleasure to meat you, though it would have been better under nicer circumstances." He extended his paw to shake.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Extract of a hermit's journal.

Il y en a qui sont plus difficile à convaincre que d'autres. Mais j'arriverai à tous les enrôler dans mon armée. Le chemin du Lapiton est couvert de ronce et de pierres pointus, mais cela ne m'empêchera d'arriver à mon but.


The Stranger looked Ivar in the eyes, with a winning smile on his face. "Je peux vous offrir les aventures du voyage. Un nom dans l'histoire de notre monde, qui sera chanté pour toujours. Et il y a bien quelque chose d'autre que vous désirez. La paix? La fin de toute vos fonctions fatiguantes et un billet vers la tranquilité?"(I can offer you the adventures of the travel. A name in the history of our world, that will be sung forever. And there must be something else that you desire. Peace? The end of all these tiresome obligations and a ticket to tranquility?) Teudericus unsheathed the dagger he carried and started picking his perfect white teeth with it. If the prince did not accord with his plans, he could always convince him with more subtle matters which were certain to rally the prince to his cause.


Saygar who was walking with a slight limp, made his way to the castle. He ripped a piece of cloth from his tunic to bandage his paw which he had cut on the black squirrel's sword.
"Huh, can't even have a fight anymore without someone deciding that their all righteous and should stop it." He murmured to himself.
Saygar let himself back in through the same wicker gate that he had opened to go out of earlier that day. He crossed the grounds carefully, not wanting to be seen in his current state.
Saygar got inside the castle via a door in the storeroom, which he had used other times when sneaking into the castle. Walking up the back stairs often used by the servants he reached the level which his private quarters were on.
Saygar opened the carefully hidden door and looked out. All clear.
He hurried down the corridor and upon reaching his door flung it open, walked in, and closed it again after himself.
Saygar walked through the first room and into the second that served as his bedroom. Unbuckling his belt he dropped it on a chair, and sat down on his bed.
What a day it had turned into,   he thought. I wonder what's been going on with finding out what killed the gatekeeper.   
A few moments later Saygar was flat out asleep. 

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: KitrallStreamrippler on October 10, 2013, 03:27:22 AM
When Noryl groaned, Morwyn cast a glance at the otter and grinned. "Lovely day, ain't it? Perfect for watchin' a good fight. Or a bad one, for that matter."

Oxford shook his head, his smile matching the ferretmaid's. "Y'shouldn't insult boxing beasts like that- they might take it flippin' personally." Then he offered his paw to Noryl, his eyes twinkling merrily. "Allow me to lead you away from this uncouth rabble, m'lady. And perhaps to a well-laden table? The sun informs me that it is about time for a meal."
Noryl clapped her paws. 'About time, doncha think?' she said. 'I've been wanting to catch up with you two.'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Oxford beamed at the otter. "Excellent! We will dine at-" he stopped abruptly.

Morwyn snickered. "Don't know your way 'round town yet, do ye, Ox? We'll have to ask fer directions then."

The hare grimaced, but nodded assent and turned to Mack and the black squirrel- Argo. "Excuse me, chaps. Could one of you direct us to someplace where we can get a decent meal? Preferably for a decent flamin' price as well, seein' as our purses are a little worn."

Coming to a new town was always a bit disorienting. Finding beasts one knew was rare, the layout seemed to be different every time, and sometimes unappreciative townsfolk necessitated a premature exeunt, so to speak.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


When Saygar awoke he wished he hadn't. He had the worst hang over he had ever experienced, and his punch up with Mack hadn't really helped either.
Saygar stagger towards the window of his room and checked the position of the sun. It was probably just after noon, Saygar decided to sleep his hang over off and get something to eat later. He had some extra money somewhere, so he would still be able to pay the Smithy. He would just have to avoid Mack, and the black squirrel, and everyone who was present to the fight.
"At least I didn't break anything." Saygar murmured to himself holding his head in both paws. He always regretted his actions after being drunk.   


Myrlon bowed his head "Maybe not but for the record I was referring to the stealing"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan