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The Knights of Redwallelot

Started by W0NWILL, September 30, 2013, 07:50:31 PM

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OOC: That's a pretty good summary- Perhaps a thing or two to add would be that Argo was there as well, teleporting with sound and such. Also that the map is a magical artifact that Ivar had (accidentally) bound himself to, so when Crystal took the map, it nearly killed him. After seeing him fine and alive again, Crystal had thought the screams and such were fake, and felt even more betrayed. Ivar then unbound himself from the map- Something he had been planning to do soon regardless.


OOC: Ok, thanks.

BIC: Saygar raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. He just looked around to make sure no one was there, then set off towards a side door that lead into a store room.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Not teleporting, just moving at mach 2 or so.  :D  ;)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Quote from: danflorreguba on February 13, 2014, 04:21:38 PM
OOC: Not teleporting, just moving at mach 2 or so.  :D  ;)
Tele- Latin prefix for 'far'
Portal- Doorway, gate, or other entryway.
Teleport- Moving over a long distance instantly, as if through a door, with complete disregard for little inconveniences, like walls.
Oh, could someone (By someone I mean Jarn or Argo) say something about my idea? I can't really do much until someone has :P)

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: I wasn't using a gateway, and it wasn't instantaneous. I don't have enough time to make a post at this time.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Quote from: danflorreguba on February 13, 2014, 04:52:38 PM
OOC: I wasn't using a gateway, and it wasn't instantaneous. I don't have enough time to make a post at this time.
Hm. Well, okay. But still, teleportationlike effect. Is that a word? Idk :P
And okay. That's fine :P


Crystal went around a corner and passed the bakers shop. She stopped and went inside. She bought a loaf and left twice the money on the counter. She heard the shop keeper yelling after her "Son! you left your money, Son!"  But she looked bake and yell "Just keep it!" Then she took off down the street. 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Leatho Shellhound

I'm with you Ivar, I think if you three worked togather you could succeed. Although, now maybe your most needed member is untrusting. I for one feel useless in this band, I've done nothing so far that's helped, and I feel I'll only hinder the cause. With that he slowly walked away from them, his pack dragging on the ground.

OOC: You guys can chose if you want him or not, either way he won't be far from the action.  ;)
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OOC: I think Jarn is Crystals best bet for her trusting you again. don't know how he would do that but I think if he makes her trust him again them she will trust the others. Just saying.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Ivar shook his head. "No, mate- We do need you. You just haven't had your time to be useful yet. This insofar has been all magic- And, to be blunt, all of us have more magic experience than you. That's nothing to be ashamed of. The only way we have it is because, well, Argo and Crystal have magic flowing through their veins. I've studied magic my entire life- To learn to stop it, and to use it from other sources. But you- You have other skills. I'd not fancy a fair fight with you- A time may come when we can't defend ourselves and we're being attacked. You may be the only thing protecting us. To properly tap into the map, we can't do anything else- A single distraction may stop the spell, or worse. You have a skill set that, I think, none of us do. Regardless, you're free to go for now. But should we have need of you- And mind, we will- I'll find you, don't worry. Right. Off to find Crystal." With that, he slid into the shadows, and cavorted out the gate.

Strolling down the street, he began to ask around. A middle-aged mouse with a babe had known nothing of Darkfur, and when he asked a craftsman, he received a smart clout. Wandering into half a dozen different shops and stalls, nobody could tell him anything. As he was beginning to think his search would have to wait another day, he stepped into a bread shop, and asked the shopkeeper what he had been asking everyone. "Hello, sir, have you seen a dark-furred youth this way, perchance?" The shopkeeper nodded happily. "Did indeed, m'lad, not ten minutes ago! paid me double, he did! Nice boy." Ivar leaned forward, a serious expression on his face. "Which way did he go? There might be something in it for you if you tell me." The baker's smile broadened. "Out the door, son, where else? Took off East, down the street, if memory serves." Ivar nodded thanks, and dumped a tall stack of gold coins on the table. On his way out, he picked up a muffin, ate it in two bites, and wiped his mouth as he went out the door. He took to the shadows cast by the setting sun on the overhang of the rooftops, and quickly but silently made his way East.

EDIT: OOC: Sorry, didn't see that post as I posted my posty postish post. That makes sense. Another possible thing might be if Ivar gives her the map. Or maybe both. Idk.

Leatho Shellhound

OOC: Sounds good, I'll have to think on how to do this..... It might take away my thoughts in school tomorrow, lol

But the first part of my post comes in between your two paragraphs.

BIC: Jarn was encouraged by the words of his overlord.

"I'm sure I wouldn't mind smashing a few bad heads in." He remarked pawing his hammer as if savoring the thought.

He took out of his pack the arm band, "Here, take this, it works both ways." The shrew tossed it to him, "It'll be the fastest way to find me." 
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OOC: Hmm. Let me clarify something, cause, timing. So, Jarn tossed him the armband before he walked away, no?

Leatho Shellhound

Quote from: rusvulthesaber on February 14, 2014, 04:01:48 AM
OOC: Hmm. Let me clarify something, cause, timing. So, Jarn tossed him the armband before he walked away, no?

OOC: that is correct...

Ivar shook his head. "No, mate- We do need you. You just haven't had your time to be useful yet. This insofar has been all magic- And, to be blunt, all of us have more magic experience than you. That's nothing to be ashamed of. The only way we have it is because, well, Argo and Crystal have magic flowing through their veins. I've studied magic my entire life- To learn to stop it, and to use it from other sources. But you- You have other skills. I'd not fancy a fair fight with you- A time may come when we can't defend ourselves and we're being attacked. You may be the only thing protecting us. To properly tap into the map, we can't do anything else- A single distraction may stop the spell, or worse. You have a skill set that, I think, none of us do. Regardless, you're free to go for now. But should we have need of you- And mind, we will- I'll find you, don't worry.

Jarn was encouraged by the words of his overlord.

"I'm sure I wouldn't mind smashing a few bad heads in." He remarked pawing his hammer as if savoring the thought.

He took out of his pack the arm band, "Here, take this, it works both ways." The shrew tossed it to him, "It'll be the fastest way to find me."

Right. Off to find Crystal." With that, he slid into the shadows, and cavorted out the gate.

Strolling down the street, he began to ask around. A middle-aged mouse with a babe had known nothing of Darkfur, and when he asked a craftsman, he received a smart clout. Wandering into half a dozen different shops and stalls, nobody could tell him anything. As he was beginning to think his search would have to wait another day, he stepped into a bread shop, and asked the shopkeeper what he had been asking everyone. "Hello, sir, have you seen a dark-furred youth this way, perchance?" The shopkeeper nodded happily. "Did indeed, m'lad, not ten minutes ago! paid me double, he did! Nice boy." Ivar leaned forward, a serious expression on his face. "Which way did he go? There might be something in it for you if you tell me." The baker's smile broadened. "Out the door, son, where else? Took off East, down the street, if memory serves." Ivar nodded thanks, and dumped a tall stack of gold coins on the table. On his way out, he picked up a muffin, ate it in two bites, and wiped his mouth as he went out the door. He took to the shadows cast by the setting sun on the overhang of the rooftops, and quickly but silently made his way East.

Sorry for the confusion. But you rushed off so quick.
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OOC: Yup. That makes perfect sense. All things have been cleared up. Okay, most things. Some things. A thing. Agh, I'm just going to shut up now :P


OOC: I think your plan would work Rus just not as well. You could probably get her to come back but she would still be pretty volatile. Not until Jarn proves that she can trust him (or just convinces her that he didn't mean it. (although that would be more difficult)

BIC: Crystal turned a corner and started back threw and ally and around another two corners till she came to the house where Kash had been. She entered closing the door behind her. she then when't into the back room where she had slept that night and locked the door. She sniffed and rubbed the back of her paw under her nose.  Promptly sneezing out the soot.  "Why did I  trust them?" She said to her self with a waver in her voice, "Oh why did I ever trust them. They are all the same, I thought they where my friend I trusted them, and I fell for it" she said and started to cry   "why... why... did I ever... believe them?" She said between sobs. "Why do I... Have to... be so gullible. I... I... Oooooh," she wailed and burst out again tears running down her face washing away the soot. She rubbed her eyes with her sleeve  but all that did was to smudge wet soot on it. she then grabbed the straw hat from her head in anger and threw it across the room. She slumped back on the ground sobbing uncontrollably. Soot smudged on her cloths and rubbed from her fur so that the true color shown threw.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?