Hidden Within The Walls: Part Two

Started by rachel25, February 28, 2014, 05:56:55 PM

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Cornflower MM

Log a Lod arranged the boats in the pattern he wanted them, and had Skipper start tying knots, to keep them together.


Monka chuckled again, but then the smile ran away from his face as he realized something. In all the overcrowded cells, there was enough slaves to row entire ships. Some groups were smaller for smaller ships, some larger. But bryony, and him were in separate cells! So, at any time, corsairs could turn up, and take either one of them away to be used on a ship. And it would be unlikely they would ever meet up again!

Cornflower MM

Bryony then realized the same thing. "Hey, Monka? Do you think there's room for one more in that cell of yours?" She asked, then started growling. "If you set another toe closer to me, then I do believe I'll show you that those two kicks were nothing."
"Okay, okay!" The squirrel said, then quickly moved to the other side of the cell. "That's better." She muttered.


Monka shrugged, "Even if there was, how would you get in? Unless your gonna shrink to the size of this hole. And I highly doubt that, I can't even get my shoulder through it."

Cornflower MM

"Move." Bryony grunted, then started moving another block, the one next to it. It wiggled, and she shoved it lightly again, and  then said, "I hope you moved. Here comes the rock." And shoved it hard. It fell to the floor, and she started on another one.


Monka was terrified the wall would collapse, and grabbed Bryony's arm. "Stop! The whole things gonna come down!" 

Cornflower MM

"Alright. I can twist enough, I migt be able to get through there." Bryony said, eyeing the hole. She stuck her head through the hole, twisted her shoulders, and wiggled forward. Her shoulders got scraped, and it hurt really bad, but she was half in Monka's cell, and half in hers!


Monka took her paws, and pulled, probably too hard, and he forgot to ask if it hurt.

Cornflower MM

Bryony winced as Monka pulled too hard, and forgot to ask if she was alright, and then she tumbled to the floor of his cell, and started to put the blocks back,, wincing.


Monka fell backwards into two other creatures, who began complaining, and shoving Monka back. Monka simply swore at them, which meant one of the creatures, quite a big fox, punched Monka. So Monka punched him back. Then the other creature, another squirrel joined in too. Quite quickly a punch up had began, and everyone in the other cells were cheering, and arguing, and began fighting.

Cornflower MM

Bryony turned around, and groaned. She started to say something but then someone punched her. She growled, and, whip lashes or no, launched herself at him, knocked him out, got up, and started on another beast, her eyes turned pink.


Guards began pouring into the cells as the fight grew more, and more viscous. Monka screamed in agony, someone had bitten his ear off! He grabbed the pesky, good for nothing, by the shoulders, and began thumping his head into the wall.

Cornflower MM

Bryony was surrounded by unconscious beasts, and she was throttling another one, when she heard Monka scream. She dropped the beast she was strangling, and fought her way over to Monka, checked to see if he was alright, and had a guard slapped her back. She screamed, and turned to face him. The guard's eyes widened, and he backed into one of his mates.


Now the cells were being filled with guards with crossbows, and spears. "Grab the ring leaders!" The corsair in charge shouted.
Guards began separating slaves, in some cases really beating them badly. The corsairs were stronger, and healthier than the slaves so it was easy for them. Two of them grabbed Monka, and dragged him back. When he tried to fight back, he was hit in the face with a spear butt. Then two more came for Bryony, menacing with spears, and crossbows.

Jukka the Sling

Mycroft got out of his logboat and began assisting Log-a-Log and Skipper with tying the boats together.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien