The Quest For The Black Treasure: RP Thread Chapter one: In the Beginning

Started by rachel25, March 08, 2014, 04:37:18 PM

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Perry soon returned with the Abbot, and someone who was apparently a healer.

Cornflower MM

Anise immediately stopped singing, then started approaching. "Who's "She", if I can ask?" She asked, hoping to distract him long enough to get close to him, to get him off the wall.


Toka didn't reply, he was too busy trying to push the horrifying images of his Mother sobbing in the corner of the room, her dress soaked with blood. His father's body being taken away to be buried. Toka, only a young teenager, left to watch. That moment, when something inside of him snapped, and the moment when he was no longer a normal squirrel. He became someone who no one would ever want to know. A monster. 


Arnath went over to them "He is up on the wall top she said he has a fever and he wont come down," She said.


Raxanna and her new men had been marching all threw the night and most of the morning when they stopped and made camp to rest. She Climbed up on a rock and stood before them.

"I have learned of the whereabouts of a great treasurer a treasure in the south.  Your king has ordered you to accompany me and to bring back a portion of the treasure to him. but I will make my self clear. you will obey me in ever respect, Do exactly as I say with complete order and if I find that any of you are disloyal even thinking about it!" There was a long silence then she locked eyes with a young rat. "You!" She said jumping down from the rock to meet him her dirk drawn. "You can't hid from me," She said lightly tracing his ear with the tip of the blade and then sliding in it lightly down to poke his chin. He started to babble about his innocence but she pressed harder there was a drop of blood and he clamped him mouth shut. "This is what happens to those who are disloyal not only to me but to there king!" She said and with one swift movement she had stabbed him in the middle. She then turned on her heal as if she didn't care in the slightest. as if this was just a trifle and all the vermin stared in horror. What kind of person could know your thoughts  "Will some one clean up  this mess," She said absent mindedly before entering her tent.   

It was all a ruse how ever if not a very clever one. She had not known whether he was loyal or not but by making it seem like he was made it all the more effective. Always act like you are more on top of things than you really are and you will keep a tight grip.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


The Abbot, and infirmary keeper rushed up onto the walltop, and began to approach Toka.

Cornflower MM

Anise knelt down beside him, then glanced up at the Abbot and Infirmary Brother. She mouthed, Help me pick him up! It's the only way to get him down.


Toka suddenly opened his eyes, and saw creatures crowded round him. He began snarling at them, and lashed out at the closest person, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Cornflower MM

Anise tumbled backwards, having been hit in the mouth. Her head hit bthe stone walltop with a Crack! All she saw was blackness, blackness, blackness........

OOC: Seriously, Rachy, should I make her a real charrie? And, no, she's not dead.


Tauten grabbed Arya and ran behind a rock. He'd left her weapons, but grabbed her. Now he was holding his sword in his left paw, and a rock in his right, ready to throw the rock as a distraction to get out of the cave.

"Where have you gone? You can't hide for long." called the Trickster. Tauten threw the rock, distracting his for, then pulled Arya out of the cave.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Cornflower MM

OOC: *Gasps* Han's alive!

BIC: Areya groaned, and woke up. "Ooh, my head." She said, shaking the head in question. Then she checked if her sword was still there, out of habit, and freaked. "Where's my sword? And my bow? Where are they?" Sher said, patting herself down, and spinning in a circle, trying to find them. Her aching head was now forgotten.

Dannflower Reguba

       Sedge had caught sight of the bell tower in an open section of the woods not long back, and he must have covered most of the remaining by now. Before he saw the Abbey however, he heard it... Well, heard Toka anyway. When he heard the shout he froze the instant after crouching. After confirming the location of the shout, he began to run towards the walls, going as the crow flies rather than traversing the path. Upon site of the walltop, and somebeasts form atop it, he called out, "Hey! Is everybeast okay in there?!" Things certainly didn't seem okay, strange for such a peaceful location.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Gonff the Mousethief

OOC: sorry for not posting!!!

BIC: Marshall had heard the Toka screaming and woke up.
"Can't a chap get a bli-"
No one was in there.
"We'll then! I'll find me own way out!"
He walked over to the door and opened it, but was taken aback when he saw Arnath sitting by the wall.
"G'morn ta ye! Do you know what is screamin like a madbeast?"
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Arnath jumped up startled. She had not heard him coming over the noise. "It's my friend, The nice mouse up there said that he had a fever, He wont let anyone near him..." She said then on another note she asked "why where you and that squirrel (OOC: Or was Perry a mouse?) locked in the gate house?"
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: @Cornflower, you could make her a full time character if you like. @Faiyloe, yeah, Perry is a squiggle.

BIC: Perry had followed the Abbot, and infirmary keeper up onto the wall. He got there just in time to see the apparently feverish squirrel punch a mousemaid. That made him cross, fever or no fever, it was bad manners to hit people. The Abbot, and infirmary keeper, had jumped back, away from the snarling beast. Perry pushed forward to confront him, when he heard a shout.
"Hey! Is everybeast okay in there?!"
Perry turned, and looked over the wall, a fox was standing down there, but since Perry wasn't a stereotype, he thought nothing of it. "Um, not really. We've got a feverish squirrel up here, who won't let anyone near him. He's already knocked someone out."
Perry glanced round, to see the Abbot, and infirmary keeper seeing to the unfortunate maid. 

Dannflower Reguba

       "Mind letting me in? Tell the Abbot it's Sedge. I haven't been here in quite awhile so I doubt that most would know me... Oh! I might be able to help you with this dilemma." Sedge knew all too well the suspicion of his species, his relationship with the Abbot was certainly beneficial when dealing with this issue.

OOC: Oh wait! Is the Abbot being played by someone? I can change my post if someone's actually playing him and doesn't want to have anything to do with a scoundrelous  (:P) vermin like myself.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This