
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The Mossflower Insane Asylum

Started by Rainshadow, March 09, 2014, 12:55:00 AM

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Shhhhhh, backstories Han, backstories. There is a perfectly logical reason for Skumring believing that he is Richard which may either be revealed in this rp or the Adventures of Richard rp
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Well, then. Guess I'll go sign up for Richards.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: Rainshadow on March 09, 2014, 02:03:29 PM
  @Tiria:  Sensitive to feelings, as in, "You said something rude about room 201!  How dare you?!"?  Love it!  Accepted.  :)
Haha, thanks. :)
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Quote from: Rainshadow on March 10, 2014, 09:32:19 PM
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on March 10, 2014, 12:31:55 AM
Name: Jareth
Gender: Male
Species: Weasel
Age: 27 Seasons
Assigned Wing: No Clue (Ye decide, juzt put 'im in ze zame az 'iz brozer)
Illness(es): Sometimes he thinks he's his younger brother Karath; thinks he can fly
Physical Appearance: A bit taller than the usual Weasel with blue eyes, and a barely-noticable-unless-your-really-looking-for-it-and-have-keen-eyes bit taller than his younger brother Karath
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers
Personality: Friendly-Likes to play, especially games, whether they're board/tabletop or physical games like races, contestses and the like
History: One day he and his brother just showed up in front of the Insane Asylum
Other: Is Karath's older brother

Name: Karath
Gender: Male
Species: Weasel
Age: 25 Seasons
Assigned Wing: No Clue (Ye decide, juzt put 'im in ze zame az 'iz brozer)
Illness(es): Sometimes he thinks he's his older brother Jareth; is mortally afraid of any food starting with the letter "a" and will do anything to get away from said food
Physical Appearance: A bit taller than the usual Weasel with green eyes, and a barely-noticable-unless-your-really-looking-for-it-and-have-keen-eyes bit shorter than his younger brother Karath
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers
Personality: Mood swings-Sometimes he's real over-the-top jovial and happy, and other times he's in a deep blue depressive state; he'll switch between them at random intervals (Happy one moment, sad the next, still sad, looks out the window and suddenly becomes happy again, looks out the same window later and becomes sad, looks at something that made him sad before and suddenly becomes happy again, etc...)
History:  One day he and his brother showed up in front of the Insane Asylum
Other: Is Jareth's younger brother

An' viz boz o' zeir illnezzez vhere zey zink zat zey are ze ozer, zat meanz zat zey zink zat zey are ze ozer, meanin' zat zey zink zat zey 'ave ze ozer'z illnezzez. Zuz, bazically, zey are conztantly zvitchin' from bein' ze vone tae ze ozer. (Zae ah guezz ze ztaff vid probably get quite confuzed aboot zem)

 They look great!  I think I'll stick them in the White Wing, as they don't look too dangerous.  I'll just try and keep them away from things starting with an A and the roof.  ;)  Accepted!

Roight, azzigned tae Vhoite Vin', gotcha. *Karath'z eyez gae voide at ze lazt vord an' 'e boltz ava from ze computer an' under ze fridge, yellin' ze entire toime*

*Hiag zighz* Ach...Ah, (Again?!) (Aaah!!!) (Oh nay!) Uh oh. Ah zink ah juzt made ze matter vorze....Oopz...

EDIT: Ah added zeir vin'z. Major!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Name:  Chief Artur Greenwick
Gender:  Male
Species:  Hare
Age:  Somewhere in his 50s.
Assigned Wing:  He's the head honcho; he has no assigned wing, but just makes sure that everything is ship shape.
Physical Appearance:  Artur, or Chief, as many call him, is a short and round hare, but don't let his appearance fool you.  Before he started the mental hospital, he was the chief medical officer in the Long Patrol, and he was one of the best boxers around.
 The hare has ginger fur that's starting to grey at the tips, sparkling blue eyes, and his whiskers are curled into a rather dashing mustache.
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.  He also wears a pair of thick spectacles, which slide down his nose quite often.
Personality:  Jolly and cheerful, Artur is quite a fine beast to hang around.  However, around many of the patients, he can be... well, honestly, he can be rather harsh.  He doesn't permit any funny business to happen in the wings, and is ready to crack down on anybeast who disobeys the rules.
Strength(s):  A mighty fine boxing hare, and is quite good at giving orders (as well as making others obey him).  He also knows a lot about medicine.
Weakness(es):  The chief is rather heavy and out of shape, so he's not as swift or as physically powerful as he once was.  Also, if he loses his glasses, he would be virtually blind.
History:  Chief Artur was once in the Long Patrol, serving as a medic for longer than he cares to remember.  Eventually he decided it was time to retire from the Patrol and do something on his own.  So he came to Mossflower and founded the asylum in honour of his younger sister, who was hit in the head when serving in the Long Patrol, permanently mentally disabling her.
Other:  He's the founder and chief of the asylum.

  Just pointing this out:  We reeeaaally need more staff.  Currently there's only Artur, and he's the chief, so we kinda need more than that.  Also, Daniel's still up for grabs!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Name: Grace Longbell
Gender: Female
Species: Mouse
Age: 18
Assigned Wing: On her job description it says she works in the gray wing but in reality she dose a little in all of them. She specifically works with the Patients who have some form of a Multiple Personality Disorder.  
Physical Appearance: Neat Gray fur, lively deep bright blue eyes a small pink nose.  
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: Friendly, Understanding, Intuitive, She is the one who wants to befriend the patients. She goes along mostly with there antics and wants to play with them. Not much for scolding prefers to comfort them. If they get out of hand she tries to talk with them on there terms. If they think they are some one else she acts like they are that person. (Within reason)  
Strength(s): Intuitive, Friendly, Convincing
Weakness(es): Not very Physically strong, Can never bring herself to scold them.
Other: Is not trying to fix them only trying to help them feel wanted and accepted. and making sure that there needs are all fulfilled.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Name: Sisco
Gender: Male
Species: Weasel
Age: 40
Assigned wing: Black
Physical Appearance: Sisco is an average-looking weasel, not very special in the looks department. He is pretty thin and wiry. The only thing notable about him is a tattoo from his corsair days; a swirly design on his cheek.
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: Sisco is an understanding and soft-spoken sort. He's the sort to fade into the background and observe. He's a good listener and has a knack for observing emotions; in short, he's perfect for his job as a therapist. His old corsair ways are still evident in his everyday life, though. He speaks with a corsair accent, and is very greedy. He's also rather thick.
Strength(s): Good therapist; listener, observer, understanding, is not easy to notice.
Weakness(es): Can be slow on the uptake, greedy, has trouble making himself noticed
History: Used to run with a corsair crew. Was the only one to survive a shipwreck on the Mossflower coast, but went out of his mind. Through some kind woodlanders, he was dropped off at the asylum, and actually rehabilitated through the kind treatment of the workers in the white ward. He decided to stick with the asylum, and try to help others, as he had discovered that he had a knack for therapy.


Quote from: Faiyloe on March 13, 2014, 01:27:27 AM
Name: Grace Longbell
Gender: Female
Species: Mouse
Age: 18
Assigned Wing: On her job description it says she works in the gray wing but in reality she dose a little in all of them. She specifically works with the Patients who have some form of a Multiple Personality Disorder.  
Physical Appearance: Neat Gray fur, lively deep bright blue eyes a small pink nose.  
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: Friendly, Understanding, Intuitive, She is the one who wants to befriend the patients. She goes along mostly with there antics and wants to play with them. Not much for scolding prefers to comfort them. If they get out of hand she tries to talk with them on there terms. If they think they are some one else she acts like they are that person. (Within reason)  
Strength(s): Intuitive, Friendly, Convincing
Weakness(es): Not very Physically strong, Can never bring herself to scold them.
Other: Is not trying to fix them only trying to help them feel wanted and accepted. and making sure that there needs are all fulfilled.

  Looking good.  :)  Accepted!

Quote from: W0NWILL on March 13, 2014, 01:44:14 AM
Name: Sisco
Gender: Male
Species: Weasel
Age: 40
Assigned wing: Black
Physical Appearance: Sisco is an average-looking weasel, not very special in the looks department. He is pretty thin and wiry. The only thing notable about him is a tattoo from his corsair days; a swirly design on his cheek.
Clothing:  A white, collared tunic under a dark grey shirt, and matching dark grey trousers.
Personality: Sisco is an understanding and soft-spoken sort. He's the sort to fade into the background and observe. He's a good listener and has a knack for observing emotions; in short, he's perfect for his job as a therapist. His old corsair ways are still evident in his everyday life, though. He speaks with a corsair accent, and is very greedy. He's also rather thick.
Strength(s): Good therapist; listener, observer, understanding, is not easy to notice.
Weakness(es): Can be slow on the uptake, greedy, has trouble making himself noticed
History: Used to run with a corsair crew. Was the only one to survive a shipwreck on the Mossflower coast, but went out of his mind. Through some kind woodlanders, he was dropped off at the asylum, and actually rehabilitated through the kind treatment of the workers in the white ward. He decided to stick with the asylum, and try to help others, as he had discovered that he had a knack for therapy.

  Awesome!  Accepted!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Name: Zantrus Deathhound (For you THoR fans ;) )
Gender: Male
Race: Fox
Age: Undetermined
Assigned Wing: Black Wing
Illnesses: High-functioning pyromaniac as well as suffers from severe trauma resulting in violent outbreaks
Physical Appearance: Large burly black/auburn colored fox, bright orange eyes and several scorch marks, has a strange tattoo of a White Castle on his arm clearly resemble a family crest of some sort.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers
Personality: Hateful to any east not either a mouse or a fox, obsessed with any form of flame and destruction, mutters to himself sometimes bout strange things perhaps secrets? Lashes out at beast that talk to him for the most part.
History: Was dropped off at the asylum by several strangely hooded beasts from the north, went absolutely inane after he broke out once and was returned to his cell. Angry at all.
Other: Rumor has it that he is somewhat related to Ztge infamous Xànthar Deathhound.


Quote from: AbbotAlf0809 on March 14, 2014, 04:12:39 AM
Name: Zantrus Deathhound (For you THoR fans ;) )
Gender: Male
Race: Fox
Age: Undetermined
Assigned Wing: Black Wing
Illnesses: High-functioning pyromaniac as well as suffers from severe trauma resulting in violent outbreaks
Physical Appearance: Large burly black/auburn colored fox, bright orange eyes and several scorch marks, has a strange tattoo of a White Castle on his arm clearly resemble a family crest of some sort.
Clothing:  A white tunic and soft, faded blue trousers
Personality: Hateful to any east not either a mouse or a fox, obsessed with any form of flame and destruction, mutters to himself sometimes bout strange things perhaps secrets? Lashes out at beast that talk to him for the most part.
History: Was dropped off at the asylum by several strangely hooded beasts from the north, went absolutely inane after he broke out once and was returned to his cell. Angry at all.
Other: Rumor has it that he is somewhat related to Ztge infamous Xànthar Deathhound.

  Sounds good!  Accepted!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Cornflower MM

Sorry! This looked REALLY cool until I saw the ten-sentence bit. I'm much than I used to be regarding post length, but that's just a no-can-do. Sorry! Maybe the next one!


Quote from: Cornflower MM on March 15, 2014, 10:29:21 PM
Sorry! This looked REALLY cool until I saw the ten-sentence bit. I'm much than I used to be regarding post length, but that's just a no-can-do. Sorry! Maybe the next one!

  Aw, sorry about that!  :(  I might be starting a different RP this summer, and that one will most likely have no minimum sentence rule, so you should just stay tuned for that 'un.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Cornflower MM

Will do! Now I'll stop posting here and let you guys.....Continue whatever it is that you were doing!


Well, this is different (in a cool way) ;) I'm interested.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!