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Welcome, to the Barkhills OOC

Started by The Skarzs, August 03, 2014, 02:52:44 AM

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I'm not impatient. (I've waited a week for wilcat haven't I?  ::)
I just want to know when it starts so I don't miss it, I don't check this forum every day since I'm not currently in an active roleplay.

Cornflower MM

Jasper, I have to wait a bit to make sure everyone gets their sheets up.

The Skarzs

Quote from: Jasper on August 06, 2014, 10:16:14 PM
alright I filled in my character, how's he look to you?
Also when do we plan on startin this?
Okay, he looks good. We start when we have enough players and characters.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Name: Ziral Longclaw
Species: Weasel
Age:(Assuming we're going by human years) 25
Native land: the barkhills
Appearance: has light brown fur and blue eyes with a cream colored chest. Wears an elegant red and gold tunic and a blue cloak.
Personality: Clever and opportunistic, ziral never misses an opportunity to impress his lords.
Weapons: Being a court entertainer, he carries no weapons.
Occupation: court entertainer/musician for the wolf lords

Gwen A. Mouse

This looks like a lot of fun. :) I'd like to join, if I may. This is actually my character from a different site, so if something needs to be changed, please PM me and I'll fix it right away. 

Name and/or title: Genevieve "Ginny" Ilder
Species: Ferret
Age: 18ish (young adult- I'm not exactly sure of her age.)
Native Land: Southsward
Appearance: Ginny has the "dark sable standard" coloring.
Ginny's coloring
She is of average height and wiry build, with grey-green eyes. She almost always wears tunic, pants, and vest of dark, earthy, or neutral colors.
Personality: Ginny is cautious, generally honest, and quite friendly once you get to know her. She is also absolutely ferocious if provoked, and loyal to friends. She not only has a weapon, but she knows how to use it.
Weapons: Labrys (double-bladed battle axe, originally from Greece), and rudimentary paw to paw combat skills.
Occupation: Adventurer/wanderer. She's always loved the ocean, so she decided to be a sailor for a while and see how it worked out.
"You need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption'll read 'over my dead body'!" -The Doctor

The Skarzs

Izeroth: Welcome to the forums! Your character is accepted.

Gwen: I have a request for your character. I would like Redwallers to be a little cautious about vermin and the like, so please have Genevieve be cautious about the Redwallers, her being a ferret. They may get to trust her. ;) Other than that: very good! Accepted.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Quote from: Cornflower MM on August 03, 2014, 05:19:28 PM
So, how many charries can we have?

Name and/or title:Arya Brushtail
Gender: Female
Native land:Mossflower. (Mossflower Woods, to be exact.)
Appearance:Dark brown fur, blue eyes. Black nose and ears. Wears a dark navy blue tunic with light blue sash
Personality:Sweet, kind, caring, hyper, feisty, leader and sassy - Al adjectives that describe Arya.
Weapons:Bow and arrows, hand-and-a-half sword, dagger.
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Adventurer/Warrior

Name and/or title: Dain Pendragon the Wise
Species: (Unless they are native to Redwall, please have them approved by me) Coyote
Gender: Male
Native land: The Barkhills
Appearance: Picture of fur and coloring below sheets. Clothes: A dark tan color tunic, with a sash of plaited grass that is it's natural color.
Personality: Gruff, blunt, kind, honest, wise (Duh.) careful, and brave. A leader sort.
Weapons:Words and sling.
Occupation: (i.e. adventurer, sailor, warrior, protector, family or friend of ___ , etc.) Wanderer (A sort of adventurer who mainly adventures in a small area)

Dain Pendragon's appearance


The Skarzs

Both accepted.
(I FORGOT THE GENDER PART! GAH!) Please specify what gender they are. :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: The Skarzs on August 07, 2014, 10:14:24 PM
Both accepted.
(I FORGOT THE GENDER PART! GAH!) Please specify what gender they are. :P
Edited it in.
Also, are the wolves going to be the main villains? From the description I wasn't fully sure, given that there is a council and they aren't tyrannical. (Sounds like a civilized community)

The Skarzs

For the most part, no. Wolves are extremely loyal and honorable, though there are some exceptions. Take a look at my character sheets at the beginning: as you can see, the wolf fellow is the villain. Just like in real life, everyone might be evil or good, no matter the species.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


 What would an accent from the bark hills sound like?

The Skarzs

A cross between Russian and British.

Also, I'm sorry for the wait, everyone: last time I started an RP I didn't have enough people, so it flopped. :-\ I'd like more people so this can be interesting. Cornflower is also out of commission, so it would be nice to see if she's back before we have enough people.
Thank you all!
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


 Could I submit another character?

name: Ashtail
Species: stoat
Age: 40 seasons
Gender: male
Native land: Mossflower
Appearance: Normal stoat coloring, wears a chain mail tunic and a leather sheath and carries a reinforced wood shield
Personality: Ashtail fights because he feels he had a duty to the warlord,  not because he likes or enjoys violence. He had more honor than most vermin soldiers.
Occupation: Was a captain to a powerful warlord, but when the warlord was defeated Ashtail fled along the
coast. Eventually Ashtail stumbled across the ship as it prepared for the journey.
Weapons: A steel paw- and a half sword
Other: Has a deep dislike of hares.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

Quote from: The Skarzs on August 11, 2014, 01:34:05 AM
A cross between Russian and British.

Also, I'm sorry for the wait, everyone: last time I started an RP I didn't have enough people, so it flopped. :-\ I'd like more people so this can be interesting. Cornflower is also out of commission, so it would be nice to see if she's back before we have enough people.
Thank you all!

Actually, I'd love it if perhaps you guys could either wait for me to start, or go really slow?