
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Started by Skyblade, January 01, 2015, 06:01:41 AM

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Russa Nodrey


Flib Bigboat

Quote from: Søren on February 15, 2016, 05:12:34 AM
Hey Skarzs, why aren't you subscribed to me?! IT'S A TWO WAY STREET MAN. ;D
Quote from: The Skarzs on February 15, 2016, 05:20:14 AM
BECAUSE I'M. . . incapable of a good excuse at this time.
I'll subscribe to you once I reach the amount you have.
Quote from: Søren on February 15, 2016, 05:22:57 AM
Of views or subscribers?
Quote from: The Skarzs on February 15, 2016, 06:03:36 AM
Never mind.
Quote from: Søren on February 15, 2016, 06:07:35 AM
(Why does no one subscribe to me?)
Quote from: The Skarzs on February 15, 2016, 04:23:36 PM
I did subscribe to you.
Quote from: Søren on February 15, 2016, 04:27:55 PM
Awwwww thank you!! I retract my death threats! ;D ;D
This. ^
Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!

lass of something much

𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

Flib Bigboat

Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!

Flib Bigboat

Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!

One-Eye the wildcat

"What will become of us? Where will we go, we who wander this vast wasteland in search of our better selves?"

"Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos."
Long live the RRR!!

Flib Bigboat

Ikr, classic Ashleg. Skarz is pretty funny, too.

Edit: I know this has been posted before, but it's really hilarious (especially because Nico di Angelo's age has always confused me, too).

Quote from: Cornflower MM on February 15, 2016, 02:17:11 AM
Shoutbox shenigans, including a Grammar Nazi, Nico di Angelo, and adding ones

[Today at 08:25:12 pm] Søren: This video is not easy. COOPERATE, AND NO PIXELS GET HURT!! Much.

[Today at 08:25:18 pm] danflorreguba: o.O

[Today at 08:25:32 pm] Cornflower MM: @Danny: I'm aftarid I just don't knwo what to say. . . . So I haven't replied.

[Today at 08:25:49 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: What are you doing? TAKE IT EASY.

[Today at 08:25:55 pm] danflorreguba: Alright, that's okay, just send a reply when you do ;)

[Today at 08:26:06 pm] danflorreguba: I was just wondering

[Today at 08:26:16 pm] Søren: I'm making a video for my website, but the footage wasn

[Today at 08:26:30 pm] danflorreguba: My shout box is not playing nice -_-

[Today at 08:28:15 pm] Cornflower MM: @Dan: Mine's not either.

[Today at 08:28:15 pm] Cornflower MM: RAAAAR.

[Today at 08:28:15 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: Website? Do tell.

[Today at 08:28:32 pm] Cornflower MM: You liar. I didn't type those at the same time.

[Today at 08:28:36 pm] Cornflower MM: Guys?

[Today at 08:28:56 pm] danflorreguba: Back

[Today at 08:29:08 pm] danflorreguba: My site stopped working for a minute or two

[Today at 08:29:41 pm] Sagetip: Gotta go.

[Today at 08:29:47 pm] danflorreguba: bye

[Today at 08:29:56 pm] Cornflower MM: Bye Sgae.

[Today at 08:29:58 pm] Cornflower MM: *Sage

[Today at 08:30:14 pm] danflorreguba: Sgae....

[Today at 08:30:25 pm] danflorreguba: Sounds like some sort of Algae :P

[Today at 08:30:29 pm] Cornflower MM: Hush.

[Today at 08:30:34 pm] danflorreguba: :D

[Today at 08:30:48 pm] Cornflower MM: I'll admit, that's not as bad as the typo I made the other day. . . . .

[Today at 08:31:10 pm] danflorreguba: I can't make noises, I'm a book

[Today at 08:31:27 pm] Cornflower MM: :D

[Today at 08:31:30 pm] Cornflower MM: Good one.

[Today at 08:31:31 pm] danflorreguba: Right Amber?

[Today at 08:32:14 pm] danflorreguba: Oh hey, I forgot who it was, but one of the guys is a rat...

[Today at 08:32:24 pm] danflorreguba: Amber, do you remember who the rat is?

[Today at 08:33:53 pm] danflorreguba: Does anyone know what would happen if we tagged in a youtube video in the shoutbox? o.O

[Today at 08:35:40 pm] Groddil: I'm back

[Today at 08:36:18 pm] danflorreguba: ayyo

[Today at 08:36:22 pm] Søren: *the footage wasn't helping me out any. I've got a groove now. @Corn Yup, I've had a website about cars for maybe 3 years now. :D

[Today at 08:36:45 pm] danflorreguba: ....

[Today at 08:37:25 pm] Groddil: Hi danflor

[Today at 08:38:01 pm] danflorreguba: howdy doo

[Today at 08:39:48 pm] danflorreguba: So is Sage's Fan fic on the original forum?

[Today at 08:39:55 pm] Groddil: So...

[Today at 08:40:24 pm] Groddil: @Dan: No idea

[Today at 08:40:33 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 08:40:59 pm] Cornflower MM: Ye sit is Dan.

[Today at 08:41:42 pm] danflorreguba: yes it*

[Today at 08:41:46 pm] Groddil: Hey Corny

[Today at 08:41:49 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:42:05 pm] Cornflower MM: GRODDY! *Tacklehugs*

[Today at 08:42:12 pm] Cornflower MM: *Smacks Dan on the back of the head*

[Today at 08:42:18 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:42:27 pm] danflorreguba: *has had way worse*

[Today at 08:42:33 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:42:58 pm] danflorreguba: I will Nazi your grammar AND spelling to the ends of the Earth!

[Today at 08:43:07 pm] danflorreguba: doot doot

[Today at 08:43:39 pm] Cornflower MM: RAAAR.

[Today at 08:43:46 pm] Cornflower MM: *Grabs frying pan*

[Today at 08:43:47 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 08:43:50 pm] danflorreguba: haha

[Today at 08:43:57 pm] Groddil: *Akwardly hugs back* This is not what I need at the moment

[Today at 08:44:08 pm] Groddil: No hugs til tomorrow

[Today at 08:44:08 pm] Cornflower MM: *Sstarts smacking Dan on the head with my frying pan*

[Today at 08:44:10 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:44:15 pm] Cornflower MM: @Grodd: Why, wassup?

[Today at 08:44:22 pm] Groddil: See the VD thread

[Today at 08:45:31 pm] danflorreguba: *Disapparates*

[Today at 08:46:08 pm] danflorreguba: Starts*

[Today at 08:46:25 pm] danflorreguba: with frying pan*

[Today at 08:46:54 pm] danflorreguba: asterisk action indicators are not supposed to include mentions of self >:D

[Today at 08:47:00 pm] danflorreguba: brb

[Today at 08:47:19 pm] Cornflower MM: Oh I'm gonna-!

[Today at 08:47:25 pm] Cornflower MM: On my way, Groddy dear.

[Today at 08:48:19 pm] Cornflower MM: Oh dear.

[Today at 08:54:57 pm] Groddil: mm

[Today at 08:55:03 pm] Groddil: back in a couple minutes

[Today at 09:01:07 pm] Cornflower MM: Okay.

[Today at 09:01:10 pm] danflorreguba: HA HA HA

[Today at 09:01:19 pm] Cornflower MM: WHAT?!

[Today at 09:01:31 pm] danflorreguba: :D

[Today at 09:01:37 pm] Cornflower MM: I am severely annoyed right now. . . . . .

[Today at 09:01:38 pm] Groddil: back

[Today at 09:01:49 pm] Cornflower MM: DANG PEOPLE AND THEIR GODS-AWFUL CONTINUITY!

[Today at 09:01:52 pm] Cornflower MM: Hi Grodd.

[Today at 09:02:17 pm] Cornflower MM: By my calculations, Nico should be TWELVE. TWELVE!!!!

[Today at 09:02:18 pm] Cornflower MM: But no.

[Today at 09:02:22 pm] danflorreguba: I have a knack for annoying people ;)

[Today at 09:02:24 pm] Cornflower MM: The book says fourteen.

[Today at 09:02:27 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes you do.

[Today at 09:02:44 pm] danflorreguba: In all the best ways ;D

[Today at 09:02:50 pm] Cornflower MM: I'm going to go through this ONE MORE TIME and it BETTER ADD UP.

[Today at 09:03:21 pm] Cornflower MM: Nico is nine in TTC.

[Today at 09:03:23 pm] Groddil: Hallo

[Today at 09:03:31 pm] Cornflower MM: And ten in BotL.

[Today at 09:03:37 pm] Cornflower MM: Hi.

[Today at 09:03:52 pm] Cornflower MM: Eleven in TLO.

[Today at 09:04:01 pm] Cornflower MM: OH! !

[Today at 09:04:11 pm] danflorreguba: dign ding, she gets it

[Today at 09:04:14 pm] Cornflower MM: I THINK I FIGURED IT OUT!

[Today at 09:04:17 pm] danflorreguba: ding ding*

[Today at 09:04:29 pm] danflorreguba: Dign' like a pro :P

[Today at 09:04:34 pm] Cornflower MM: I'M AN IDIOT!

[Today at 09:04:41 pm] Cornflower MM: And you, Dan, are a hypocrite.

[Today at 09:04:45 pm] danflorreguba: there are so many mean things I could say about that o.O

[Today at 09:04:49 pm] Groddil: Figured what out?

[Today at 09:05:06 pm] danflorreguba: I'm typing quickly

[Today at 09:05:16 pm] danflorreguba: and I corrected myself

[Today at 09:05:23 pm] Cornflower MM: So! We add another year in between series!

[Today at 09:05:41 pm] danflorreguba: Welcome to patterns

[Today at 09:05:46 pm] danflorreguba: 101

[Today at 09:06:11 pm] Cornflower MM: That makes twelve!

[Today at 09:06:39 pm] danflorreguba: yay! She can add 11+1!

[Today at 09:06:48 pm] Cornflower MM: OH FOR THE LOVE OF HOLINESS.

[Today at 09:06:50 pm] danflorreguba: :D

[Today at 09:06:53 pm] Cornflower MM: HUSH UP DANNY.

[Today at 09:07:00 pm] danflorreguba: I love this thing so much >D

[Today at 09:07:06 pm] Cornflower MM: THIS STILL COMES UP AS THIR-FREAKING-TEEN!

[Today at 09:07:17 pm] danflorreguba: that thir doh

[Today at 09:07:23 pm] Groddil: This is so confusing

[Today at 09:07:37 pm] danflorreguba: Don't try to understand it

[Today at 09:07:50 pm] Cornflower MM: It's a Percy Jackson thing, Groddil.

[Today at 09:07:57 pm] danflorreguba: Corn says some strange things when she's in a frenzy o.o

[Today at 09:08:31 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes I do.

[Today at 09:08:48 pm] Cornflower MM: *Jumps on my PJO books*

[Today at 09:09:02 pm] Cornflower MM: HOW IS HE FOURTEEN?!

[Today at 09:09:06 pm] Cornflower MM: I DON'T GET THIS.

[Today at 09:09:11 pm] danflorreguba: What did your books ever do to you? o.O

[Today at 09:09:36 pm] danflorreguba: did you know, that some books have a 3 year time gap instead of a 1 year time gap?

[Today at 09:09:45 pm] danflorreguba: it's a thing that happens

[Today at 09:09:54 pm] Cornflower MM: *Furiously calm*

[Today at 09:10:00 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes, Danny dear. I know.

[Today at 09:10:14 pm] danflorreguba: That statement is oxymoronic

[Today at 09:10:18 pm] Cornflower MM: However, these books CLEARLY STATE ONE YEAR TIME GAP.

[Today at 09:10:21 pm] Cornflower MM: HUSH UP.

[Today at 09:10:27 pm] danflorreguba: that's like shouting I AM CALM!

[Today at 09:10:32 pm] Cornflower MM: Let's try this again.

[Today at 09:10:41 pm] danflorreguba: that's no fun o.o

[Today at 09:10:53 pm] Cornflower MM: 9 - TTC

[Today at 09:11:02 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:11:07 pm] Cornflower MM: Unless! OH!

[Today at 09:11:16 pm] Cornflower MM: HAHA! I FIGURED THIS OUT AGAIN!

[Today at 09:11:18 pm] Groddil: Oh

[Today at 09:11:25 pm] Cornflower MM: Wait. No.

[Today at 09:11:29 pm] Groddil: Oh no...

[Today at 09:11:36 pm] danflorreguba: ooooo she's adding ones again O.O

[Today at 09:11:36 pm] Cornflower MM: I'm not skipping a book.

[Today at 09:11:50 pm] Cornflower MM: 9- TTC

[Today at 09:11:56 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:12:05 pm] Cornflower MM: 11 - TLO

[Today at 09:12:13 pm] Cornflower MM: 12 - Year in between?

[Today at 09:12:27 pm] Cornflower MM: 13 - We end up at the end.

[Today at 09:12:36 pm] Cornflower MM: I HATE YOU NICO DI ANGELO.

[Today at 09:12:44 pm] Cornflower MM: WAIT NO I DON'T.

[Today at 09:12:56 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:13:01 pm] danflorreguba: .....

[Today at 09:13:17 pm] danflorreguba: What am I witnessing here? o.O

[Today at 09:13:26 pm] danflorreguba: It's scary

[Today at 09:13:33 pm] danflorreguba: Groddil, hold me

[Today at 09:14:25 pm] danflorreguba:
(click to show/hide)

[Today at 09:14:31 pm] danflorreguba: Oh my gosh

[Today at 09:14:44 pm] danflorreguba: can't see chat

[Today at 09:14:48 pm] danflorreguba: there it is

[Today at 09:14:56 pm] danflorreguba: we can still tag things O.O

[Today at 09:15:26 pm] Groddil: @Dan: not on your life, Reguba

[Today at 09:15:28 pm] danflorreguba:
(click to show/hide)

[Today at 09:15:35 pm] danflorreguba: YAY!

[Today at 09:15:57 pm] danflorreguba: Music! Doot Doot!

[Today at 09:16:03 pm] Cornflower MM: *Starts throwing  a fit*

[Today at 09:16:07 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 09:16:09 pm] Cornflower MM: *Throws things*

[Today at 09:16:15 pm] Søren: I'm back, and my video's footage is arranged. All that's left is to add information to it, but I'm too lazy to do that today. It's so finicky.

[Today at 09:16:19 pm] Cornflower MM: THIS WON'T ADD  UP WAAAAAAAA

[Today at 09:16:30 pm] Søren: Corn, what's happening?

[Today at 09:16:42 pm] danflorreguba: why does my spoiler keep closing on me?

[Today at 09:16:52 pm] danflorreguba: She's trying to figure out how to add 1's

[Today at 09:17:31 pm] Cornflower MM: SHUT UP DANNY THAT'S NOT WHAT's HAPPENING WAAAAAA.

[Today at 09:17:41 pm]  * Groddil catches various thrown things

[Today at 09:17:49 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 09:18:00 pm] Cornflower MM: Sor, NICO DI ANGELO'S AGE MAKES NO SENSE. He should be THIRTEEN but he's fourteen and just what.

[Today at 09:18:15 pm] danflorreguba: She was stuck on 12 for the longest time

[Today at 09:18:16 pm] Søren: Is he from the Percy Jackson books?

[Today at 09:18:21 pm] danflorreguba: Just wait until she adds one more

[Today at 09:18:28 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: Yes

[Today at 09:18:32 pm] danflorreguba: then things should be fine ;)

[Today at 09:18:38 pm] Cornflower MM: @Dan: SHUT IT.

[Today at 09:18:45 pm] Cornflower MM: Let's try again.

[Today at 09:18:49 pm] danflorreguba: ;D

[Today at 09:18:52 pm] Cornflower MM: 9 - TTC

[Today at 09:18:55 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:18:57 pm] danflorreguba: for the 10941095 time

[Today at 09:18:58 pm] Cornflower MM: 11 - TLO

[Today at 09:19:06 pm] Cornflower MM: 12 - Year in between?

[Today at 09:19:22 pm] Cornflower MM: 13 - We end up at the end.

[Today at 09:19:37 pm] Cornflower MM: 14 - THE MYSTICAL AGE RIORDAN ASSIGNED NICO.

[Today at 09:19:46 pm] Søren: Have the ages of other characters changed?

[Today at 09:19:53 pm] Cornflower MM: Well duh.

[Today at 09:20:01 pm] Cornflower MM: They get a year older every book.

[Today at 09:20:08 pm] danflorreguba: Time space is weird -_-

[Today at 09:20:21 pm] danflorreguba: Especially when Corn is involved

[Today at 09:20:28 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:20:29 pm] danflorreguba: I gotta admit

[Today at 09:20:37 pm] Cornflower MM: *Starts smacking Dan into a pulp*

[Today at 09:20:40 pm] danflorreguba: this is almost unfair

[Today at 09:20:44 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes, Groddil?

[Today at 09:20:48 pm] Cornflower MM: How, Dan?

[Today at 09:20:57 pm] danflorreguba: I have a buddy named Maz at work that I give a hard time constantly

[Today at 09:21:06 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:21:16 pm] danflorreguba: Maybe this is CORNY run off!

[Today at 09:21:24 pm] danflorreguba: *Dissaparates*

[Today at 09:21:24 pm] Cornflower MM: . . . . .

[Today at 09:21:36 pm] Søren: Maybe his birthday is really close when there's such a issue. Like, maybe he just turned 14 or something.

[Today at 09:21:39 pm] Cornflower MM: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!

[Today at 09:21:45 pm] danflorreguba: >:D >:D >:D

[Today at 09:21:52 pm] Tam and Martin: hey

[Today at 09:21:59 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: No. His birthday is in January or May, the writer doesn't know which.

[Today at 09:22:01 pm] danflorreguba: Ya know ya love meh ;D

[Today at 09:22:13 pm] Cornflower MM: *Leaps on Dan and starts hitting with with frying pan*

[Today at 09:22:20 pm] Søren: Wow, that's really precise.

[Today at 09:22:22 pm] Cornflower MM: @Tam: Hi.

[Today at 09:22:27 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: What is?

[Today at 09:22:32 pm] Tam and Martin: what's going on here

[Today at 09:22:33 pm] danflorreguba: Have fun trying to hit a corpreal body :P

[Today at 09:22:38 pm] Søren: His age, down to the month.

[Today at 09:22:45 pm] danflorreguba: Corporeal*

[Today at 09:22:52 pm] Cornflower MM: @Dan: I'm now not talking ot you.

[Today at 09:22:54 pm] Cornflower MM: *To

[Today at 09:22:59 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: Yes.

[Today at 09:23:04 pm] danflorreguba: That's okay ;D

[Today at 09:23:11 pm] danflorreguba: I can still talk to you ;)

[Today at 09:23:13 pm] Søren: That;s weird.

[Today at 09:23:50 pm] danflorreguba: @Dan: I'm not talking to you now*

[Today at 09:23:59 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:24:01 pm] danflorreguba: ;D

[Today at 09:24:03 pm] Cornflower MM: I agree, Sor./

[Today at 09:24:07 pm] Cornflower MM: What's up, Grodd?

[Today at 09:24:33 pm] danflorreguba: Say the ceiling

[Today at 09:24:47 pm] danflorreguba: works every time ;)

[Today at 09:25:50 pm] Cornflower MM: Now. ONE MORE TIME.

[Today at 09:25:57 pm] Cornflower MM: 9 - TTC

[Today at 09:26:00 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:26:13 pm] Cornflower MM: 11 - TLO

[Today at 09:26:15 pm] danflorreguba: back to addition I see

[Today at 09:26:47 pm] Cornflower MM: Now, TLO ends on Percy's birthday.

[Today at 09:27:26 pm] Cornflower MM: Scratch the extra year.

[Today at 09:27:32 pm] Cornflower MM: No, wait.

[Today at 09:28:21 pm] Cornflower MM: *Melts into a puddle of anguished goo*

[Today at 09:28:27 pm] Cornflower MM: I'm so confused now.

[Today at 09:28:35 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:28:46 pm] Groddil: ASHLEG!

[Today at 09:28:48 pm] Groddil: HALLO!

[Today at 09:28:49 pm] Cornflower MM: I need that book for reference. . . . Why can't I rememner the title. . . . .

[Today at 09:29:00 pm] Cornflower MM: Hey. Grodd. What about me? I said hi three time.

[Today at 09:29:20 pm] Groddil: I said hi to you when I got here, Corny

[Today at 09:29:51 pm] Cornflower MM: I know. But then I asked you what was up. when you kept 'dot dot dot'ing.

[Today at 09:29:55 pm] Cornflower MM: You never answered.

[Today at 09:29:59 pm] danflorreguba: It's okay, Corn doesn't talk to me, so it's even really

[Today at 09:30:06 pm] Ashleg: Heyo, Groddil

[Today at 09:30:07 pm] Cornflower MM: Dan?

[Today at 09:30:10 pm] Cornflower MM: Shut up.

[Today at 09:30:13 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 09:30:18 pm] danflorreguba: Gotcha

[Today at 09:30:29 pm] danflorreguba: ;D

[Today at 09:30:49 pm] danflorreguba: The problem is just that Corn can't even

[Today at 09:30:52 pm] danflorreguba: dang nabbit

[Today at 09:31:01 pm] danflorreguba: my box keeps clsoing ;(

[Today at 09:31:34 pm] Søren: Drone racing is very intriguing....

[Today at 09:31:48 pm] danflorreguba: lol

[Today at 09:31:52 pm] danflorreguba: I saw that

[Today at 09:32:48 pm] Cornflower MM: No, Danny, I can't even.

[Today at 09:33:00 pm] Cornflower MM: My brain refuses to handle this.

[Today at 09:33:02 pm] danflorreguba: I said can't....

[Today at 09:33:25 pm] Cornflower MM: I know.

[Today at 09:33:31 pm] Cornflower MM: And I'm agreeing.

[Today at 09:34:07 pm] danflorreguba: No, followed with agreement?.... Now I'm confused.... Oh my gosh! Corn's CONTAGIOUS!

[Today at 09:34:16 pm] danflorreguba: HEP!

[Today at 09:34:26 pm] danflorreguba: And yes, the missing "l" was on purpose

[Today at 09:34:43 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:34:53 pm] danflorreguba: In all seriousness though, is the age that important?

[Today at 09:36:13 pm] Cornflower MM: Dangit Dan, aren't you used to my Southernness by now?!

[Today at 09:36:39 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 09:36:55 pm] Cornflower MM: For osme odd reason we say things like that! 'Yeah, no.' is a biggie.

[Today at 09:36:58 pm] Cornflower MM: *Some

[Today at 09:37:03 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 09:37:17 pm] danflorreguba: I let you have that one just so you know

[Today at 09:37:23 pm] danflorreguba: ;)

[Today at 09:38:50 pm] danflorreguba: Writing fan-fics is hard :(. How do you guys do it?

[Today at 09:38:52 pm] Cornflower MM: And yes, HIS AGE IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE THIS BUGS ME.

[Today at 09:38:56 pm] danflorreguba: O.O
Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!


Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 25, 2021, 04:54:28 PM
Ikr, classic Ashleg. Skarz is pretty funny, too.

Edit: I know this has been posted before, but it's really hilarious (especially because Nico di Angelo's age has always confused me, too).

Quote from: Cornflower MM on February 15, 2016, 02:17:11 AM
Shoutbox shenigans, including a Grammar Nazi, Nico di Angelo, and adding ones

[Today at 08:25:12 pm] Søren: This video is not easy. COOPERATE, AND NO PIXELS GET HURT!! Much.

[Today at 08:25:18 pm] danflorreguba: o.O

[Today at 08:25:32 pm] Cornflower MM: @Danny: I'm aftarid I just don't knwo what to say. . . . So I haven't replied.

[Today at 08:25:49 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: What are you doing? TAKE IT EASY.

[Today at 08:25:55 pm] danflorreguba: Alright, that's okay, just send a reply when you do ;)

[Today at 08:26:06 pm] danflorreguba: I was just wondering

[Today at 08:26:16 pm] Søren: I'm making a video for my website, but the footage wasn

[Today at 08:26:30 pm] danflorreguba: My shout box is not playing nice -_-

[Today at 08:28:15 pm] Cornflower MM: @Dan: Mine's not either.

[Today at 08:28:15 pm] Cornflower MM: RAAAAR.

[Today at 08:28:15 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: Website? Do tell.

[Today at 08:28:32 pm] Cornflower MM: You liar. I didn't type those at the same time.

[Today at 08:28:36 pm] Cornflower MM: Guys?

[Today at 08:28:56 pm] danflorreguba: Back

[Today at 08:29:08 pm] danflorreguba: My site stopped working for a minute or two

[Today at 08:29:41 pm] Sagetip: Gotta go.

[Today at 08:29:47 pm] danflorreguba: bye

[Today at 08:29:56 pm] Cornflower MM: Bye Sgae.

[Today at 08:29:58 pm] Cornflower MM: *Sage

[Today at 08:30:14 pm] danflorreguba: Sgae....

[Today at 08:30:25 pm] danflorreguba: Sounds like some sort of Algae :P

[Today at 08:30:29 pm] Cornflower MM: Hush.

[Today at 08:30:34 pm] danflorreguba: :D

[Today at 08:30:48 pm] Cornflower MM: I'll admit, that's not as bad as the typo I made the other day. . . . .

[Today at 08:31:10 pm] danflorreguba: I can't make noises, I'm a book

[Today at 08:31:27 pm] Cornflower MM: :D

[Today at 08:31:30 pm] Cornflower MM: Good one.

[Today at 08:31:31 pm] danflorreguba: Right Amber?

[Today at 08:32:14 pm] danflorreguba: Oh hey, I forgot who it was, but one of the guys is a rat...

[Today at 08:32:24 pm] danflorreguba: Amber, do you remember who the rat is?

[Today at 08:33:53 pm] danflorreguba: Does anyone know what would happen if we tagged in a youtube video in the shoutbox? o.O

[Today at 08:35:40 pm] Groddil: I'm back

[Today at 08:36:18 pm] danflorreguba: ayyo

[Today at 08:36:22 pm] Søren: *the footage wasn't helping me out any. I've got a groove now. @Corn Yup, I've had a website about cars for maybe 3 years now. :D

[Today at 08:36:45 pm] danflorreguba: ....

[Today at 08:37:25 pm] Groddil: Hi danflor

[Today at 08:38:01 pm] danflorreguba: howdy doo

[Today at 08:39:48 pm] danflorreguba: So is Sage's Fan fic on the original forum?

[Today at 08:39:55 pm] Groddil: So...

[Today at 08:40:24 pm] Groddil: @Dan: No idea

[Today at 08:40:33 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 08:40:59 pm] Cornflower MM: Ye sit is Dan.

[Today at 08:41:42 pm] danflorreguba: yes it*

[Today at 08:41:46 pm] Groddil: Hey Corny

[Today at 08:41:49 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:42:05 pm] Cornflower MM: GRODDY! *Tacklehugs*

[Today at 08:42:12 pm] Cornflower MM: *Smacks Dan on the back of the head*

[Today at 08:42:18 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:42:27 pm] danflorreguba: *has had way worse*

[Today at 08:42:33 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:42:58 pm] danflorreguba: I will Nazi your grammar AND spelling to the ends of the Earth!

[Today at 08:43:07 pm] danflorreguba: doot doot

[Today at 08:43:39 pm] Cornflower MM: RAAAR.

[Today at 08:43:46 pm] Cornflower MM: *Grabs frying pan*

[Today at 08:43:47 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 08:43:50 pm] danflorreguba: haha

[Today at 08:43:57 pm] Groddil: *Akwardly hugs back* This is not what I need at the moment

[Today at 08:44:08 pm] Groddil: No hugs til tomorrow

[Today at 08:44:08 pm] Cornflower MM: *Sstarts smacking Dan on the head with my frying pan*

[Today at 08:44:10 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 08:44:15 pm] Cornflower MM: @Grodd: Why, wassup?

[Today at 08:44:22 pm] Groddil: See the VD thread

[Today at 08:45:31 pm] danflorreguba: *Disapparates*

[Today at 08:46:08 pm] danflorreguba: Starts*

[Today at 08:46:25 pm] danflorreguba: with frying pan*

[Today at 08:46:54 pm] danflorreguba: asterisk action indicators are not supposed to include mentions of self >:D

[Today at 08:47:00 pm] danflorreguba: brb

[Today at 08:47:19 pm] Cornflower MM: Oh I'm gonna-!

[Today at 08:47:25 pm] Cornflower MM: On my way, Groddy dear.

[Today at 08:48:19 pm] Cornflower MM: Oh dear.

[Today at 08:54:57 pm] Groddil: mm

[Today at 08:55:03 pm] Groddil: back in a couple minutes

[Today at 09:01:07 pm] Cornflower MM: Okay.

[Today at 09:01:10 pm] danflorreguba: HA HA HA

[Today at 09:01:19 pm] Cornflower MM: WHAT?!

[Today at 09:01:31 pm] danflorreguba: :D

[Today at 09:01:37 pm] Cornflower MM: I am severely annoyed right now. . . . . .

[Today at 09:01:38 pm] Groddil: back

[Today at 09:01:49 pm] Cornflower MM: DANG PEOPLE AND THEIR GODS-AWFUL CONTINUITY!

[Today at 09:01:52 pm] Cornflower MM: Hi Grodd.

[Today at 09:02:17 pm] Cornflower MM: By my calculations, Nico should be TWELVE. TWELVE!!!!

[Today at 09:02:18 pm] Cornflower MM: But no.

[Today at 09:02:22 pm] danflorreguba: I have a knack for annoying people ;)

[Today at 09:02:24 pm] Cornflower MM: The book says fourteen.

[Today at 09:02:27 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes you do.

[Today at 09:02:44 pm] danflorreguba: In all the best ways ;D

[Today at 09:02:50 pm] Cornflower MM: I'm going to go through this ONE MORE TIME and it BETTER ADD UP.

[Today at 09:03:21 pm] Cornflower MM: Nico is nine in TTC.

[Today at 09:03:23 pm] Groddil: Hallo

[Today at 09:03:31 pm] Cornflower MM: And ten in BotL.

[Today at 09:03:37 pm] Cornflower MM: Hi.

[Today at 09:03:52 pm] Cornflower MM: Eleven in TLO.

[Today at 09:04:01 pm] Cornflower MM: OH! !

[Today at 09:04:11 pm] danflorreguba: dign ding, she gets it

[Today at 09:04:14 pm] Cornflower MM: I THINK I FIGURED IT OUT!

[Today at 09:04:17 pm] danflorreguba: ding ding*

[Today at 09:04:29 pm] danflorreguba: Dign' like a pro :P

[Today at 09:04:34 pm] Cornflower MM: I'M AN IDIOT!

[Today at 09:04:41 pm] Cornflower MM: And you, Dan, are a hypocrite.

[Today at 09:04:45 pm] danflorreguba: there are so many mean things I could say about that o.O

[Today at 09:04:49 pm] Groddil: Figured what out?

[Today at 09:05:06 pm] danflorreguba: I'm typing quickly

[Today at 09:05:16 pm] danflorreguba: and I corrected myself

[Today at 09:05:23 pm] Cornflower MM: So! We add another year in between series!

[Today at 09:05:41 pm] danflorreguba: Welcome to patterns

[Today at 09:05:46 pm] danflorreguba: 101

[Today at 09:06:11 pm] Cornflower MM: That makes twelve!

[Today at 09:06:39 pm] danflorreguba: yay! She can add 11+1!

[Today at 09:06:48 pm] Cornflower MM: OH FOR THE LOVE OF HOLINESS.

[Today at 09:06:50 pm] danflorreguba: :D

[Today at 09:06:53 pm] Cornflower MM: HUSH UP DANNY.

[Today at 09:07:00 pm] danflorreguba: I love this thing so much >D

[Today at 09:07:06 pm] Cornflower MM: THIS STILL COMES UP AS THIR-FREAKING-TEEN!

[Today at 09:07:17 pm] danflorreguba: that thir doh

[Today at 09:07:23 pm] Groddil: This is so confusing

[Today at 09:07:37 pm] danflorreguba: Don't try to understand it

[Today at 09:07:50 pm] Cornflower MM: It's a Percy Jackson thing, Groddil.

[Today at 09:07:57 pm] danflorreguba: Corn says some strange things when she's in a frenzy o.o

[Today at 09:08:31 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes I do.

[Today at 09:08:48 pm] Cornflower MM: *Jumps on my PJO books*

[Today at 09:09:02 pm] Cornflower MM: HOW IS HE FOURTEEN?!

[Today at 09:09:06 pm] Cornflower MM: I DON'T GET THIS.

[Today at 09:09:11 pm] danflorreguba: What did your books ever do to you? o.O

[Today at 09:09:36 pm] danflorreguba: did you know, that some books have a 3 year time gap instead of a 1 year time gap?

[Today at 09:09:45 pm] danflorreguba: it's a thing that happens

[Today at 09:09:54 pm] Cornflower MM: *Furiously calm*

[Today at 09:10:00 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes, Danny dear. I know.

[Today at 09:10:14 pm] danflorreguba: That statement is oxymoronic

[Today at 09:10:18 pm] Cornflower MM: However, these books CLEARLY STATE ONE YEAR TIME GAP.

[Today at 09:10:21 pm] Cornflower MM: HUSH UP.

[Today at 09:10:27 pm] danflorreguba: that's like shouting I AM CALM!

[Today at 09:10:32 pm] Cornflower MM: Let's try this again.

[Today at 09:10:41 pm] danflorreguba: that's no fun o.o

[Today at 09:10:53 pm] Cornflower MM: 9 - TTC

[Today at 09:11:02 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:11:07 pm] Cornflower MM: Unless! OH!

[Today at 09:11:16 pm] Cornflower MM: HAHA! I FIGURED THIS OUT AGAIN!

[Today at 09:11:18 pm] Groddil: Oh

[Today at 09:11:25 pm] Cornflower MM: Wait. No.

[Today at 09:11:29 pm] Groddil: Oh no...

[Today at 09:11:36 pm] danflorreguba: ooooo she's adding ones again O.O

[Today at 09:11:36 pm] Cornflower MM: I'm not skipping a book.

[Today at 09:11:50 pm] Cornflower MM: 9- TTC

[Today at 09:11:56 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:12:05 pm] Cornflower MM: 11 - TLO

[Today at 09:12:13 pm] Cornflower MM: 12 - Year in between?

[Today at 09:12:27 pm] Cornflower MM: 13 - We end up at the end.

[Today at 09:12:36 pm] Cornflower MM: I HATE YOU NICO DI ANGELO.

[Today at 09:12:44 pm] Cornflower MM: WAIT NO I DON'T.

[Today at 09:12:56 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:13:01 pm] danflorreguba: .....

[Today at 09:13:17 pm] danflorreguba: What am I witnessing here? o.O

[Today at 09:13:26 pm] danflorreguba: It's scary

[Today at 09:13:33 pm] danflorreguba: Groddil, hold me

[Today at 09:14:25 pm] danflorreguba:
(click to show/hide)

[Today at 09:14:31 pm] danflorreguba: Oh my gosh

[Today at 09:14:44 pm] danflorreguba: can't see chat

[Today at 09:14:48 pm] danflorreguba: there it is

[Today at 09:14:56 pm] danflorreguba: we can still tag things O.O

[Today at 09:15:26 pm] Groddil: @Dan: not on your life, Reguba

[Today at 09:15:28 pm] danflorreguba:
(click to show/hide)

[Today at 09:15:35 pm] danflorreguba: YAY!

[Today at 09:15:57 pm] danflorreguba: Music! Doot Doot!

[Today at 09:16:03 pm] Cornflower MM: *Starts throwing  a fit*

[Today at 09:16:07 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 09:16:09 pm] Cornflower MM: *Throws things*

[Today at 09:16:15 pm] Søren: I'm back, and my video's footage is arranged. All that's left is to add information to it, but I'm too lazy to do that today. It's so finicky.

[Today at 09:16:19 pm] Cornflower MM: THIS WON'T ADD  UP WAAAAAAAA

[Today at 09:16:30 pm] Søren: Corn, what's happening?

[Today at 09:16:42 pm] danflorreguba: why does my spoiler keep closing on me?

[Today at 09:16:52 pm] danflorreguba: She's trying to figure out how to add 1's

[Today at 09:17:31 pm] Cornflower MM: SHUT UP DANNY THAT'S NOT WHAT's HAPPENING WAAAAAA.

[Today at 09:17:41 pm]  * Groddil catches various thrown things

[Today at 09:17:49 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 09:18:00 pm] Cornflower MM: Sor, NICO DI ANGELO'S AGE MAKES NO SENSE. He should be THIRTEEN but he's fourteen and just what.

[Today at 09:18:15 pm] danflorreguba: She was stuck on 12 for the longest time

[Today at 09:18:16 pm] Søren: Is he from the Percy Jackson books?

[Today at 09:18:21 pm] danflorreguba: Just wait until she adds one more

[Today at 09:18:28 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: Yes

[Today at 09:18:32 pm] danflorreguba: then things should be fine ;)

[Today at 09:18:38 pm] Cornflower MM: @Dan: SHUT IT.

[Today at 09:18:45 pm] Cornflower MM: Let's try again.

[Today at 09:18:49 pm] danflorreguba: ;D

[Today at 09:18:52 pm] Cornflower MM: 9 - TTC

[Today at 09:18:55 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:18:57 pm] danflorreguba: for the 10941095 time

[Today at 09:18:58 pm] Cornflower MM: 11 - TLO

[Today at 09:19:06 pm] Cornflower MM: 12 - Year in between?

[Today at 09:19:22 pm] Cornflower MM: 13 - We end up at the end.

[Today at 09:19:37 pm] Cornflower MM: 14 - THE MYSTICAL AGE RIORDAN ASSIGNED NICO.

[Today at 09:19:46 pm] Søren: Have the ages of other characters changed?

[Today at 09:19:53 pm] Cornflower MM: Well duh.

[Today at 09:20:01 pm] Cornflower MM: They get a year older every book.

[Today at 09:20:08 pm] danflorreguba: Time space is weird -_-

[Today at 09:20:21 pm] danflorreguba: Especially when Corn is involved

[Today at 09:20:28 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:20:29 pm] danflorreguba: I gotta admit

[Today at 09:20:37 pm] Cornflower MM: *Starts smacking Dan into a pulp*

[Today at 09:20:40 pm] danflorreguba: this is almost unfair

[Today at 09:20:44 pm] Cornflower MM: Yes, Groddil?

[Today at 09:20:48 pm] Cornflower MM: How, Dan?

[Today at 09:20:57 pm] danflorreguba: I have a buddy named Maz at work that I give a hard time constantly

[Today at 09:21:06 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:21:16 pm] danflorreguba: Maybe this is CORNY run off!

[Today at 09:21:24 pm] danflorreguba: *Dissaparates*

[Today at 09:21:24 pm] Cornflower MM: . . . . .

[Today at 09:21:36 pm] Søren: Maybe his birthday is really close when there's such a issue. Like, maybe he just turned 14 or something.

[Today at 09:21:39 pm] Cornflower MM: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!

[Today at 09:21:45 pm] danflorreguba: >:D >:D >:D

[Today at 09:21:52 pm] Tam and Martin: hey

[Today at 09:21:59 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: No. His birthday is in January or May, the writer doesn't know which.

[Today at 09:22:01 pm] danflorreguba: Ya know ya love meh ;D

[Today at 09:22:13 pm] Cornflower MM: *Leaps on Dan and starts hitting with with frying pan*

[Today at 09:22:20 pm] Søren: Wow, that's really precise.

[Today at 09:22:22 pm] Cornflower MM: @Tam: Hi.

[Today at 09:22:27 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: What is?

[Today at 09:22:32 pm] Tam and Martin: what's going on here

[Today at 09:22:33 pm] danflorreguba: Have fun trying to hit a corpreal body :P

[Today at 09:22:38 pm] Søren: His age, down to the month.

[Today at 09:22:45 pm] danflorreguba: Corporeal*

[Today at 09:22:52 pm] Cornflower MM: @Dan: I'm now not talking ot you.

[Today at 09:22:54 pm] Cornflower MM: *To

[Today at 09:22:59 pm] Cornflower MM: @Sor: Yes.

[Today at 09:23:04 pm] danflorreguba: That's okay ;D

[Today at 09:23:11 pm] danflorreguba: I can still talk to you ;)

[Today at 09:23:13 pm] Søren: That;s weird.

[Today at 09:23:50 pm] danflorreguba: @Dan: I'm not talking to you now*

[Today at 09:23:59 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:24:01 pm] danflorreguba: ;D

[Today at 09:24:03 pm] Cornflower MM: I agree, Sor./

[Today at 09:24:07 pm] Cornflower MM: What's up, Grodd?

[Today at 09:24:33 pm] danflorreguba: Say the ceiling

[Today at 09:24:47 pm] danflorreguba: works every time ;)

[Today at 09:25:50 pm] Cornflower MM: Now. ONE MORE TIME.

[Today at 09:25:57 pm] Cornflower MM: 9 - TTC

[Today at 09:26:00 pm] Cornflower MM: 10 - BotL

[Today at 09:26:13 pm] Cornflower MM: 11 - TLO

[Today at 09:26:15 pm] danflorreguba: back to addition I see

[Today at 09:26:47 pm] Cornflower MM: Now, TLO ends on Percy's birthday.

[Today at 09:27:26 pm] Cornflower MM: Scratch the extra year.

[Today at 09:27:32 pm] Cornflower MM: No, wait.

[Today at 09:28:21 pm] Cornflower MM: *Melts into a puddle of anguished goo*

[Today at 09:28:27 pm] Cornflower MM: I'm so confused now.

[Today at 09:28:35 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:28:46 pm] Groddil: ASHLEG!

[Today at 09:28:48 pm] Groddil: HALLO!

[Today at 09:28:49 pm] Cornflower MM: I need that book for reference. . . . Why can't I rememner the title. . . . .

[Today at 09:29:00 pm] Cornflower MM: Hey. Grodd. What about me? I said hi three time.

[Today at 09:29:20 pm] Groddil: I said hi to you when I got here, Corny

[Today at 09:29:51 pm] Cornflower MM: I know. But then I asked you what was up. when you kept 'dot dot dot'ing.

[Today at 09:29:55 pm] Cornflower MM: You never answered.

[Today at 09:29:59 pm] danflorreguba: It's okay, Corn doesn't talk to me, so it's even really

[Today at 09:30:06 pm] Ashleg: Heyo, Groddil

[Today at 09:30:07 pm] Cornflower MM: Dan?

[Today at 09:30:10 pm] Cornflower MM: Shut up.

[Today at 09:30:13 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 09:30:18 pm] danflorreguba: Gotcha

[Today at 09:30:29 pm] danflorreguba: ;D

[Today at 09:30:49 pm] danflorreguba: The problem is just that Corn can't even

[Today at 09:30:52 pm] danflorreguba: dang nabbit

[Today at 09:31:01 pm] danflorreguba: my box keeps clsoing ;(

[Today at 09:31:34 pm] Søren: Drone racing is very intriguing....

[Today at 09:31:48 pm] danflorreguba: lol

[Today at 09:31:52 pm] danflorreguba: I saw that

[Today at 09:32:48 pm] Cornflower MM: No, Danny, I can't even.

[Today at 09:33:00 pm] Cornflower MM: My brain refuses to handle this.

[Today at 09:33:02 pm] danflorreguba: I said can't....

[Today at 09:33:25 pm] Cornflower MM: I know.

[Today at 09:33:31 pm] Cornflower MM: And I'm agreeing.

[Today at 09:34:07 pm] danflorreguba: No, followed with agreement?.... Now I'm confused.... Oh my gosh! Corn's CONTAGIOUS!

[Today at 09:34:16 pm] danflorreguba: HEP!

[Today at 09:34:26 pm] danflorreguba: And yes, the missing "l" was on purpose

[Today at 09:34:43 pm] Groddil: ...

[Today at 09:34:53 pm] danflorreguba: In all seriousness though, is the age that important?

[Today at 09:36:13 pm] Cornflower MM: Dangit Dan, aren't you used to my Southernness by now?!

[Today at 09:36:39 pm] danflorreguba: ?

[Today at 09:36:55 pm] Cornflower MM: For osme odd reason we say things like that! 'Yeah, no.' is a biggie.

[Today at 09:36:58 pm] Cornflower MM: *Some

[Today at 09:37:03 pm] danflorreguba: >:D

[Today at 09:37:17 pm] danflorreguba: I let you have that one just so you know

[Today at 09:37:23 pm] danflorreguba: ;)

[Today at 09:38:50 pm] danflorreguba: Writing fan-fics is hard :(. How do you guys do it?

[Today at 09:38:52 pm] Cornflower MM: And yes, HIS AGE IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE THIS BUGS ME.

[Today at 09:38:56 pm] danflorreguba: O.O
Just take the year he's born away from the year it's set. That'll work brilliantly. The only important thing is that he didn't reach sixteen before Percy did. (Or does it?)

Massive spoilers for PJO
Because of the Lotus Casino, Percy was not sixteen. Even if you did date-date of birth, Nico and Bianca will have reached 16 first. Thalia too. Of course, the exact wording was 'A half-blood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds. Never specified that it would be the first.

And I cannot remember the full analysis, but I could probably find the link to a tumblr post I saw on it if anyone wanted it. But basically the prophecy does not actually fit, they're just twisting the facts to make it fit.
Error. Error. Cannot compute.

Flib Bigboat

It was supposed to be funny.
Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!

The Skarzs

Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 25, 2021, 04:54:28 PM
Ikr, classic Ashleg. Skarz is pretty funny, too.
Thanks. I used to be at least. >_>
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Error. Error. Cannot compute.

lass of something much

𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱

Sebias of Redwall

Quote from: The Skarzs on May 26, 2021, 02:25:43 AM
Quote from: Flib Bigboat on May 25, 2021, 04:54:28 PM
Ikr, classic Ashleg. Skarz is pretty funny, too.
Thanks. I used to be at least. >_>
I can relate.

But tbh you're still hilarious. You've made me laugh when you post.
"I can only speak two languages. English and rubbish." ~Brian Jacques

"No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly."

"Evil labours with vast power and perpetual success - in vain: preparing always only the soil for unexpected good to sprout in."

~JRR Tolkien

Long live the RRR!

Flib Bigboat

And here's proof:
Quote from: shisteer of nothing much on October 01, 2019, 09:03:07 AM
I'm not well known for anything because I've never been caught.
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on October 01, 2019, 03:43:38 PM
Good, good, Welcome to de family.
Quote from: The Skarzs on October 01, 2019, 04:33:46 PM
You're stealing Tony's shtick.
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on October 01, 2019, 04:48:33 PM
Quote from: The Skarzs on October 01, 2019, 04:58:20 PM
How are you not?
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on October 01, 2019, 05:05:40 PM
Antony has a mansion and is a gangster. I run a syndicate. There is a difference.
Quote from: The Skarzs on October 01, 2019, 05:41:20 PM
Quote from: One-Eye the wildcat on October 01, 2019, 03:43:38 PM
Welcome to de family.
Quote from: lass of something much on April 01, 2020, 03:51:59 AM
and then the thread dies XD and Jarky was the first girl to post on here...
Quote from: Verdauga on April 01, 2020, 02:11:08 PM
One-eyes positiv'ly innocent naow Ah'm here!
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 01, 2020, 09:27:53 PM
We need the big boss back.
Quote from: lass of something much on April 01, 2020, 09:30:20 PM
@o great one with the white eye!
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 01, 2020, 09:40:58 PM
Yes I believe that is his name.
Quote from: lass of something much on April 01, 2020, 09:42:21 PM
@random boss guy! we need you to do your jobbbb!
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 01, 2020, 09:49:40 PM
Quote from: lass of something much on April 02, 2020, 12:35:10 AM

I-I wouldn't say 'need'
Quote from: Scott McLamok on April 02, 2020, 01:02:43 AM
Ok then.

Life is often like pushing a luggage cart through the airport. Sometimes I feel ridiculous, sometimes I look ridiculous, but I just keep pushing that luggage cart, and hoping I'm generally heading in the right direction.
Always keep your word, always finish what you started, and never go unprepared.
In a hole in the ground, there once lived a hobbit.
It's your birthday today, everybeast say hooray, there's a cat licking your birthday cake, it's your birthday today!
Long live the RRR!