The War for an Abbey's Ruins RP

Started by Eulaliaaa!, February 11, 2015, 01:38:04 AM

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 "180 military personnel are far more than you would need to subdue such a small area," Millard replied. "Intriguing, also, was the discovery that you had some surface-to-air missiles. Considering that nearly all the fauna of this planet are terrestrial, it's a bit odd you would want missiles capable of bringing down large flying objects."


OOC: I drew a quick sketch of Mystery because 1) I felt like it, and 2) You all can have a better idea of what she looks like. So here it is. I'm not great at drawing but I had fun with this! (Not sure how well you can see it :-\)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: Interesting, what are those long things coming down from her head?


"There are only 10 or so of my men on the planet, the rest are for security for the entirety of my civilian passengers, many of them possessing other skills as well as being able-bodied security personnel.

"You seem to be conveniently ignoring how dangerous these aliens are. If I didn't know better I might assume you were hiding under a rock for the past 15 years. I am more than justified in taking extra precautions."

Natalia had a growing suspicion, and she decided it was time to confirm it.

"So let's cut to the chase, shall we. You are here for either one of two reasons. Either you and your government hold an irrational vendetta against me and want to use me as a scapegoat for the outbreak, Or, your government has some affiliation with the "Friends of ET" lobby and you wish to protect the aliens of this planet from my tiny "military" whilst conveniently forgetting the hordes of them which have lain waste to our planet."

"In either case I would conclude you are bias against me, and I could have no expectation of justice if I were to give myself up for trial."

"But perhaps I am mistaken. I sincerely hope so. I hope that we can find a mutually agreeable, reasonable compromise that will allow me the freedom to start a colony on Alterra. Perhaps, If you are willing to set aside your biases and misinformation, you and your government would even be willing to help me."


OOC: made some edits to previous post


OOC: I honestly don't know. The character of Mystery actually comes from a puppet I made a few years ago for a Theatre Arts project. Back then, I created her with those extensions because I thought they looked cool and gave her a more "alien" appearance. When I revived Mystery, I decided to just keep them. They may have resulted from a mutation gone wrong. I imagine they could be used to grab and whip enemies, so they're not completely useless either.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Lady Ashenwyte

Ashenlance got up and picked up his katana. "Never underestimate an Ashenwyte's survivability. I will be off now." Saying so, he took his naginata and walked slowly across back to Brockhall. "Keep those humans alive for me. When I get my hands on them, they'll beg to die.
                                                              The adder rose and hissed, it's target carried away by a fox with wings. he five headed serpent looked to the rest of the men, seeing a good meal.

OOC: The adder is an NPC. Feel free to hurt it, but don't kill it.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

LT Sandpaw

Ridge kicked stubbornly pulling an arm free of Stashi's grasp he grabbed the foxes leg in his own grip holding it like a vice. Twisting his other arm free he pulled his tranquilizer from its holster and rammed it into Stashi's fur ready to pull the trigger.

"Put me down carefully Or I'll kill us both." He yelled holding on tightly as the pull of gravity weighed on his arm.


Yelling in panic as they watched their leader being born aloft ridge's men hardly noticed the snake approaching until it snatched out at lightning speed grasping one of the humans between its jaws. The other heads missed pulling back to strike again.

The man caught in the creatures mouth screamed and struggled fruitlessly. The massive teeth having penetrated all the way though his body.

"Open fire!" Calvin screamed watching his comrade die and the other heads approach. The began firing again. The bullets leaving bloody holes in it's scales. The beast hissed angrily retreating into the bushes.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Stashi growled in anger, "I'll die happily if it means the Abbey is safe, stay away from us!" She howled, trying to mask her terror.

OOC: I'll post more later, I have school...
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


 "I have not underestimated the effect of the disease," Millard replied. "I served at the front lines; I saw what it did to animals. Even so, my statement stands. you would not need to surface-to-air missiles to deal with terrestrial animals. You would need them, however, if you wanted to destroy spacecraft."

"You may satisfy your conscience with delusions, but I insist that I am not here to tarnish your beloved reputation. As I have stated numerous times, I am simply here to apprehend you for your crimes. And please, don't accuse me of being in league with those activists-- they've caused the Coalition just as much trouble a they caused you."

Millard opened another cabinet, this one containing, instead of a hologram, a phial filled with blue liquid. "Ah, you were wondering how we came to power so quickly? Well, shortly before you left for Alterra, Coalition scientists developed a devolution serum. It's amazing, really-- it causes mutated creatures to devolve. With this cure, we were able to reduce hordes of man-sized rats to tiny, harmless rodents. The only drawback is that it has to be injected manually into the monsters."


"Well that is good news," Natalie said, "Now you need to understand that I have no intention whatsoever of attacking spacecraft. Remember that, until you showed up, I had no idea I would be seeing any spacecraft other than my own."

"While I do have guided RPGs that can attack surface and air targets, I thought it best to be prepared In case the aliens had undergone new mutations, or there were large flying animals we were previously unaware of. I assure you I have nothing to hide. You are welcome to send a squad aboard my ship and have a look around."

"The charges against me are unfounded, and I know the evidence would vindicate me in a fair trial, but I also do not think it is nessisary to take me back to Earth and interfere with m--"

Natalia looked to the side where Xavier was waving his hands to get her attention.

"Excuse me for a moment." She said to Millard, and walked out of view of the transmission. She was gone for seceral minutes.

When she returned, she was visibly shaken. It took her a moment to remember what she had been saying:

"I really dont think that it is nessisary... for me to be arrested." She said, trying to appear calm.

On the Millards bridge, one of his XOs had been watching on his instruments as a small shuttle had left the Refuge and traveled to a derilict yacht. Now he saw that the yacht had engaged its thrusters and was slowly adjusting its orbit to rondezvous with the Refuge.


 "I've heard enough from you. I will retrieve you for transport back to Earth momentarily. You will be given a fair trial, and I'm quite sure you have enough money to hire a good lawyer."

Millard turned off the screen and faced his second-in-command. "Lieutenant, send a boarding party to that yacht. Kosovo is up to something."


A small shuttle detached from the Magnanimous and headed for the yacht. Onboard were a dozen soldiers and one engineer.

Wot, wot!

Quote from: Skyblade on February 17, 2015, 09:18:50 PM
Quote from: Wot, wot! on February 17, 2015, 04:41:17 AM
"Not if I can help it, friend," Spero said as she bandaged Mystery's wounds with herbs, then turned to help Ashenlance.

OOC: are snakes evil in this RP?

"Thank you..." Mystery whispered, as she had little strength to speak. She closed her eyes as if trying to fall asleep. " going on? Where's the humans?"

OOC: ok :) Im sorry I haven't posted in a while :(

BIC: "No worries, friend," Spero said softly," As for the humans, I have no idea what's going on. I saw Stashi  fly overhead towards Redwall abbey just a moment ago. I only hope everything's ok." Spero tried to hide her trembling fear as she heard a hissing noise behind her, knowing the sickening sound could only mean one thing: Adder! "Sta-ay here, Mystery," she whispered,"We have more trouble."
"Get him! Grab that spy! I want his head!"
Basil chuckled. "What's the matter? Isn't your own head good enough? No, I don't suppose it is. Ugly-looking brute, aren't you?" -Basil to Cluny the Scourge (Redwall)

"The second you change "I can't" into "why not", you can do anything in the world."


Natalie hesitated and then quicky said "very well" and terminated the transmission.

"They have launched a shuttle towards the yacht," Xavier said "They are moving fast, It wont reach us in time."

Natalie cursed under her breath. "Then we will have to change plans. Hail the yacht, quickly"


The yacht activated its shields and engaged full thrust and headed towards the Refuge as fast as possible, so as to reach the refuge before it was intercepted by the shuttle.

Additionally, the refuge put its shields up and headed towards the yacht at full speed.

Inside the refuge, Natalia headed to the shuttle bay as quickly as she could, fighting through intense pain with each stride.


Quote from: Wot, wot! on February 19, 2015, 12:43:28 AM
Quote from: Skyblade on February 17, 2015, 09:18:50 PM
Quote from: Wot, wot! on February 17, 2015, 04:41:17 AM
"Not if I can help it, friend," Spero said as she bandaged Mystery's wounds with herbs, then turned to help Ashenlance.

OOC: are snakes evil in this RP?

"Thank you..." Mystery whispered, as she had little strength to speak. She closed her eyes as if trying to fall asleep. " going on? Where's the humans?"

OOC: ok :) Im sorry I haven't posted in a while :(

BIC: "No worries, friend," Spero said softly," As for the humans, I have no idea what's going on. I saw Stashi  fly overhead towards Redwall abbey just a moment ago. I only hope everything's ok." Spero tried to hide her trembling fear as she heard a hissing noise behind her, knowing the sickening sound could only mean one thing: Adder! "Sta-ay here, Mystery," she whispered,"We have more trouble."

OOC: You're perfectly fine; besides, you posted yesterday :D

BIC: Mystery smiled at Spero. "You are a great friend and a truly kind bird. Wish everyone would be like you, all the time." She stopped talking for a moment, feeling absolutely exhausted. "Be careful," she whispered before her friend was to leave.

Mystery was in deep pain all over her body. She turned so that she was lying on her back and wrapped one of her wings over her sky-facing stomach like a feathery blanket. The only relief she had was knowing that it was going to go away eventually. Until then... Spero had done her best to heal her, and right now, Mystery wanted to just fall asleep and wake up realizing that the pain had ceased or at least diminished. It'll be over soon.. hang in there...

The sun had set by now, and night was over the planet. Mystery stared at the stars, some brighter than others, that speckled the blue-black sky above her. Just as she was starting to drift away, she caught something in her peripheral vision. Turning her aching head, she thought she saw Stashi flying high above her with one of the men clinging to her leg. "Haha, that's funny..." she murmured groggily. Mystery had seen many odd things before, but that was just unexpected. Now I know I'm losing it. Suddenly, a howl split the silence, and Mystery realized that Stashi really was in danger and that the danger was real. Oh no! What is going on up there? I need to help! She managed to sit up and get to her feet, despite her physical torture. I need to do something... if something bad happens and it's all because I stood by and did not interfere... Mystery grabbed her double-bladed sword, bracing herself. In her present condition, this was going to be hard, very hard. And she would need to be brave. She turned her emotions into energy and shot into the sky at Stashi and Ridge at the fastest speed she could manage. Trying to ignore her screeching muscles, she put on a burst of speed at the end and reached out to stab the hand Ridge was using to hold the tranquilizer.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!