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Million Dollars, but. . .

Started by James Gryphon, December 26, 2015, 04:09:08 AM

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James Gryphon

You don't get any extra time or fireproof containers you don't already have.

If I was home, I might take you up on that, since the shower would be right there, but I'm at the barber's. I don't know that "Stop, drop and roll" helps when your whole body is on fire. I have to pass.

... if you were turned into a cat for a year?
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If you had to eat a can of cat food every day.



If you couldn't read anything for the rest of your life.
I am the harbinger of the spicy rooster apocalypse,
I am the hydrogen bomb in a necktie,
I hold the flames of a thousand collapsed stars,
I am Bobracha!



If you couldn't watch TV for the rest of your life.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I would say yes except for the fact The Walking Dead exists?

(on a related note)If you had to face the zombie apocalypse alone.
I am the harbinger of the spicy rooster apocalypse,
I am the hydrogen bomb in a necktie,
I hold the flames of a thousand collapsed stars,
I am Bobracha!

James Gryphon

ninja'd: Yes, in a second.


...if you had to express support for Donald Trump? You could qualify or explain your statement, but only after the election is over.
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No, I don't like lying.

If you had to start and finish all school assignments the day before they were due, including major projects that are supposed to take weeks/months/years.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

James Gryphon

I already come close to doing that, but I don't want to be forced into it -- there are some projects that are too big to do in that amount of time.

...if you had to kill at least one insect every day. If you kill one unintentionally or unknowingly, it doesn't count.
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If you could only wear socks and sandals together when you had to go somewhere.
"Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you :)" I don't know who wrote this but I really like it.



If you had to spend it on cats.
I am the harbinger of the spicy rooster apocalypse,
I am the hydrogen bomb in a necktie,
I hold the flames of a thousand collapsed stars,
I am Bobracha!


That would be a lot of cats.

If you couldn't eat chocolate anymore.
"Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you :)" I don't know who wrote this but I really like it.



If you had to live in poverty.

You'd be the wealthiest hobo ever  :P
I am the harbinger of the spicy rooster apocalypse,
I am the hydrogen bomb in a necktie,
I hold the flames of a thousand collapsed stars,
I am Bobracha!


Considering what passes as poverty in America nowadays, sure. That's a workable budget.

If you had to grin every waking moment for a month straight.

James Gryphon


If it was in 1¢ coins, and was delivered to your house by trucks and dumped off at the front porch?
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Heck no. 1¢ coins aren't used in Australia anymore, so they would be worthless.

If you had to chop off a finger for every 100,000 dollars you used.