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Imperial Navy Headquaters and Notice Board (RP)

Started by Hickory, May 23, 2016, 10:22:39 PM

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In short succession the rest of the fleet appeared over the moon. "The pirate base is on the other side of the planet," said Graw. "Intelligence suggests that their main fleet will be returning soon to resupply the base - we'll be here to ambush them. Disable engines, then shields, the target the weapon batteries. We'll be alone - no Star Destroyers here."

He was about to continue when an officer on the bridge caught his attention. "Sir, contacts!"

The windows showed a pirate fleet disengaging hyperdrives and entering realspace. "A little early captains, but it's still a fight! Engage all enemies immediately."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


The Officers of the Danticore, refreshed and ready for action, strode back onto the bridge just before the main fleet arrived in the system. Karstal gave a brief salute as Grizzle came out of his quarters and took a seat in the Captain's chair.
"Bardan, alert the engineers. Tell them to get this ship off the ground. Peterson, the rest of the fleet'll be here soon. Link us up with them."
The Accalamator's engines roared as the ship slowly rose off the ground. The "legs" retracted back into the hull as the ship blasted away from the planet, setting several trees aflame. The Danticore left Endor's atmosphere just before the pirate fleet arrived. When numerous ships blasted out of hyperspace between the Acclamator and the rest of the fleet, Grizzle chuckled.
"Looks like they overshot their jump a little. This'll almost be boring. Peterson, kill the engines. Gunnery Chief, focus proton torpedo fire on the engines before the pirates try and turn them away from us. Have turbolasers target any fighters or other ships that attack us. Once the engines are down, aim the ion cannons towards their shield generators. Any questions? No? Good."
The Danticore's weaponry began to flash, smaller ships bursting into flame. A large boom sounded from the Acclamator's proton torpedo tubes as twin balls of energy shot towards one of the larger, pirate ships; a repurposed, heavily armed Dynamic-class freighter that looked like it had seen better days. The freighter's crew had obviously noticed the Danticore behind them, turning to avoid it, but it was too late. One proton torpedo whizzed past the freighter, vaporizing a passing corvette. The other torpedo hit right on the mark, slamming straight into one of the freighter's engines. A huge explosion rocked the ship as the engines shut down.


OOC: Dynamic class is ancient, Groddil. ;)


The crew onboard the doomed freighter were already begun in to evacuate. The gunners had set everything to automatic as the rest of the crew hurried toward the escape pods. "Get the hell out!" Shouted the captain, shoving the crew forward. "Deploy all the life boats we've got!"

Small pods began shooting out from the underside of the freighter.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: Exactly. :P

BIC: The Danticore turned away from the burning freighter, a few turbolasers still focused on the escape pods. By the time the Acclamator had begun engaging another ship, a Nebulon-B class frigate, the few pods that were still intact disappeared into Endor's atmosphere. The frigate's turbolasers blasted away, bouncing harmlessly off the Danticore's shields. The ship's proton torpedo tubes flashed again, but both whizzed past the frigate into space. As the Danticore began reloading the torpedoes, a flaming TIE Fighter crashed into the ship's starboard side, destroying several turbolaser batteries.
"Captain! Hull breach in the Starboard Dormitory."
"Seal it off then! Get some men down there, and focus on destroying that frigate before it manages to fire on us."
The officer nodded as Officer Bardan called the engineers. The frigate had now managed to broadside the Danticore, firing numerous ion cannon blasts towards the acclamator. The Danticore's shields flickered and disappeared as the frigate turned its turbolasers on the ship. Numerous corvettes also seized the opportunity to unload upon the Danticore with everything they had. The acclamator shook dangerously, the bridge officers working furiously. The Danticore's shields re-activated as the proton torpedo tubes fired once more. One torpedo slammed into the side of the frigate while the other destroyed a nearby corvette. Shortly afterwards, after a fresh batch of laser fire, the frigate's burning wreckage listed towards the planet.


OOC: Seriously, a thing from around the Sith War would be scrap.

But it's cool.

BIC: "Danticore, flank to left. The Nix will take the right, and the rest of the fleet goes up the center."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


OOC: Exactly. They're pirates, they wouldn't have access to the Death Star or anything. I guess it makes sense that the Danticore destroyed it so easily.

Grizzle relayed orders to the bridge crew. Peterson swung the ship hard to the right, taking it past the pirate fleet to link up with the rest of the Imperials, on their left hand side. The ship began focusing its fire on the closest ship, a Venator-class cruiser.
"Officer Bardan, send a message to the Port Hangar crew. Tell them to activate one of the self-propelled cannons and have it aiming towards that cruiser. Karstal, bring up the Port Hangar security footage on my screens."
The crew did their allotted tasks, Grizzle's screens showing a self-propelled cannon sitting idly in the Port Hangar. The Hangar crew scattered as Bardan's voice rung out over the intercom.
"All Port Hangar crew, please vacate the Hangar. I repeat, all Port Hangar crew, please vacate the Hangar."
Several engineers pressurized the Hangar doors, sealing the cannon in by itself. One of the officers from the hangar entered the bridge, handing the cannon firing controls to Lieutenant Karstal. Grizzle nodded with satisfaction.
"Okay, Peterson. I need you to line up the Port Hangar with the Cruiser's Bridge. Gunnery chief, charge all ion cannons, ready them to fire on my mark. Karstal, press the fire button on that cannon when I say."
The Port Hangar feed popped onto Peterson's equipment as he changed the ship's course. The Danticore turned right slightly while the reverse thrusters sent her slowly away from the Imperial fleet. Peterson tapped out another set of instructions, freezing the ship in place. The Port Hangar feed now showed a field of glass beyond the hangar's protective barrier.
"Ion cannons, fire."
The gunnery chief pressed several buttons on the targeting system, causing the Acclamator's ion cannons to flash. After additional laser barrages, the cruiser's shields disappeared.
"Hangar control, disable the barrier and gravity stabilizing in the Port Hangar. Karstal, get ready to push that button."
The Hangar Feed showed the hangar's protective barrier dissipating. The self-propelled cannon, and a few loose TIE fighters that were abandoned on a moments notice, began floating slightly.
The lieutenant pushed the cannon's fire controls, causing a massive laser to burst out of the hangar and slam into the bridge of the pirate cruiser. Numerous TIE fighters seized the opportunity, also turning their guns on the Venator-class ship. The Danticore's crew went back to normal functions, restabilizing the port hangar, as the cruiser was rocked with numerous explosions.


"All ships, mop up any resistance and focus fire on the space station. This should be easy enough for now-"

Before the Admiral could continue, the screen fizzed out and his voice was lost to static. "We're being jammed, sir!" Reported the comms officer to Grizzle. "All contact with the fleet has been lost! Only short range ships could've caused this!"

Right on cue, five Rebellion-marked Marauder missile frigates showed up in scanners. "Missiles incoming, sir! They'll decimate the ship if we don't counter act now!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


"Divert all non-essential power to shields, but leave proton torpedoes and a few turbolasers usable. Fire torpedoes before they get more shots off, and target missiles with turbolasers. Oh, and the artillery in the port hangar? Re-arm it, get a battalion of stormtroopers and a pilot onto a transporter, and evacuate the port hangar bay. NOW!"
The bridge officers completed the orders much faster than previously, the very real threat of the frigates hovering over them. Bardan managed to get a wired communicator to the battalion on a transport.
"This is Captain Grizzle to Sergeant Tharnkor. Copy?"
"Copy that, Captain. Orders?"
"Have your pilot take the transporter towards one of the frigates. We'll keep the ships off  your back as the transporter docks with them. Blast down the doors and take over the ship. Then turn the missiles against the other ships. We won't be able to keep in contact until after the other four are destroyed and you turn off the jammers."
"Yes, sir."
The transporter zipped out of the hangar, headed straight for the Marauder on the far left. The Danticore's turbolasers and proton torpedoes filled the space between the ships, keeping the missile frigates from firing on the transporter. One of the torpedoes managed to hit a frigate's engines, engulfing it in flames. Grizzle waited until there was no chance of hitting the transporter before ordering Karstal to fire the artillery again. The lieutenant pushed the fire button, sending another huge laser towards one frigate, decimating its shields. Just as the Acclamator launched a proton torpedo towards the vulnerable ship, the others launched their missiles. Numerous explosions rocked the Danticore, sending Grizzle sprawling. Sparks flew from the ceiling as a small fire started in one corner of the bridge. One of the officers quickly contained the blaze as Grizzle sat back down. Two down, three to go. Grizzle took the artillery controls from Karstal and messed around with the movement controls.
"Peterson, move us closer to those frigates. Make sure the Port Hangar is right up against them."
"Yes, Captain."
"Good. I want the hangar barrier disabled on my mark."
Peterson edged the Danticore further to the left, until it was practically touching the frigates. Grizzle pressed the "forward" button on the artillery controls, sending it rumbling along the hangar floor. It was just about to touch the barrier when the officer in charge of the hangar flicked a switch and disabled the barrier and gravity stabilizing. Still propelled by momentum, the cannon floated out of the Acclamator into the midst of the frigates. It fired again, disabling the shields of one of the Marauders.
"Peterson, get us away from the frigates. Gunnery Chief, fire proton torpedoes at the artillery."
Peterson pressed several buttons on his equipment, the Danticore shooting away from the Rebel ships. One of the proton torpedo tubes flashed, sending a projectile towards the frigates. It slammed into the cannon, detonating it in a massive explosion. Two of the frigates, including the one with shields disabled, had managed to evade the cannon, but one was still caught in the blast. It burst into flames in numerous places, but still seemed to be in working order.
"Okay, divert all power to shields. Now we just have to wait thi-"
Grizzle was silenced as yet another missile slammed into the ship, sending him sprawling on the floor again.


Meanwhile, the transporter had attached itself to the side of one frigate, which could not seem to shake it off. Two stormtroopers were sawing away at the frigate's airlock door with laser cutters as they had been for several minutes now. Behind them, the rest of the troops and the pilot brandished weapons menacingly. As the cutters finished their work, the troopers picked up their blasters and kicked the charred remains of the door inwards. They had breached the frigate, now they just had to take over.


The missile frigate on the far end of the line was blown up as the Subjugator unloaded into it. The static stopped as Graw's face reappeared. "That must've been the ship jamming us. Danticore, finish off yours. The fleet will sweep the remains of the system for any survivors. I'd say this is a successful battle."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


On the frigate, the stormtroopers had managed to overwhelm the rebel defenders. Most of the frigate's crew had just been officers or pilots with a smattering of blasters between them, nothing capable of standing up to a full battalion of Imperial troops. They quickly managed to take over the ship, executing all of the crew. Soon, the Imperial Pilot had taken over the ship, turning the missiles towards the last remaining Frigate. After several blasts of the Danticore's ion cannons to disable shields, the missiles tore through the frigate like paper. The newly-captured frigate flew back towards the Danticore, managing to land in the hangar. It might come in handy...After a brief celebration, Peterson steered the Acclamator back to the rest of the fleet to join in the sweep operation.


OOC: Timeskip.

BIC: After the completion of the sweep, the fleet returned to orbit around Corulag. "Excellent job, captains," said Graw at the debriefing. "The appearance of Rebel ships in the system was an interesting event. However, you handled the situation well. Our next orders are to raid the only possible Rebel base responsible - Polus. The place was reduced to rubble after a cataclysmic collision, leaving only an asteroid field. Lord Vader himself gave us our orders: Take a fleet there, decimate the Rebels.

"To stop any ships from escaping, we've been provided with an Interdictor cruiser, equipped with gravity wells. Gravity wells stop any ship from entering hyperspace close to the source. Having an Interdictor online during the attack will prevent the Rebels from retreating. Naturally, we need a captain... and I know just the person."

Turning to face Grizzle, the Admiral gave him a small wink, uncharacteristic of the older man. He pulled a code cylinder out of his shirt pocket. "Captain, these codes will allow you access to this ship. It's factory-fresh, so I would advise against doing anything drastic. Get to your ships, we'll be launching the attack very soon."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Grizzle took the code cylinder with a nod, dispersing amongst the other captains. He made a short stop over at the Danticore's dock to pick up Peterson, Bardan, and Karstal, before boarding the new Interdictor. Some time later, the ship had taken off and was the first to jump into hyperspace, followed shortly by the rest of the fleet.


Several hours later, the Interdictor jumped out of hyperspace near the asteroid field that was once Polus, followed by the majority of the Imperial fleet. The slower ships were quickly pulled back into realspace as the ship's crew fired up the Interdiction field. Grizzle stood up and addressed the officers.
"Okay, here are our orders. This ship's purpose is simple. We keep the Interdiction field online at all times to prevent the Rebels from getting away. We won't be on the frontlines as such, but if the Rebels have any brains, they'll try to take us out so they can retreat. We cannot let that happen. If any ships get near us, turn them into rubble."
The bridge crew nodded, powering up weapons systems as the rest of the fleet began to assault the asteroid field.


The Rebel fleet was much larger than a few Marauders. Rebellion snubfighters weaved I a me out of Assault Frigates, Nebulons, and corvettes. Satellite defenses opened fire on the Imperial fleet as the Interdictor started up its gravity well. "Spinning up Missile Jammers, sir!" Said the weapons officer.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


As the missile jammers spun up, a nearby Marauder fired a missile towards the Interdictor, but spiraled out of control, slamming into a nearby corvette.
"Not a moment too soon, either. Looks like the Rebels know they need to take us out. Keep weapons ready, don't let any other ships get too close to us."
The star destroyer's gunnery chief began sending orders to the turbolaser operators, a few stray rebel ships being obliterated easily. Most of them were just smaller ships that had managed to get past the main fleet, but Grizzle was momentarily shocked when a large cruiser was pulled out of hyperspace by the Interdiction field, right behind them.
"Peterson! Get us away from that cruiser!"


OOC: I'll do Peterson here.

BIC: "Yessir!" said Peterson, guiding the ship away from the threat of the large cruiser. "The gravity well is losing power from the movement, sir!" said the chief engineer. "If we speed up any more we'll lose control entirely!"


"Commander, we've got an opening!"

The Rebel commander looked back from the window at the nav officer. "Take it! Place us on a course for Sullust, we can land there."

"Copy, sir!"

The officer entered the preset coordinates and prepared for the jump.

On the Imperial side of the battlefield Graw watched as the ship began elongating into hyperspace. "Captain Grizzle, what's going on?"

Before the captain could give a response the chief engineer shouted a report. "Gravity wells returning to strength, sir!"

"What's going on, nav?" said the Rebel commander.

"There's a problem with the hyperdrive, sir," said the officer. "I think the Interdictor is going back online -"

With a screech of metal that was heard only inside the ship, the power of the half activated hyperdrive and the gravity well tore the command ship apart. The hyper matter fuel exploded, sending a flash of light across the battlefield.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.