
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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What's Happening?

Started by Skyblade, June 05, 2016, 06:53:48 PM

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The travelers had arrived at the mountain just as the sun was setting. An older looking hare by the name of Jenkins S. Soleworth, had greeted them and told them that the Badger Lord would be unable to see them that night but that they could meet him in the morning. In the mean time they where shown to the mess where they participated in a rather rowdy meal. Faiyloe found it all quite fun but also rather overwhelming, for a long time she just sat and ate in silence. Nodding and giving polite responses of acknowledgment when she was spoken to. At the end of the meal she offered to help clear the table and she got to talking about the fine points of storytelling with a hare who she never caught the name of. They talked for several hours in the empty mess hall before she realized how late it was and was shown to a small room on the west side that overlooked the ocean.

Now it was morning and she didn't wan't to get out of bed, the blankets where warm, and there was still the lingerings of a dream that she wanted to hang on to for as long as possible.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Rosie Willowwater

OOC: Sorry for how late this is :P

Group 3 - Salamandastron

BIC: A young hedgehog rolled around in the sand, ignoring the chatter she heard around her until the heat of the sun hit her and she opened her eyes. Rolling over, she stood up and wiped the sand off of her fur. Wait, fur? This isn't normal. Is it? She started looking around to see where she was, and seeing she was alone she started running about in the hopes of finding someone to help her get her to safety. Wherever that was.


After an hour of running, she came across a large mountain. With nowhere else to go, she started climbing.

OOC: Sorry for the ignorance to the books :P But is the door to salamandastron at the top or the bottom?


Amongst the creatures lying near Sandpaw, Groddil was nowhere to be seen. When Kitsune had returned with Wylder and the rat, the fox refused to work with him. As a result, he ignored the construction of the shelter and stole off into the woodlands once the others had fallen asleep. Now, as the sun was rising, Groddil chuckled. Once more, he was breakfasting on a fish, a fire burning into coals in one nook of the comfortable cave he had found. If he was to live in the woods, this was the place to do it! Seeing no reason to properly get up, the fox rearranged the rock pile in the cave's entrance, disguising the way in. He threw his last fish onto the fire and settled down for another nap.


OOC: @Rosie: The entrance is at the base of the mountain, though if you wan't you could probably climb in through Faiy's window.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Rosie Willowwater

OOC: Okay I'll try that :)

BIC: As she climbed, the hedgehog tried to remember anything she could about herself and her surroundings. All she remembered was a weird name, Rosie. Accepting that as her name until proven otherwise, she climbed higher, trying not to be noticed by anyone. She saw a window to a room she thought was empty, or at least the occupant was asleep. She jumped in looking around for anything to help her situation.


Faiyloe heard something at the window and then a thump of something coming in. She sat bolt upright and was faced with a strange hedghog climbing through her bedroom window. She leaped out of bed and ran out off the room slamming the door behind her. She felt the knob for a lock but didn't find any so instead she just held the door closed.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Rosie Willowwater

Rosie started when the otter ran out of the room looking frightened and startled. "Wait!" she called after in the hopes that the otter was still there "I don't mean you any harm, I thought this room was empty. I would never intrude on someone like that on purpose" She sat down on the floor, exhausted from the climb, and her mind started racing with what the otter must think of her, barging into her room in the middle of the night and she didn't even know her.


Faiyloe slowly opened the door a peered through. "Why where you climbing through any window at all? There is a door you know." She looked the hedge hog over and now that she got a better look she saw she was actually quite young. She didn't seem all that dangerous either. In fact she seemed almost familiar.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Rosie Willowwater

"Well, I didn't wan't to wake anyone up, and I wanted to get out of here as soon as I can" She got up and walked towards the otter to get a better look at her. She looked a few years older than herself but still friendly all the same. "Do you know what this place is called?"


The infirmary squirrel looked here and there for Galli and Ash. Finding one and/or the other, she said:

"Skyblade wishes to speak to you. I'll give you a few minutes."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

"Oh! Thank you," She grinned at the squirrel and entered the room.
"Yo! Sky, how ya doin'?"
im gay!!!!!!


"I'm okay, you?" Skyblade sat up, one paw on the map and the other on her head. "Galli, I've been thinking, and I decided to go find Loamhedge Abbey. I won't lie. It's a far and dangerous journey. But we have a map." With a deep breath, Skyblade went on, "I just don't know what other choice I have. I have a strong feeling Loamhedge Abbey can help us, and while feelings aren't reliable, this is my only hint. You can come with me or whatever you want, but I am going even if I have to do it myself."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Faiyloe gave a bemused smile and shook her head "Well that is one way of doing it... This is Salamandastron... I'm Faiyloe," She added. Some how she felt that was important.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

LT Sandpaw

 It didn't take long for Sandpaw to notice that the fox Groddil wasn't sleeping with the others. If he remembered correctly he hadn't even aided with their endeavor to construct the shelter, he must have snuck off, either in shame or malice. Sandpaw didn't really care which. And he wasn't about to hang around here for the fox to work up his courage to kill them all.

Standing up Sandpaw shimmied over to the sleeping mouse and unbuckled the mouse's sword strapping it around his own waist. He had to loosen it a bit, but it fit all the same. Satisfied he hadn't woken anybeast up Sandpaw stole out from under the shelter, following the creek downstream.

His stomach growled uncomfortably as he padded on, so he snacked occasionally on berries that he found. He hadn't wanted to find Groddil at all, but his nose led him to Groddil's cave. He caught a tiny whiff of smoke, something his old nose would never have picked up... His old nose? Ridiculous he could always smell this well. He slunk along on all fours inhaling deeply as he traversed the forested landscape, his paws snapping twigs as he went. His sharp eyes soon spotted a slight fault in a pile of rocks, blocking what could only be a cave entrance.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

Rosie Willowwater

"Salamandastron eh? Weird name." She stuck out her hand towards Faiyloe "I'm Rosie, or at least I think I am. I don't remember much of anything really"