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Started by Skyblade, June 05, 2016, 06:53:48 PM

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The Skarzs

OOC: Sounds good. Faiy and I are certainly still interested in this. . . Perhaps, if there aren't any huge plans for meet-ups, the groups can all find their ways home separately, and continue on at their own pace without worrying about the other groups' times.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Aimless Gallivanter

OOC: maybe I can reappear with you guys ;D though I'd hate to be a third wheel ;)
im gay!!!!!!


OOC: I wasn't on the forum this week :P

BIC: "Aimless Gallivanter" should have been Skyblade's name, because wandering uselessly was what she had been doing for the past hour. Around and around she went, looking for some sort of light to shed on her questions.

Finding Galli wherever she was, Skyblade approached. "I was talking to the Recorder earlier, and he showed me some maps. Is it just me, or does a place called "Loamhedge Abbey" ring a bell?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

OOC: welcome back! But if you're Aimless Gallivanter, and I'm Aimless Gallivanter, then who's flying the plane??

BIC: "It- um, yeah that seems... familiar somehow." Her face scrunched up in confusion. "But I can't...connect a place to the name. I- I don't know... I'm sorry, I don't know." She shook her head, distressed.
im gay!!!!!!


OOC: Thanks! ;D

Skyblade gave a beastlike groan. "Ugh, sorry." The badger put her paws on her head. "I'm just hearing this weird music..."

It was a lovely melody, actually, but the problem was that she had no idea what it was or how she knew it. She tried to remember the lyrics but realized it didn't have any.

"Weird. I guess it's an old song I knew. Anyway..." Skyblade narrowed her eyes. "I don't think Loamhedge Abbey is something to be ignore; at least, I feel we need to do something with it. Maybe we just need to find out more about it, somehow."

Quote from: Skarzs on July 02, 2016, 04:13:03 AM
OOC: Sounds good. Faiy and I are certainly still interested in this. . . Perhaps, if there aren't any huge plans for meet-ups, the groups can all find their ways home separately, and continue on at their own pace without worrying about the other groups' times.

OOC: This does sound like a good back-up plan; thank you, Skar :)

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Dotti Dillworthy

OOC: I'm finally back, trying to get back on track!

BIC: Fearing that the shrew would try to take advantage on her, Dotti stole away from her side as quickly as her footpaws could, darting herself with the craggy rocks that stood against the crashing waves. Her speed progressed from rock to rock trying to look for shelter, until she bumped against another creature, a cougar.

The haremaid found herself staring at the cougar who in turn stared back at her with contempt. She drew back in shame and made a low bow. "Sorry to offend ya, sah, but I am as blinkin' lost as a seashell. I'm lookin' for some place to stay and make myself at home, wot!"

Aimless Gallivanter

Galli cocked her head, but she couldn't hear anything.

"Did you ask the recorder about Loamhedge? The Dibbuns informed me he and the Abbot 'knew alla things 'bout ev'ything'." She smirked.
im gay!!!!!!


"Ah, yes. It was the home of Abbess Germaine or whatever her name was..." Skyblade scratched her furry head. "That doesn't ring a bell, though; only the actual place does. Do you you think someone there might be able to help us?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

Galli considered this, then shrugged. "It might be worth a shot. I'd like to check it out. Is it far?"
im gay!!!!!!


OOC: I'm going to be gone this week, possibly longer, so let's just say Sky went somewhere else :P

BIC: Skyblade gave her the map. "Can you excuse me for a moment? I need to think."

The badger was confused - well, more confused than before. Not only was this strange melody encircling her head, but so were other things...faint things, things she couldn't quite grasp. Skyblade walked around the ramparts, alone, pausing to gaze at the Mossflower Woods stretching before her. The young beast closed her eyes, letting her thoughts overtake her.

"Sky! Sky!" someone called the name she knew was not hers. Now the badger held sonething in her, these were not paws...they felt different. Lighter. More flexible.

She was holding some type of long, thin pipe at a sideways angle, blowing into it, and she realized that the melody was coming from her...she was the one making the music...Things flashed before her: a medal, a speech. Her head felt heavy. A wave of emotions both good and bad swept over the badger.

A troublemaking Dibbun wandering the ramparts stopped when he saw the strangest thing: a badger lying on the floor and rolling slightly, holding her head. Eventually, she fell unconscious. The infant squirrel blinked and stood there, wondering what type of silly thing he could do on a sleeping beast.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

Aimless Gallivanter

OOC: sounds good Sky! See ya!

BIC: Galli accepted the map and watched the badger wander away, concerned. Once Sky was out of sight, she turned her attention to the map, studying it. To her surprise, Loamhedge seemed to be quite a distance from their location. It would be quite a trip. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became at the thought of taking on such an adventure. It was her only lead to finding out anything about herself. She wondered how she came to be lost with no memories so far from the only thing that seemed familiar to her, and how both the badgers she'd met in the woods also had some connection to the place. Oh, that's right, what had happened to @Lord Ashenwyte ? She set off in search of him.
im gay!!!!!!

Lady Ashenwyte

      Ashenwyte had gone to the Kitchens, for he was famished. The badger, having eaten his fill and then some, walked out to the Orchard and under the shade of an apple tree, rested for a while, before going to the gatehouse, to get a map of some sort. On the way, he bumped into a mouse, whom he recognised to be one of the beasts he met at the Gates.
                                                                                                             "I'm sorry! You are Galli, are you not?" He asked her.

OOC: I'm sorry for not posting so long. Also, is this PPing?
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

Aimless Gallivanter

OOC: what's PPing? Also, I'm a mouse, not a squirrel ^^;

BIC: "OH! Hey there, yeah, I'm Galli. You're Lord Ashenwyte right? Say, do you know anything about Loamhedge Abbey? Here, I can show you on this map..." She did her best to keep it unrolled and point at Loamhedge and show it to the badger all it once. She had quite a bit of trouble with it.
im gay!!!!!!

Lady Ashenwyte

OOC: Fixed. Powerplaying is something that you make other characters do without permission from their player, like if Character A stabs Character B without permission from Character B's players, that's Powerplaying.

"Yes, I am. The term, again, seems oddly familiar to me, but I swear I've never heard it before." He said.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.

Aimless Gallivanter

OOC: Oh nah youre cool.

Galli got excited, and started babbling."Yo, no way! Me and Sky thought the same thing! I think we should go check the place out, but it's so far away. We'd need all kinds of supplies and things. What do you think? Would you want to check it out? I think Sky wanted to too, but I dunno where she went off to."
im gay!!!!!!