
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Survive the Crimson Sunrise I

Started by Fatch of Southsward, June 15, 2016, 03:06:53 PM

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Kyle stopping halfway to grabbing his handgun, but instead grabbing a handled disc next to the holster. He cradled it in his hand behind his back, waiting for an oppurtunity.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

Plunging his hand into his pocket Antonio drew out a vial, holding it towards Byurn, consequently allowing Squire fall to the ground. "Here, is this what you want?" He asked pulling back his hand and hurling it away, the vial landed several yards away disappearing into the dark mud.
"Why don't you go...Go.... Grab it?" He smirked raising his rifle to point at Squire's head. "Or are you going to blow us all up." Twisting his head toward Eul he whispered to her, hoping it was quiet enough so that Byurn couldn't hear. "Move back, get... Get... Move out of the blast range. Then pop him, you can right?"

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Delthion nodded and began to cut his way mercilessly through the undead horde, killing several of them before retreating to catch his breath and let Jason take care of them for a minute or two. Then Delthion went back to killing them, making sure that he was out of reach of the zombies.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


While Delthion was catching his breath, Jason had flicked the rifle back into three-round burst and continued blowing away the zombies. A few nearby zombies, close enough to hear the quiet shots, rambled over, but were quickly put down. Eventually, the two survivors had dealt with most of them. Jason set aside his rifle and drew his knife to finish off the rest of the undead.


Eul gave a small nod, then slowly started going backwards. She looked around, maybe there would be something to help get her group out without anyone getting hurt other than Byurn. Her gun was raised and she was ready to shoot Byurn if she had to.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Fatch of Southsward

Group 1:

Squire lay face down in the mud, unable to pick himself up from loss of blood. He made small choking noises as he began to drown in the mud.

Byurn laughed when Eul pointed her gun at him. He stepped forward and wrapped up Antonio in a tight hug.

"Going to shoot me, eh? Drop the gun, go pick up that vial and bring it to me. Try anything and poor Andy here gets it!"

He brought his mouth very close to Antonio's ear : "If that vial is lost, you will pay dearly for it. I promise you that."

Group 2:

The zombies were taken care of, but the rumbling sound of a military vehicle could be heard. The Knight's truck rumbled by, and Jason and Delthion could make out several figures in military camo in the back. They were laughing and joking. It was clear why they were called the Knights - several of them were on horseback behind the truck, and all of them wore leather armor. They were heading East.
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


Eul slowly placed the gun on the ground, then stood up and made her way towards the vial behind Byrurn without a word. She started walking towards Byurn, then dropped the vial and tightly wrapped her hand around Byurn's grenade hand while slamming her elbow into his neck several times.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Fatch of Southsward

Byurn was shocked by the seemingly gentle girl's violent actions, but he was a seasoned survivor who had been through many a tough situation. He had been in scraps before, and he had no intention of being bested by someone he had initially judged to be the weakest of the group.

Roaring angrily, he used his free hand to grab Eul's elbow, stopping the dangerous neck blows. He bit down angrily on the closest thing he could reach. As he was holding Eul's elbow, that happened to be her hand. She yelled and drew her hand back - the ring finger on her left hand had been bitten off!

His actions caused him to lose hold of Antonio.
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~

LT Sandpaw

Taking advantage of Eul's sudden attack Antonio launched his own; kneeing the man several times in the stomach, and grappling to hold him still. "Keep ahold of that grenade, don't let it go off!" He shouted to Eul as he fought to secure Byurn's free hand. He snagged his combat knife, wrapping his fingers around the hilt. Bursting the clip that held it in place Antonio raised the blade. His actions fueled by adrenaline, he stabbed wildly towards Byurn's abdomen.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Kyle held the disc out while he pointed his handgun at Tyler. "Raise your hand!" he shouted to Eul. He flicked a switch on the disc, sending out a strong magnetic signal that violently pushed the grenade away, so it exploded harmlessly away from the group.

OOC: Hope that's okay. :P
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Fatch of Southsward

Byurn fell to the ground, clutching his stomach, where Antonio's knife had done its work.

He lay on his back, face up, but only a smile could be seen on his face.

"Ahhh, you don't know how good you got it here. Ain't nuthin' out there for you. You've ruined the only hope you" - he coughed hollowly - "could have had. You're going to die out there."

He laughed, and his voice sounded scratchy and hoarse. He turned his gaze directly to Eul.

"You're their leader. Go on then! Let the sheep out of the pen. Go out into the land of the wolves. Lets see how good that does you. These two sheep here may not know you, but I know you Eul. You may act all kind and friendly, but on the inside, where it counts, you're just like me. Just like me. Hahahaaa."

He spread his arms wide - exposing his already damaged body. "Now's your chance. Kill me, take my place as the wolf. I am unarmed. Nothin' to stop you. You can rule this new world. It always falls to people like us to lead. People like me. People like you. People like Jason."

"Don't let nothin' get in your way. Not me, not them" - he nodded sideways to Kyle and Antonio. "That's why you gotta kill me."

OOC: Byurn just perceives Eul as the most threatening. This does not mean only she can kill Byurn. It is up to each of you to decide.
~ The best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it ~


Kyle grabbed Eul's arm to stop her from pulling a weapon. "Let him bleed out," he said, glancing back at Antonio. "We couldn't save him anyway, and he deserves a painful death..."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Eul clenched her jaw, having held her hand up as Kyle told her, she used her free hand to tear a piece of cloth off her hoodie sleeve and wrap it around her hand, where her finger was missing. She struggled to remain calm, having a hard time processing the situation as she answered. "No. I'm not like you," she said, her voice tight with pain. "People like you... they never pull through to the end." She pulled away from Kyle and picked her gun up, pointing it directly at Byurn. She hesitated, then lowered the gun. Painfully, she picked herself up off the ground. "Come on, let's go."
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Kyle hefted his rifle. "Good choice. Where to? I'd like to think that those Knights are a viable option. An enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

OOC: Last post for the night.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.